Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Communists Are Running -- And Ruining -- Our Country!

  Right now, as I'm writing this, a House committee is questioning John Durham, author of the so-called Durham Report, and the results of that extensive, multi-year investigation into the corrupt "law enforcement" agencies who weaponized their resources to smear and demonize President Trump.  

Over the course of the last couple of days, I have watched and listened to the hard, radical left Demonrats smearing the reputation of Mr. Durham to the point of being sick to my stomach, while the Republicans on that committee have tried to get some of the truth out in the open much to the chagrin of the leftists on that committee...

But I also have to admit that, sadly, the results of that report were extremely disappointing. The bad guys, for the most part, have gotten away with their dastardly, treasonous crimes and will not face any prison time.  In other words, they're walking around scot-free, at least in this life, but I would suspect, not in the next!

After listening to those lying rats schilling for their corrupt buddies in the Oval Office, the FBI and the "Justice Department", as well as the Clintons, it is apparent to me that those stinkers are nothing but anti-American Marxists, hell-bent on destroying what is left of our freedoms and our yearning to hear the truth...

And, if anyone thinks that the upcoming 2024 presidential election cycle will be a fair and honest one, and will solve all our problems, think again... (See my article, Is it Possible That The 2024 Presidential Election Cycle May NOT Take Place?)

Will President Trump be treated fair and square?  No.  Why should he be, after seeing and hearing the damning information from those investigators being questioned by the House committee, and the track record of the deep state agitators trying to tear down our Republic, or what's left of it... 

The bottom line: the Durham Report failed in its directive to nail the bad guys and ensure that justice would be done -- it wasn't and won't be, and, unfortunately, you can take that to the bank! 

As I have said many times, we cannot look to any one politician or political party to be our savior... But look with open eyes and open ears to hear the charity calling us to our Lord -- the true Savior of all mankind!  Anything less, and we deceive ourselves into thinking that we can gain freedom -- and eternal salvation -- through our own merits and leave our good God out of the picture!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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