Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Whom Or What Will You Be Voting For In The 2024 Presidential Election, That Is, If The 2024 Presidential Election Actually Takes Place?

  Remember the TV programs: The Twilight Zone, or how about The Outer Limits, or One Step Beyond?

Unless you see the re-runs on YouTube, or Nick at Night, you won't know what I'm talking about...

But, if you are my age or older, then you probably have seen those shows, or at least know of them.  I admit, they didn't exactly inspire mental or spiritual enrichment, but provided some measure of escapism for a half-hour or so for certain age categories.

The stories they presented were either silly or just hard to believe that such could actually happen.  Though One Step Beyond claimed that the event(s) did, in fact, happen.  

Now what do those shows, broadcast in the 1950s and 1960s, have to do with the 2024 presidential elections and the candidates who have announced a run for the highest office in the land? 

Because, as those sometimes-bizarre stories were very hard to swallow, some of what the proposed candidates believe are even more bizarre than the science fiction presented on those shows!

First let me say, that it's not only the candidates, but also what they believe and stand for and what they claim they will implement if they win that office (that is, if the elections are fair and square with no shenanigans when it comes to counting the votes).

Second, it really doesn't matter if the candidate is from a state that is "blue," or "red," -- signifying liberal vs "conservative," what matters is the integrity or lack thereof of the candidates running for office.

To show the absurdity of the legislature of one particular "blue" state, and the lunacy of the hard Left -- and which proposals are now "laws" to the detriment of the citizens of the state of Minnesota -- I present the following...  

(The question begs: will the demonic forces responsible for the passage of these mostly un-natural "laws" spread like wildfire to other states, whether "blue" or "red"?)

I ask: what state is next?

From By June 6, 2023,,, Minnesota Insanity Is the Model of the 'America' Coming to Your State Soon...

(Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is a retired investment professional that has been writing about freedom and liberty matters, politics, and history for two decades. He is against all war and aggression, and against the state. He recently finished a collaboration with former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, and was a contributor to her new book, “When China Sneezes” From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Political-Economic Crisis.” Currently, he lives in Montana with his wife and son. Visit his website.

Copyright © Gary D. Barnett)

This is what happens when Christ is kicked out of the public sphere...

  • Established a “fundamental right” to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy;
  • Declared Minnesota a “refuge” for children seeking sex changes;
  • Passed the “Take Pride Act,” which will prohibit nonprofits that serve minors from discriminating based on “gender identity” in hiring practices;
  • Passed protections for women who travel to Minnesota for abortions;
  • Repealed protections for babies who survive abortions;
  • Stripped pregnancy resource centers of state funding;
  • Gutted reporting requirements for abortion facilities;
  • Expanded medical assistance to include abortion (taxpayer-funded abortion);
  • Repealed an informed consent law for abortion;
  • Legalized recreational marijuana use;
  • Increased government spending by 40 percent;
  • Raised the gas tax by indexing it to inflation;
  • Created a new delivery fee on all retail orders over $100;
  • Increased sales taxes and fees for vehicle purchases and registration;
  • Passed a metro-wide sales tax increase;
  • Enacted automatic voter registration;
  • Passed pre-registration for 16- and 17-year-olds;
  • Joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact;
  • Funded a study on ranked-choice voting;
  • Passed a bill to provide driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants;
  • Passed a bill to provide health care to illegal immigrants;
  • Restored the right to vote to violent felons who are on probation;
  • Created a commission to design a new state flag;
  • Replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day;
  • Declared Juneteenth a state holiday;
  • Raised the threshold for a political party to attain or maintain “major party” status from 5 percent to 8 percent beginning in the 2024 general election;
  • Passed a bill to require Minnesota’s electricity grid to be 100% carbon-free by 2040;
  • Banned so-called “conversion therapy;”
  • Passed two gun control bills, including a red-flag law and universal background checks;
  • Provided free college at state institutions to students in families with income under $80,000;
  • Passed a bill to provide free lunch and breakfast to all Minnesota students regardless of family income;
  • Increased spending on K-12 education by 10.2 percent;
  • Banned Native American mascots;
  • Raised fees for fishing, boating, and visiting state parks;
  • Created a hate speech database;
  • Banned no-knock warrants;
  • Created a program that will allow inmates who complete certain programming to serve just half of their prison sentences;
  • Created a state-run paid leave program that will raise taxes on employers and employees;
  • Established a new legal avenue for prosecutors to seek lower sentences;
  • Funded a new Office of Restorative Practices that will propose alternatives to incarceration for juveniles who commit serious crimes;
  • Commissioned a study on abolishing cash bail;
  • Created a new public database that will assign climate scores to large businesses;
  • Capped rebate checks at $260 per filer, with income limits, and down from the $1,000 initially proposed by Gov. Tim Walz.

Can you imagine one of these nut cases responsible for these gross laws running -- and winning! -- the Oval Office in 2024?  

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these anti-Christs and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapuan and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle... 

Gene DeLalla


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