Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Francis Is ‘Destroying The foundations Of Faith And Morals’...

 Is the title of my article an attack on Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome?

Will someone say that I'm showing disrespect for the Vicar of Christ (a title that Bergoglio has rejected!)? 

And does my title also indicate that I feel that he, Bergoglio, is an anti-pope serving the father of lies and death, Satan, rather than Christ, his true Master?

I will answer those questions by showing that many prominent, well educated in the affairs and teachings of the Magisterium, are recognizing the debacle of the current pontificate since 2013 when Bergoglio (Francis) ascended to the throne of St. Peter -- the Rock upon which Christ our Lord established and built His Church...

It is also apparent that the extreme crises that prevails in the novus ordo church is, without a doubt, the worst since the Arian heresy of the Fourth and early Fifth Centuries.

And why is it that the "good" bishops and cardinals have taken little action to correct such an errant pope?  

One possible answer might be the fact that Bergoglio has appointed -- and promoted -- a majority of the current college of cardinals!  So, who is going to bite the hand that feeds them?  A quid pro quo situation, no doubt...

Remember too, that several years ago -- it has been about four or five years now -- four faithful cardinals of the church, including Cardinal Burke, wrote a Dubia and sent it to Bergoglio seeking clarification of his writings and statements that contradicted perennial church teachings of the last 2,000 years. 

That Dubia was never answered -- there was dead silence from Bergoglio.  

It should be noted that two of those four cardinals have gone to their Particular Judgment -- and, I hope, their reward... Perhaps now they know the answers of their once-dire concerns while they were on earth?

It should also be noted that the Pope is supposed to be the custodian and protector of the Deposit of Faith, not an innovator.  But the words and actions of Bergoglio prove just the opposite.  Hence, the errors, heresies and scandals of the past ten years of Bergoglio's reign have confused those less educated in matters of faith and morals and led those potential converts to abandon their intention to enter the church.   (This is in addition to the continuing mass exodus of novus ordo Catholics who have left the church from the timeframe of the revolution of the late 1960s to the present day.)

What I have written so far is not just my opinion... The following article digs into the real problems and concerns of faithful Catholics who love the Church and the Papacy -- as I do. (That is why I pray for the conversion of Francis, but not for any of his evil and wicked intentions that undermine the true Catholic Church.) 

From an article by renowned Catholic Professor, Dr. Josef Seifert, rebuking the cardinals of the church...

Renowned Catholic philosopher warns Pope Francis is 'destroying the foundations of faith and morals' - LifeSite (

Here is an excerpt from the article: "The Austrian professor specifically criticized the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” often referred to as the Abu Dhabi document, which Francis signed together with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar. The document states that “[t]he pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.”

Some may find this difficult reading, but the truth shall set us free!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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