Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Is it Possible That The 2024 Presidential Election Cycle May NOT Take Place?

  There are ominous signs that the 2024 presidential election may not take place!  Or if it does, it will be a slam dunk for the Demonrats, and Trump, DeSantis, Scott, Taylor Marshall, or anyone else on the right will find themselves out in the cold November air...

Why am I hypothesizing that such a -- potential -- event would or could take place?  

What are some of the ominous signs?

How about a "state of national emergency," or how about another "pandemic," or how about a cyber-attack attributed to Red Communist China and used as a pretext for World War III -- and an end to mankind as we know it?

Or, how about the fact that some of our major law enforcement agencies -- DOJ, FBI, DHS, etc. -- are so corrupt and biased that even if the enemies of America are staring these traitors right in the face, they will either ignore those facts, or dismiss them as right-wing conspiracy theories from the tin-foil-hat "nut jobs"?

Come to think of it, those agencies I just mentioned are the enemies of the American electorate!

Some recent movements give credulity to my claim that the 2024 election may not take place, or be so purposely mismanaged, that the Republican candidate, no matter how strong a showing, wouldn't stand a snow-ball's chance in hell of winning the Oval Office... 

Here are a couple of stories that insinuate that sinister forces are at work, that will create "a disruptive event"...

First, see this first short video from youtube.com:  (1641) Get Ready! Senators Given Satellite Phones for “Disruptive Event” That Will Take Out Communications - YouTube.

Is this why at least 50 senators have now been issued satellite phones -- at our expense??

The next story is from thegatewaypundit.comReport Confirms Dozens of Senators Are Being Issued Taxpayer-Funded Satellite Phones in Preparation for a "Disruptive Event" | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger.

What is going on here? 

How will this (planned) "disruptive event" manifest itself? 

What about the cell phones of the average American Joe?  Will our phones be knocked out or disrupted to such an extent to render them useless?

One more thing to consider...

Why have so many federal government agencies purchased so many weapons -- including automatic weapons, read: machineguns -- and ammunition over the last couple of years? 

Who are they preparing to fight?  

Pray for strength and honor -- we will shortly need plenty of it!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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