Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Power Of The Holy Rosary: A Personal Reflection...

  What I'm about to document actually happened somewhere around 18-20 years ago while my wife (Kathy) and I were parishioners of St. Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire.

We had convinced a couple to attend the Latin Mass at the Center... The gentleman was in the military and his wife worked at a third-party insurance firm, the same firm that was later to become my first major client for my commercial cleaning business.

They had two young sons at the time, in fact, Kathy and I were to become godparents to one of their sons!

For the sake of anonymity, I'll change the names of our friends to Martin and Laura.  And even though I'm using made up names, the story is as true today as it was nearly 20 years ago...

In those days, the Center had an elderly priest, Fr. Michael Jarecki -- a true son of Mary and a Slave of Her Immaculate Heart...

During the course of our relationship with our new friends, there arose a disagreement or dispute that put a strain on our friendship.  The actual reason for the dispute is of little consequence now, but it did lead to a certain coldness and silence between us.  

The intuitive Fr. Michael sensed that we had become somewhat distant with our friends, so he set up the meeting with Martin and Laura and asked us if we would meet at their house to pray the Rosary.   At first, there was hesitance with both parties involved and I was reluctant to do as the good Father asked. But he was insistent, in his own prudential way, so my wife and I relented and agreed to meet and pray the Rosary...

I have to say, that Fr. Michael had a very persuasive way about him, it was almost impossible to refuse his request, his charity -- and that's what it was: charity -- for the love of thy neighbor...

We drove to the home of our acquaintances and Fr. Michael arrived shortly thereafter...

We all knelt down in their living room facing a statue of our Lady...

After the Creed, Fr. Michael started the first decade and we made our responses as "normal" (though I could still feel that there was a lingering tension in the room, at least for my way of thinking)...

To be frank, I felt a little uncomfortable just being there...

But now came the "miracle"...

By the start of the second decade, the atmosphere in the room changed dramatically!

I could feel it...

We all "loosened up," so to speak...

My voice started to "crack" -- I was getting emotional, as I sensed others were as well...

Whatever our prior dispute was about, melted away like a snowball in July...

After the Rosary ended, we shook hands, did some hugging too -- plus, I can attest to the fact that there was a tear or two shed...

The Blessed Mother worked her "magic" once again...

I think Fr. Michael knew this would happen and he was spot on...

One last thought: Fr. Michael went home to his reward at the ripe old age of 95!!  

Never underestimate the power of the most Holy Rosary of our Blessed Mother -- Christ's Mom...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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