Tuesday, February 21, 2023

What If??? What If Russian President Putin Is Right??? What If Traitor "President" Biden Is Dead Wrong??? The Results Can -- Will -- Be Catastrophic!

 Not only do we have a treasonous pervert holding the White House hostage, but this raving lunatic is hell-bent on destroying mankind with an ever-increasing scenario of a nuclear conflagration sweeping the earth! 

One concrete example of this is that President Putin has withdrawn from the START nuclear agreement with the U.S. due to the (U.S.'s) continued military and financial support for Ukraine.  The checks and balances on the number of each other's country's missiles are now gone!  

See this short video from Dr. Steve Turley: (574) 3 BOMBSHELLS from Putin’s Historic Ukraine SPEECH!!! - YouTube.

Biden and his globalist fiends are betting that President Putin doesn't have the guts to defend his country in the face of an outrageous, incremental buildup of Western "defensive" missiles as well as more armor in the form of tanks and long-range artillery being sent to Ukraine, not to mention billions of American taxpayer dollars falling mostly into the hands of corrupt Ukraine officials and kickbacks to -- Zelensky's Demonrat friends in the U.S...

This is a massive mistake that may lead to the end of humankind... 

As the incoherent Biden continues to babble before the world's "leaders," and, at the same time, ignores the invasion of the U.S. at the southern border by illegal aliens from numerous countries who take advantage of the American taxpayer, his plan to reduce the world's population -- by any means, including the last world war!! -- continue at breakneck speed...

Ukraine "president," Zelensky, is pushing Biden, like a schoolyard bully, into the sure destruction of the world by claiming that if Red China becomes an ally with Russia, that will signal the beginning of World War III!   

This character thinks that he is in control of U.S. foreign policy!?  Come to think of it, he probably is in control!  I would venture to say that he has more dirt on Biden (and his son, Robert "Hunter") than we can ever guess, and is blackmailing Biden -- even to the point of an all-out war with Russia...  

The corrupt Western nations, including NATO (at the behest of Biden) continue to rub Putin's face in the mud by deploying more and more offensive armaments in countries that border the home of the Russian Bear, including "Catholic" Poland...

But this is more than a potential military conflict between Russia and the West, it is also a moral and spiritual battle between the forces of good and truth, and evil and perversion.  Make no mistake, Russia has a long way to go before it is consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, then, and only then, will Russia be converted, and, I believe, other nations will quickly follow suit...

See this article from breitbart.com: Putin Suspends U.S. Nuclear Treaty, Tells Russians West 'Wants to Finish Us Forever' (breitbart.com)

Watch this from infowars.com: Emergency LIVE Broadcast: Biden Declares War on Russia In Psychotic Speech In Warsaw, Poland While Putin Warns West Nuclear War IMMINENT (infowars.com)

I have a question: where are the supposed "conservative" Republicans in the House and Senate trying their dead level best to put an end to this moronic policy of playing nuclear chicken with Putin and the cognitive deficient, Biden, at the helm, with his finger on the nuclear button????????

And where are the supposed "Catholic" hierarchy of the novus ordo "church" in admonishing the apostate Biden and officially and publicly ex-communicating him, not only for his radical support for the killing of the pre-born and the sodomite agenda, but also for the real possibility of plunging the world into a nuclear hell on earth????????

I keep reading articles about crossing a "red line" regarding Russia and Ukraine, and at that point, the opposing powers would be forced to either engage in face-to-face peace talks, or let their demonic pride and arrogance destroy the innocent along with the evil in an unthinkable display of MAD -- mutual assured destruction.

I am convinced that the patience of our Lord is quickly coming to an end, and, if a world war ultimately does happen, it will be because we deserve it for our rejection of Christ as King of nations and of individual souls, replacing it with the sick "religion" of man...

No one will be held accountable for these crimes against humanity because there will be no one left alive to bring these criminals to justice...

Pray for the defeat of these globalist lunatics and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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