Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Second Fall Of Rome And The Insidious, Evil Agenda Of The FBI To Take Out Traditional Catholics. (And The "Canonization" Of The Second Vatican Council.) Plus UFOs...

  That's a mouth full!

But is it true?

Yes, and the anti-Christs aren't even trying to hide their evil, wicked agenda to remove any vestiges of Christ as King of nations and of individual souls, regardless of the cost to our God-given natural rights and freedoms.

But why should anyone be surprised?

After all, we must maintain the "separation of church and state," right?   Isn't that in the Constitution, in the First Amendment, that Congress shall make no law establishing a [state] religion?  

That's how it reads...

But the secular humanists use and twist the F.A. to further their push for a total exclusion of God from the public sphere.  And, I have to admit, they have been incredibly successful... 

If we go back to the great Pope Leo XIII, we see that he, on the one hand, acknowledged the growth of the church in America, but on the other hand, condemned the errors and heresy of Americanism.

Please read this short essay from Tradistae: Pope Leo XIII’s Condemnation of Americanism – Tradistae.

Here is an excerpt: "Pope Leo XIII clarifies the confusion around “freedom.” True freedom is the freedom for the Common Good. Those who seek virtue, “far from having suffered loss of liberty, enjoy that fuller and freer kind—that liberty, namely, by which Christ hath made us free” (Testem § 15).

In another encyclical, he reminds us that the purpose of law is to lead people to virtue: “In a free State, unless justice be generally cultivated, unless the people be repeatedly and diligently urged to observe the precepts and laws of the Gospel, liberty itself may be pernicious” (Longinqua Oceani § 15)."

"In the days of Pope Leo XIII, some Catholics in America were actively preaching these errors of Americanism. But his encyclical was sent to all the American bishops, warning that even a passive acceptance of Americanism was a dangerous departure from the Gospel."  (My emphasis.) 

(End of excerpts.)

Couple Americanism with the weakness of the hierarchy both in America and in Rome and you have a recipe for moral and spiritual disaster culminating in some of the most bizarre events of our time.  Take for instance, the leaked FBI memo warning about the "dangers" and "extremism" of traditional, Latin rite Catholics and their rejection of the Second Vatican Council.  Sure, this sick memo was recanted shortly after it hit the airwaves and Internet, but it nevertheless shows a contempt for those God-fearing Catholic/Christians who adhere to the moral and spiritual teachings and traditions of Holy Mother Church handed down to us over the last 2,000 years...

See my article here: The FBI "Retracts" Surveillance Memo Of Traditional Catholics, But The Emperor Is Still Caught With No Clothes!

By the way, what business is it of the FBI to bring up the Second Vatican Council and the supposed rejection of same by some traditional Catholics???

Why is the FBI "concerned" about Vatican II at all?   

Where's that "separation of church and state" so vociferously pushed by the secular authorities? 

Something just doesn't smell right...

As the communists know that the last stumbling block, the last blockade to their complete domination of the world and enslavement of the populace, is the true Catholic Church.  So too, the radical Left (Marxists) in this country, are aware that those who adhere to the Tradition of the Gospel, are enemies of the state and must be marginalized at least and eventually eliminated!

Sound farfetched?  Perhaps, but actions speak louder than words, and the actions of this out-of-control federal behemoth speak for themselves... 

Add to this witch's brew of lunacy the distraction of potential "alien" UFOs being spotted and knocked out of the sky over various parts of the U.S.!!  

The question then begs: distraction from what???

(If only the corrupt powers that be knew that UFOs are the demons of the air that St. Paul mentions in his Epistles!!)

I could point to many current events that take up a great deal of our time to research and figure out, and maybe that's the plan?  Distract the very short attention span of the American public in order to fill their heads with everything but what is truly necessary: the saving grace of the Sacred Heart of our Lord and His boundless love for us!

It seems that plan is, and has been, outrageously successful, for now...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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