Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Is It Possible That There Really Are Demons Among Us??

  That question is not as far-fetched as it sounds...

If we look at the events around us, whether in the secular realm or in the ecclesiastical realm -- actually, we really can't separate the two -- one can easily come to that conclusion.

I also realize that most of us will never experience someone -- at least someone that appears to be a human -- with horns sticking out of his head and breathing fire when he opens his mouth, spewing evil and corruption.  But that doesn't mean that demons are not real or are not among us, because they are real and are among us!

You might consider my statement as mere opinion, but I believe that it's much more than that...

Okay, so now you're probably thinking: is this guy hiding in his closet wearing his tin-foil hat figuring out what's going to be the next silly thing to write on his blog???

The only thing I will admit to, is that I am not wearing a tin-foil hat, but I am in my little "closet" -- my tiny office, to be exact, here in my home in the "show me state" of Missouri!

Any practicing Catholic, and any God-fearing man or woman for that matter, would have to admit that those "elected" representatives as well as many in the hierarchy of the (novus ordo) church -- and in Protestant denominations as well -- are, in fact in cahoots with the demon (Satan) doing his dirty work to drag souls to hell, often, and in some very large numbers...  

In some cases, it is easy to recognize the intellectual possession by the devil of these, well, devils!  In other cases, we are faced with the insidious, but very subtle words and actions of these sly workers of iniquity adorned with the raiment of a businessman/woman or clergy... (I'm specifically leaving out used car salesmen and lawyers because of the obvious categories into which these miscreants fall!)   

There is not a day that goes by that is absent of the barbaric actions of some of the most egregious enemies of life -- and Christ, whether it exudes from the mouth of a dogcatcher, the president, or the handpicked successor of the current pope of the novus ordo church.

One thing is for certain: these demons have no honor, nor do they fear our JUST God!

For them, justice means nothing.  Hence, they will smear the upright and God-fearing to fulfill a diabolical agenda that stomps out life, and if they stomp out life, then, of course, there can be no liberty nor the pursuit of happiness... 

If we look at who or what is currently occupying the Oval Office, then look at who or what is currently occupying the Chair of St. Peter, you can get a good handle of the sad and treasonous state of affairs afflicting our nation and the world at large...

As I wrote at the beginning of my missive, you cannot separate the secular realm from the ecclesiastical realm, one influences the other for better or worse and I have to tell you that at the present time, it is for the worst.

So, how do we fight and defeat these demons?  

First -- and foremost -- is to achieve personal sanctification and that of our family, all else is secondary... 

Second, pray and sacrifice as much as we can according to our means, and state in life, and our chosen vocation.

Third -- and most important -- don't despair!  We know Who is in-charge and we know that in the end, good will triumph over evil -- it always does!  In fact, the Bible and Tradition tells us that the heel of the Immaculate Mother of our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary will crush the head of the evil One.  

(With that assurance we may be able to sleep a little easier at night, but then again, maybe not, if our corrupt politicians don't stop inching, or should I say, racing toward a world war -- a war that would end mankind as we know it... It is a good bet that if anyone does survive a nuclear exchange, the living will surely envy the dead!)

This is Lent, so let us try just a little bit harder to do penance and make some measure of sacrifice (fasting once in a while) at least a small part of our daily routine... It's the least we can do to help achieve our own personal sanctification -- and that of our families...

One last thing: what should we do if we do encounter a heavily, demonically inclined individual?

Invoke our Guardian Angel and/or St. Michael the Archangel, my personal favorite, and take a chance at convincing the bad guy to convert!  You may get mocked, but then again, if you plant that tiny mustard seed...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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