Sunday, February 5, 2023

What Must We Fight For First, The Land Of Our Birth, Or The Worship Due Our Good Lord And God?

  On the surface, the answer to this question is really quite "simple."

This question will become extremely important if the current trend and direction that those apostates in control of our government, succeed in their diabolical agenda to crush our God-given natural rights, including our right to worship our Lord...

All military veterans know that the oft quoted truism that freedom isn't free, is, well, true...  In other words, if we are not free, then how can we exercise our natural rights?

A few nations come to mind pointing this out, such as Nazi Germany, Communist Red China, Communist North Korea, and numerous others.  There, the citizenry was gradually and systematically disarmed, then the hammer fell, and the rest is history... 

In reality, fighting for our homeland and being free to exercise our rights, are intimately connected and cannot be separated.

Let me be very clear: when I say we must fight for our country, the land or our birth, the Fatherland, I'm talking about fighting on our home soil and not in some far-off land attempting regime change for the sake of American hegemony...

The Church teaches that it is a noble and good thing to fight and die, if necessary, for one's country.  

The way things are going, it just may come to that, an internal "Red Dawn," if you will...  The bad guys may not parashoot out of planes, but may well be gringos wearing flak vests and carrying automatic weapons (not semi-automatic), all under the guise of "law enforcement," specifically, the FBI, IRS, coerced Army troops, corrupt cops, etc., bowing to the un-Constitutional dictates of the current Marxists holding the White House hostage since the "election" of 2020... 

The present cabal of traitors are pushing patriots into a corner, and when the good guy finally gets his fill of having his or her rights trampled upon, then, another Declaration of Independence will be implemented, this time, not from another King George III, but from the bought and paid for, Biden and his treacherous cronies... 

So, if we don't defend our country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, first, then our natural, God-given rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history, and we may never be able to worship our Lord at Mass... 

If I can use the analogy of the Good Samaritan, the one who took care of the beaten-up man lying in the road...  The first thing the good guy did, was to take care of the wounds and paid for his lodging at the inn until he recuperated.  He didn't start to preach at him explaining the need to worship the true God but took care of his physical needs first.  So, must we, if need be, take care of business first!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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