Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Most Evil And Wicked Enemies Of Christ Are Apostate "Catholics"!

  Here we are in the season of Lent -- just before Palm Sunday, recalling the Passion of our Lord.  And yet, it seems that those who claim to be Catholic and institutions of higher learning that claim to be Catholic, are some of the most abominable and egregious perpetrators of blasphemies and outright denial of the perennial teachings of the Magisterium of Holy Mother Church (the real Catholic Church, not the man-made concoction, novus ordo "church," that is).

It's as if these workers of iniquity just can't seem to help themselves, especially after they sell their souls to the Zeitgeist and the father of lies and murder, Satan.   

There are many examples of this that we have seen and heard, especially over the last several years with the likes of the demonic Biden, Pelosi and their automatically ex-communicated ilk, who continue to commit mortal sin after mortal sin by receiving the Holy Eucharist even after being admonished and forbidden to do so by the more orthodox bishops.   

One of the major problems here is that some of their brother bishops contend that the above named "Catholics" are in good standing and hence it is perfectly fine for them to keep receiving Communion.

So, which is it?

Who's right and who's wrong?

One observation that I will make takes me back to my childhood when mom or dad restricted me in some way as to where I could go to play or what foods I could shove in my mouth or forcing me to do my homework...  Of course, they put those restrictions on me because they knew better than I what was good or not good for me.

Basic "101" growing up pains you could say...

But when I was out on my own, yet still a kid, I sometimes did get away with some stupid things that could have gotten me in some moral, physical, or even spiritual trouble!  I have to admit that did happen...

In other words, when the cat's away, the mice will play...

What we have today is something a little different, in the sense that those who should know better -- because of their Catholic upbringing -- have apostatized from their precious faith and embraced power and position at the cost of their immortal souls.  

Sure, they may be able -- if they really wanted -- to repent on their respective death beds, that is, if they have the chance to do so.  But in most instances such folks die in their sins and are damned...

What's even worse, is that these miscreants pose a great scandal to those in their sphere of influence by using their enormous power of their office to corrupt instead of helping their neighbor to attain the beatific vision -- the goal of all righteous government.

This is especially true of institutions of higher learning...

This brings me to this unbelievable article from lifesitenews.com

Catholic university to host lecture by lesbian professor on ‘ending White Christian America’

(See the entire article here, written by Stephen Kokx: Catholic university to host lecture by lesbian professor on ‘ending White Christian America’ - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

The sad part about such lunacy is that many "Catholic" colleges and universities have fallen prey to those who reject the Natural Law, and, more importantly, Christ -- the very One that the school should be leading their students to, not away from!

Here is the very first sentence from the article: 

(LifeSiteNews) — Villanova University near Philadelphia is set to host a lecture by a black lesbian LGBT activist on “the end of white Christian America.”

And the last paragraph of the article: "Villanova is home to left-wing professor Massimo Faggioli, who teaches theology and religious studies. Faggioli routinely belittles Catholics who attend the Latin Mass and who resist the heterodox teachings of Pope Francis. In 2019, he labeled Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, and Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas “devout schismatics.” Dissident Jesuit priest ["]Fr.["] James Martin has also spoken at the school to promote his pro-LGBT book Building a Bridge."  (My brackets.)

Well, with "Catholic" universities like Villanova, who needs enemies?

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these modernist apostates!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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