Thursday, March 16, 2023

Think This Can't Happen In The United States Of America?? Think Again!!!

  What?  Another conspiracy theory??

No, but another potential conspiracy that just might happen right here in the U.S. of A...

If we look at the current corrupt monstrosity known as the federal government -- being run by apostate "Catholics" and Marxists -- what is happening in Communist Red China to churchgoers, can very easily happen in the U.S...

Read this article from Let me add this: do not only read this article, but heed the damning information contained therein.   Know too, the 2018 deal from hell between the Red Chinese Communists and the treasonous officials in the Vatican has emboldened, not only the Reds, but also their puppet, Biden, holding our country hostage for the past two years!   

Why do you think Biden can claim -- and get away with!!! -- that he is a "devout Catholic," a la Nancy Pelosi -- another so-called "devout Catholic," is applauded by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and continue to receive the Holy Eucharist???   (I can only hope that the Holy Eucharist is not validly confected before it enters the hands (not placed on the tongue!) of these two barbarian baby killers.))

China’s new ‘Smart Religion’ app requires faithful to register to attend worship services | Catholic News Agency.

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article...

"ChinaAid, a U.S.-based Christian charity, reported March 6 that the religious department of the provincial government of Henan is rolling out a system whereby all believers must make online reservations before they can attend services in churches, mosques, or Buddhist temples."

And this: 

"The reservations are to be made through an app called “Smart Religion” developed by the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of Henan Province. According to ChinaAid, applicants must fill in personal information, including their name, phone number, government ID number, permanent residence, occupation, and date of birth before they can make a reservation. Those who are allowed into a place of worship must also have their temperature taken — suggesting the app may be related in some way to COVID-19 restrictions — and show a reservation code."

End of excerpts... It only gets worse from there...

So, I ask again: Think This Can't Happen In The United States Of America??   Think Again!!!

Pray for the defeat of these treasonous, modernist monsters and for strength and honor -- we will shortly need it!!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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