Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Will The New "Sodom And Gomorrah" Be Limited To Two Cities, Or Will The Entire Country Face The -- JUST -- Wrath Of God?

  The most recent attacks committed against those good women -- nuns and sisters -- who follow Christ and His most Blessed Mother, was on full display because of the weak and fallen natures of the wealthy and elites who own and operate "sports" teams...

It seems that there is nothing sacred (from an old movie of the same name!), especially when it comes to the Catholic religion.

The sodomite lunatics that parade in some distorted garb of Catholic nuns and sisters have been making the rounds to sports and other facilities, catering to the base, animal nature of sports "fans" and others...

The other day, the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team hosted these pervert "sisters" to a half-empty stadium, while the real story were the thousands of protestors outside praying and showing their support for the reputation of good Catholic nuns and sisters... And, from what I've heard, there were even Protestants protesting with the Catholics!

 Of course, the real targets of those blasphemous "sisters" is the mocking of the Catholic Church, tradition, nuns, the Natural Law -- and Christ Himself!

Now why would Catholic nuns and sisters be the targets of these hate-filled bigots and not Jewish Rabbis or Muslim Imams? 

The answer is painfully obvious: the Catholic Church is the last stumbling block to the takeover of whatever is left of faith and morals in this increasingly secular, humanist, Marxist country -- and world for that matter.  Plus, the bad guys know they could get away with such disgusting displays, with only minimal pushback or condemnation by church hierarchy.  Having said that, some clergy and even a bishop or two, have taken to prayerful action and peaceful demonstrations to counter the diabolical...

But if we took this one step further, it would also be painfully obvious that the Anti-Defamation League would come to the rescue of the Jews, as well as other rights organizations raising holy hell.  In fact, it would be the death-knell for the owners of these multi-hundred-million-dollar franchises...

And, when you come right down to it, it's the bottom line -- the wallet -- that really counts, not justice or the lack of it.  If that is the case, then the miscreants who host these filthy events, are shooting themselves in the foot!  As it is now said: go woke, go broke!

If we look at the bigger picture, the country and the world, are quickly slipping into the fiery abyss, with the sodomite agenda sweeping the landscape and capturing souls.

Satan and his minions are having a field-day, but even he knows that his end will come swiftly... 

The question is, when will this happen??

Our Lord told His Apostles that only the Father knows when the world will end, and the final judgment will come...

In the midst of this madness, we must be determined to keep our souls in a state of sanctifying grace and be willing to suffer at the very least, a white martyrdom for the sake of His Cross.

Always pray for the conversion of sinners and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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