Friday, February 10, 2023

The FBI "Retracts" Surveillance Memo Of Traditional Catholics, But The Emperor Is Still Caught With No Clothes!

  Isn't it interesting what a little bad publicity can do??

One thing it can do, is to make the rotten eggs -- the FBI -- squirm a bit.  But does that negative publicity cause the rotten eggs -- the FBI -- to take on a more neutral or pleasant odor as before they decided to betray their oath to the Constitution and the public they serve?  

(See my article here: Are You Aware That The Federal Government -- The FBI, That Is -- Is Surveilling Traditional Latin Rite Catholics?

Most likely not, but keeping in mind, it is the FBI -- and other governmental agencies -- that serve the American public, not the other way around, as, it seems, the bureaucrats have that fact of life backwards ...

Only a couple of days after a memo was made public by a former FBI whistleblower indicating that traditional, God-fearing Catholics who treasure Tradition -- including traditional moral and spiritual values, were being surveilled by that very same agency he worked for, spin and damage control were set in motion!

See FBI retracts memo on 'Radical' Latin Mass Catholics that cited left-wing SPLC report - LifeSite (

And this from FBI Admits to Targeting Devout Catholics After Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin Reports on Leaked Bureau Document Warning Agents of Dangers of "Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology" (

Look, the only way these rogue agencies will be held accountable for their anti-American actions, is for the public to hold their feet to the fire for any illicit, illegal, un-Constitutional and sinister agendas that threaten or weaken our Natural Rights, guaranteed by the Constitution and as given to us by our good and august God of Heaven and earth.

One more point... If anyone thinks that it is only traditional, Latin rite Catholics who are being targeted for opposing the radical Left, think again... If it can happen to Catholics, it can happen to anyone who believes in a God that rewards good and punishes evil and recognizes that the powers of the demon are running rampant throughout society and in what remains of the church.

Our Natural Rights may very well be consigned to the dustbin of history if we lose our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, which, by the way, is under constant attack from the treasonous cabal in D.C., presently holding our nation hostage.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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