Saturday, February 25, 2023

Will America Drink The Kool-Ade? Will America's Sovereignty Be Consigned To The Dustbin Of History? Hint: It Already Has!!!

  So, do you think the "covid pandemic" is over?  Do you think we are out of the woods?   Do you think that the days of tyrannical mandates are over??  

If you do think that you are dead wrong.  In fact, the globalist elites are just getting started and the next round of lab-produced viruses is just around the corner!   But if it were "only" another round of plandemics, that would be bad enough, but what is almost certainly coming down the road will be much worse, more intrusive and could completely end American sovereignty if it hasn't already been totally lost...  

Am I exaggerating?  Am I paranoid? 

I wish I was...

What America is currently facing is outright treason by the apostate Biden and his mostly, all, apostate "Catholic" cabinet allowing -- and encouraging -- an illegal alien invasion at the southern border.  Not to mention the tons -- yes, I said tons! -- of illegal, deadly drugs making it through whatever Border Patrol and other law enforcement folks can't catch.  Sure, they have seized many pounds of the deadly concoction, fentanyl, as well as other drugs, but many more pounds are slipping through.  The Mexican drug cartels and their accomplices on the U.S. side of the border are having a field day making coyotes rich at the expense of unsuspecting illegals.  We're not even talking about the human slave trade and smuggling with many illegals left to die slow and horrible deaths in enclosed vehicles in the heat of the daytime desert, and in the nighttime cold, with little food, water or warm clothing -- yes, it does get cold in the desert!  Then there is the fate of female illegals, with rape and abuses rampant...

In addition to this designed disaster, the American public may soon have to deal with something that would surely put our country under the direct control of the WHO!  

If you think I'm exaggerating again, you would be wrong again...

Read and heed this article posted on, and written by Clark Barnes of

WHO’s Pandemic Accord Will Give It Control Over U.S. Livestock and Food Supply - LewRockwell.

And this... Dr Naomi Wolf: World Health Organization Tyranny Around the World - LewRockwell

Indications are very clear that Biden and his treasonous rats desperately want to implement this globalist takeover of our nation through the WHO, all in the name of "protecting" the American populace from future (man-made!) viruses, and, at the same time, turn over control of our ability to grow and produce our own food supply, including livestock.   All this will come under the purview of an unelected, anti-American cabal of lunatic's intent on destroying what is left of our sovereignty -- and our freedom

The covert -- and now overt! -- forces of evil are hell-bent of achieving the goal of near-complete control of our minds, bodies, hearts and souls (something the Christ-haters don't have!) through manipulation of what we see and hear as "news," as well as man-made weather phenomenon designed to disrupt Mother Nature's normal weather patterns to create chaos and anger among us folk who depend on the good farmer to provide us with healthy, nutritious food... 

If the so-called "conservative" representatives in the House and the Senate don't stop Biden and his ilk, then John Q. Public will have to save our nation from the demon's intent on annihilating our Republic.

Let's face it, we now know for sure who the enemies of a free America are; the corrupt central government and a corrupt and neutered clergy afraid of their own shadow and afraid to fight for their flocks... 

The battle is only just beginning...  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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