Monday, March 6, 2023

The New Mass Is A Protestant Service, Devastating Evidence And Testimony. It Was A Concoction Of A Freemason And His Protestant "Advisers"...

 Do we have the guts to face the truth?  

Do we remember what happened to our Lord when He spoke the Truth?

We see the results of Christ speaking the truth every time we look at a crucifix... 

Please watch and listen to the following video (it's about 40 minutes in duration) and judge for yourself what has happened to the sacred liturgy since 1965-69, right after the council and going forward to our present day in the novus ordo church.

(85) New Mass is a Protestant Service Evidence and Testimony - YouTube.

One more thing... it is said that the law of praying is the law of what and how we believe...

After watching the video, it would then make sense that nearly 75% of novus ordo "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence, or that somewhere between 70-85% of novus ordo "Catholics" think that contraception is okay, and the most horrific of all?  That a "Catholic" can still be in good standing in the church even if he or she supports the "right" to abortion -- or have had an abortion themselves!!!!  

There really is such a thing as the "great" apostasy... 

To Bishop Barron: there is no chance that most of mankind will be saved -- just the opposite!!!

There is no salvation outside the real Catholic Church!

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of the scourge of modernism -- the synthesis of all heresies -- that has infected the novus ordo church...

 Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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