Friday, June 30, 2023

Does The Pope Have The Authority (Power, He Has) To Limit Or Prohibit The Traditional Latin Mass Of The Ages???

 The short answer is no!  The pope does not have the authority to limit or prohibit the traditional Latin Mass of the ages...

He does have power -- a lot of (unbridled) power, but to use it to stamp out the TLM is an abuse of the power of the papacy.

Let us remember something essential: the pope is to be the guardian and protector of Tradition and the Deposit of Faith -- including the sacred liturgy -- and not an innovator! 

Those unfortunate souls -- not properly educated in their Catholic faith -- think that everything that the pope speaks about or writes, must be taken as gospel and followed to the letter, are dead wrong!  Such nonsense can and, in some cases, does lead to idolatry, pope-worship.

Such antics should be labeled as false obedience! 

For instance, how many realize that Bergoglio (pope Francis) changed the Our Father?  He actually chopped off the ending: but deliver us from evil...

I'm not kidding! 

Some time ago, while driving in my car, I was listening to a "Catholic" program on the radio...

As I continued to listen, the Our Father began... to my horror, when it came to: but deliver us from evil, those reciting the very prayer that our Lord taught the disciples, was not said.  It abruptly ended!  

At first, I thought it was an electronic glitch, but no, those reciting the prayer stopped dead in their tracks and failed to finish the prayer first mouthed by our Savior, 2,000 years ago!  

I was aghast!

Who in their right mind would follow such heresy?  Such lunacy?

This is just one horrible example of the abuse of power that Francis has used to destroy whatever is left of sacred Tradition in the novus ordo "church"... 

Sadly, there are many more examples that can be pointed to since 2013, when Bergoglio was installed as pope...

This brings me to the Traditional Latin Mass and the un-Catholic bishops that have taken the pope's lead in strangling the TLM in many dioceses across the U.S. and overseas as well...

Please read the following article from and written by Bishop Athanasius Schneider: The Prohibition of the Traditional Latin Mass is an Abuse of Ecclesiastical Power - OnePeterFive.

Of course, many novus ordo Catholics will immediately label the good bishop as being in schism, or disobedient to the pope. 

Not so!

Always keep in mind that the pope is a key proponent of the new world order and the religion of man, this is not an exaggeration, as can be seen by his own proclamations and writings.  In fact, if one reads closely, you will see that his most recent musings reflect, almost to the letter, the infamous Declaration of the Rights of Man -- the manifesto of the French Revolution of 1789-1793 and the accompanying reign of terror that slaughtered hundreds of Catholic clergy and faithful in the most heinous of ways!

So, the pope has the power, but not the authority to stifle and eradicate the TLM, period!  

This man must be resisted to the face!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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