Monday, April 3, 2023

If Fatima Is Not Fulfilled -- VERY SOON, Will This Happen???

 Actually, it is already happening, at least in its early stages... 

What is???

This: No More Double Standards and Impunity. West Provokes Russia. Result: Nukes in Belarus on NATO’s Borders

See this article from No More Double Standards and Impunity. West Provokes Russia. Result: Nukes in Belarus on NATO’s Borders — Strategic Culture (

(Copyright © Strategic Culture Foundation | Republishing is welcomed with reference to Strategic Culture online journal

The lunatic imperialists in the West, meaning the U.S. and its NATO "allies," are so blinded by their own arrogance and Godlessness, that they are risking -- now more than ever -- a nuclear conflagration that could very easily wipe out most of mankind, with the living envying the dead if such were to happen.

I have a question: why is the U.S. still in NATO???   And why is NATO still in existence???

I guess I could also ask: why is the "United Nations" still in existence???   And why is it headquartered in the heart of the dying, New York City???

What does one entity have to do with the other entities???


The U.S., the U.N. and NATO are arms of the diabolical to impose a one-world government on the lives of all humans, depriving a free people from owning personal property and prohibiting the exercise of our God-given rights under the Natural Law to worship our dear Lord the way He commanded us to do without interference from rogue bureaucrats determined to enslave you and I...

What I just wrote is in direct contradiction of perennial Catholic Church teaching, but that's what we're dealing with very little recourse...

I have to emphasize that as of this writing, we who fear the Lord, are not getting any help in this fight to live in a peaceful world, or attain the Beatific Vision, not from those who are currently holding the Oval Office hostage, nor from the hierarchy of the novus ordo church -- the one entity that should be screaming from the housetops -- what the authentic Catholic Church has always, and everywhere, taught and believed...

I know that I have digressed a wee bit, but all things are connected, one cannot separate what happens in the secular realm from that in the ecclesiastical realm.  There really is no such thing as the "separation of church and state," and the attempt to force that separation has led to the mess society -- and the novus ordo church -- is in today...

I'll now post an excerpt or two from the article...

Here is the first "bombshell": "The historic – and unacceptable – deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russia’s decision to place tactical nukes in Belarus. The Western outcry following Russia’s decision is absurd and hypocritical."

And this: "But the decision by Russia to install tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus (which Moscow would reportedly retain control over) was in response to the NATO move to supply its anti-Russian Kiev proxy with depleted uranium (DU) weapons. Britain announced last week that Challenger 2 battlefield tanks sent to Ukraine would be equipped with DU shells. It is understood that the United States is also ready to supply depleted uranium armor-piercing munitions to Ukraine with its Abrams tanks..."

Please read the entire article to get a good handle on the absolute stupidity and arrogance of the Western nations toward the Russian Bear -- and that Bear will not be intimidated one iota!

I ask: Who is old enough to remember the 1962 Cuban Missile crisis?  

I am...

My now-deceased brother was on an aircraft carrier at the time in the vicinity of communist Cuba, watching and waiting for orders from Washington.  In addition, other U.S. nuclear forces were on high alert...  Needless to say, my mom was on pins and needles not knowing what was going to happen to her son -- or to the world!

Those missiles were 90 miles from the islands of Florida and Washington would not tolerate their existence, period.  Should President Putin be more tolerant when NATO has nuclear missiles positioned near the border of Russia?   

Why should he be??

Finally, notice the date of this post: April 3, 2023... Two thousand years ago, our Lord's precious Body was lying in the tomb, and His glorious soul went to the Bossom of Abraham (descending into hell -- limbo) to preach the good news to the Just of the Old Testament...

The Bible also records our Lord's questioning: When the Son of Man returns, think He will find faith on earth???

I wonder that myself...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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