Sunday, June 11, 2023

And Now: UFOs!

  Well, the anti-human scientists and big pharma ghouls didn't get their way in wiping out billions of the world's population -- however, the long-term effects of the deadly covid "vaccine" may just accomplish their diabolical goal in the long run...

So, now, lo and behold, instead of a new "pandemic," even the mainstream, Marxist media and their marionettes pulling the strings of a dumb-down John Q. Public, are reporting strange things being seen in the skies over the American landscape.

But not only that, apparently, big green "men" -- or should I say, aliens, and I'm not talking about those millions of illegals that have streamed across our porous, southern border, let in by the treasonous rats ruining our country, but those that have supposedly emerged from their otherworldly spacecrafts and frightened the local populace in various parts of the fruited plain! 

Even NASA and the Pentagon are admitting that "something" is going on but have not come right out and said what they're really thinking.

Each day, more reports and "sightings" are making the 6'oclock "news," filling the heads and scaring the heck of those who still wear face diapers and "social distance" when shopping at Walmart...

Not long ago, the former Fox "news" icon, Tucker Carlson, did at least one program on the UFO-alien phenomenon...

If Tucker did stories on this stuff, then it must have some validity to it, right?

And how about those former NASA, Air Force and Navy pilots reporting UFOs while flying in the Shuttle or some of our most sophisticated jet fighters?

Again, it must have some validity to it, they can't all be delusional, but can they be fooled?

Another massive phycological operation, or maybe the "covid" "vaccine" was another MK-ULTRA, mind-altering experiment to cause death, mayhem, confusion and fear?  Come to think of it, that's exactly what it did!  Mission accomplished!

If there are other-worldly aliens visiting planet earth, have they been redeemed by Christ, our Lord?  If not, then they can't have immortal souls destined to be with God.  If that's the case, then they're no better than jungle animals...

One more thought...

When you consider all this craziness, there is either something real or perhaps this is all another major distraction to keep our inquisitive minds occupied with the "non-essentials" -- like more bread and circuses -- instead of concentrating on the four last things

I think we should also keep one thing in mind that the devil is as smart as hell, and right now, he's having a field day with our weakened fallen natures, enticing us to grasp at any straw to give some meaning to our confused lives.  

Maybe I'm being too harsh here, but how many "Christians" have lost their faith and deserted our Lord to find "greener pastures," whether that be with drugs, lust, greed, pride, bizarre cults -- or "aliens," etc...?

Stay tuned!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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