Monday, February 27, 2023

By The End Of This Lent, Will Traditional Latin Mass (Traditionalists) Catholics Suffer The Beginnings Of A White Martyrdom?

 And will this serious threat of a white martyrdom come from current events we see in the wars and rumors of wars which has led to Christian persecution in various parts of the world, especially Africa?

It is obvious that such has happened and will continue to happen, that is, if there is not a true conversion of hearts, minds and souls of those grievous sinners, especially of those who govern us in the secular realm -- and in the ecclesiastical realm.

So, whom should we fear the most, and where would a white martyrdom begin or come from?

The astute observer could easily answer the question by pointing out the words and actions of the current regime that occupies D.C., by the continued push for war with Russia over disputes with the corrupt Ukraine.  Sadly, there are far too many so-called "conservative" Republicans that have drunk the Kool-Ade and are all in for expanding the role of NATO to fight the Russian Bear...

This is a deadly, serious mistake...

Whether you love him or hate him, Putin will fight for his country. 

Wouldn't we if our soil was threatened by armed forces at our border, with the real threat of an all-out invasion???

So, the potential of a white martyrdom can, in fact, come from those maniacs that "govern" us, but what about those hierarchs in the novus ordo church?  What roll could they possibly play in forcing faithful Catholics to either stand up for Christ and the sacred liturgy, or give in to the enemies of His Church and accept the radical changes to the traditional Latin Mass or of the banning of the TLM altogether?

See the latest, short video from Dr. Stine from

(698) Venomous Heretics Jubilantly Celebrate Francis' Latest Wicked Act - YouTube.

As each day passes, there is a clear and present danger to the continued existence of the TLM -- and tradition itself! -- from those in charge of guiding the flock to Christ, our Lord...  

But how on earth can this be??

On the one hand, I am personally disheartened at the prospect of having to fight the bishops, cardinals and even the pope, in order to preserve my family's attendance at our beautiful TLM in Kansas City, Missouri... 

On the other hand, I can almost understand the actions of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio... 

How so?  

Let's face it, we are being chastised for two reasons: one, because we take our faith for granted with a cavalier attitude that it can never be taken away from us, and two, many, if not most Catholics today do not believe in the dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, period.

If there was salvation outside the Church, why did many of our Saints suffer cruel torture and death for Christ?

Were they wrong -- was Christ wrong????

It is now apparent that Pope Francis is the instrument of that chastisement...  Another example of the Lord working in strange ways to bring a good out of a horrific evil!

Catholicism has been watered down to the extent and degree that most Catholics think that the Catholic religion is just one of many that can lead to the Heavenly Beatitude...

So, my dear readers, this Lent may be the actual beginning of a white martyrdom for ourselves and our families.  

How do we resist such attacks that are intended to re-make the church into a new-world-order, one-world religion headed by the anti-Christ?

Regardless of what happens, it is incumbent upon all Catholics to attain, and maintain, our own personal sanctification and that of our family members.  That goal should be first and foremost!  Second, if we have to fight the spiritual demons in possession of the intellects of our "leaders," then so be it...

Pray for their conversion and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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