Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Irony Of It All!!! The Continuing And Encouraged Celebration Of The (Protestant) Asbury "Revival," And The Attack And Stomping Out Of The CATHOLIC Traditional Latin Mass By The U.S. Bishops And Vatican Tyrants...

  I have a question: on whose side are these modernist monsters on???

Are they on the Catholic side?

The short answer: no.

Then on whose side are they on?  

The Protestant side?

In effect, yes.  But in the macro sense, they -- the tyrants in the U.S. and the Vatican -- are on the side of the new-world order and the one-world "religion" of man... '

That is the side they are on...

I'm sure you have heard of the "revival" that is "sweeping the nation," that began at the Asbury University, in Wilmore, Kentucky??

I ask: what spirit is behind this phenomenon?   

It is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Ghost??


(I will tell you now that it is not the Holy Ghost!)

To date, I have watched and listened to two supposed Catholic priests discoursing -- and actually preaching from the pulpit -- about this Protestant "revival"...

And what did they say about this movement?

Let me be as gentle as I can here...

First, both praised the "revival" as being from the spirit of God, a groundswell of both young and older folks seeking Jesus Christ

One priest even talked about some Catholics -- including priests! -- taking part in the thing!

(By the way, authentic Church teaching forbids any real, practicing Catholic from taking part in any Protestant prayer or other religious ceremony, period!  Sure, we can attend a Protestant wedding of a non-Catholic friend, but we cannot pray with or surrender or compromise what we believe as Catholics.  If one of the two getting married is a Protestant, and the other spouse-to-be is a fallen-away Catholic, then we cannot attend, if we did, then that would give credence to an invalid marriage, at least in the eyes of the Church.)

Second, and most disturbing, is the fact that neither Catholic priest called for the conversion of those Protestants taking part in the "revival" to come into the Catholic Church.  In fact, both continued to praise the movement without a hint that the Catholic Church is the one Ark of Salvation for all mankind!  In effect, these priests were confirming the Protestants in their Protestantism


Please keep in mind that one of the priests was speaking from the pulpit on Sunday Mass to his flock, dutifully sitting in the pews being scandalized by this modernist nonsense.

And with the failure to preach the Gospel as Christ commanded His Apostles, the hierarchy of the novus ordo church continue their dead-level best to stifle, restrict and ban the traditional Latin Mass of the ages -- and sacred Tradition! -- in order to conform to the new-world order, Christ-hating, globalist sycophants whose father is none other than Satan, the father of lies and murder...

Pope Saint Pius X, pray for us!  And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 





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