Friday, February 17, 2023

Have The Traditional Latin Mass Communities Been Infiltrated By The Gestapo FBI Brown Shirts??

***“If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government.”— President Dwight D. Eisenhower.*** 

(Remember, just before President Eisenhower left office, he warned Americans of the wicked and all intrusive military industrial complex.  We seem to have forgotten that dire warning and are now suffering the consequences with wars and rumors of wars.  Is this evil tied to the targeting of traditional Catholics and their adherence to the moral and spiritual values and traditions of Catholic Church teachings as given to us by Christ and His Apostles and always believed and everywhere taught over the last 2,000 years?  I say it is.  We -- the true Catholic Church -- are the last roadblock to the complete takeover by the enemies of Christ our Lord to the satanic agenda of a one-world-government and complete enslavement of a once-free peoples.  And I contend that such entities are inexorably linked to conspire to bring down the Church and establish the religion of the anti-Christ!

Also, see my previous articles here regarding the FBI's unconstitutional abuse of power: Are You Aware That The Federal Government -- The FBI, That Is -- Is Surveilling Traditional Latin Rite Catholics?

In other words, are those traditional Latin Mass Catholics being spied upon while attending Mass??

Have those traditional Masses been infiltrated by the "Brown Shirts" of the treasonous FBI, a la, Hitler's 1930s Germany?? 

Is this too far-fetched a question? 

With the recent revelations stemming from FBI whistleblowers, it makes sense to take such revelations seriously and to take it to the next level: possible actual infiltration!

We know that the novus ordo church has been infiltrated, so why not take those same traitors or their sympathetic cronies -- who are the foot soldiers of the new world order -- and place them within the TLM communities? 

The statement I just made, implies that goons of our federal government are involved in the weakening of the Catholic Church, or at least what the world knows to be the Catholic Church.  With the help of those appointed hierarchs by Bergoglio, to restrict or ban the TLM for their own evil purposes.  It seems to me that they very well can be working hand-in-hand to accomplish such a demonic goal... 

At least now, some in the new Congress are calling for an investigation of the illegal, unconstitutional actions of the FBI... See this article from lifesitenews.comRep. Jim Jordan demands FBI reveal details regarding since-retracted ‘anti-Catholic memo’ - LifeSite ( 

Where this will all end is anyone's guess... One thing is for certain, if we don't persevere, if we don't maintain a state of grace, if we don't receive the Bread of Life, if we don't Love thy Neighbor, then we are guilty of spiritual sloth at the very least, and, at worst, we will become slaves of a rogue, anti-Christ state whose father is the evil one, Satan...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christ Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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