Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What Will Happen To An (Unrepentant) Joseph Biden When He Appears Before Christ At His Particular Judgement?

  Let me say right up front that I'm not subjectively judging Biden's immortal soul, but what I can -- and must do; and what we all have to do! -- is to objectively judge a person's words and actions, that is, if we are to properly function in the world in which we live.  

What cannot be denied is that the current installed (not elected!) occupant of the Oval Office is so thoroughly corrupt in so many ways, that it is almost impossible to trace all his illegal quid pro quo transactions over the decades while a senator, vice president and now as "president"...

What is astounding is that he and his crime family have -- so far -- gotten away with money schemes and pay-for-play political influence, death and mayhem, that would make the arch-criminal Al Capone envious of Biden's "success"... 

I said so far... 

As more damning information seems to surface on a daily basis, so much so, that no amount of coverup by the Marxist (Biden) media, can hide the fact of massive crimes spread, it seems, all across the entire Biden family, most especially, his drugged-out, disgraced son, "Hunter"...

So, what does the absolutely corrupt "department of justice" and the FBI do?  Why, they indict President Trump on trumped-up, baseless charges to keep him from running for president in 2024, while ignoring the obvious criminals staring them in the face.

(See my article here Is it Possible That The 2024 Presidential Election Cycle May NOT Take Place?)

Welcome to Amerika!

We are now worse than the most scandal-ridden, third-world, banana republic hellhole, where the idea of true justice no longer exists...

And, after taking all the apparent crimes into consideration, I haven't even touched on Biden's apostacy and sacrilege as a supposed "devout Catholic"... With his -- and other so-called Catholics -- radical support for the killing of the pre-born and the lunacy of pushing the sodomite agenda, the scandal and confusion has caused even the secular humanists to scratch their respective heads!

Think about this: Biden goes to church and receives the Holy Eucharist, while, objectively in a state of grievous (mortal) sin, not once, but time and time again!

St. Paul warns us about being guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ should we eat and drink unworthily!  In fact, he condemns those who do just that!  

But what the heck, one has to believe in the Real Presence in order to fear the anathema attached to the sin of sacrilege, so, it must be that Biden doesn't believe the fact the Christ comes to us in Holy Communion, right?  

I could go on and on, but one thing is for sure: if Biden and his "Catholic" cronies don't repent before they leave this earth, I fear that their Particular Judgment will be one of eternal terror!

The question begs: do they care??

Pray for the conversion of these miscreants and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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