Thursday, March 2, 2023

Finally, An Orthodox Bishop Calls A Spade A Heretical Spade!

 The continuing revolution in the Bergoglian novus ordo church is finally being called out for what it is: a massive heresy to destroy what is left of Tradition, Church teaching on sexual ethics and the traditional Latin Mass.

That is their number one goal, and, if these treasonous scoundrels are not stopped -- by the laity, or, perhaps, by the direct, divine intervention of the Holy Ghost Himself -- then the flock of Christ will have to re-enter the catacombs as our brothers and sisters did during the previous persecution of the pagan Roman emperors.

Any Catholic worth his salt knows that the pope has no authority whatsoever to abrogate a rite of Mass that has existed for at least 1,500 years and nurtured thousands of men, women and children to become Saints -- and martyrs.  The pope is supposed to be the guardian and protector of the Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Tradition -- and not an innovator!  

The hitmen in the corrupt, apostate Vatican are doing all they can to perpetuate a never-ending attack on those faithful Catholics who know that the sublime Mass of the ages (the TLM) is the ultimate way to worship the Blessed Trinity, in the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, and reject the novelty and banality of the so-called new mass concocted by a rogue and disgusting Freemason, "archbishop" Bugnini, with advice and input from his Protestant cohorts.

The second phase of the revolution has also been ongoing with many of the supposed successors of the Apostles, not only preaching a new "gospel," (condemned by St. Paul) but also attempting to water-down -- and change -- what the Church has always and everywhere believed and taught on faith and morals for the last 2,000 years...

With recent, radical, heterodox comments that directly contradict real Catholic Church teachings on the sin of Sodom, the reception of the Holy Eucharist, Christian marriage as well as female "ordination," by the likes of imposter "cardinals" McElroy, Hollerich, Marx and other nests of vipers, one American orthodox Catholic Bishop, Paprocki, of the diocese of Springfield, Illinois has used the "H"-word to describe these spiritually criminal actions and pronouncements: heresy!   

Further, the good bishop says what most others in the episcopate are too afraid to say: that such heretics are automatically excommunicated from the church!

Please read this article posted on lifesitenews.comBishop Paprocki accuses Cardinal McElroy of ‘heresy,’ says he may have excommunicated himself - LifeSite (

Pray for Bishop Paprocki and for the defeat of these heretical monsters!

Pray, too, for strength and honor; we will surely need it in the coming days...

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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