Thursday, February 9, 2023

Are You Aware That The Federal Government -- The FBI, That Is -- Is Surveilling Traditional Latin Rite Catholics?

  I could say that this is a "breaking story," but it is not.  This is not something novel or out of the ordinary under the current regime in D.C.

I would also have to say that since the apostate, Biden, was installed in the Oval Office, his "Department of Justice," under the tyrant, Garland, have used the corrupt FBI to classify pro-life, pro-family folks who believe their children should not be indoctrinated with the filthy alphabet soup agenda, as well as the so-called CRT (critical race theory), for all practical purposes, labeling most Americans as racist and bigots.   And when these concerned parents show up at school board meetings for a redress of grievances, they are lumped into the category of "domestic terrorists," this abhorrent development is also nothing new under the make believe, treasonous "president," Biden.  

Just think, if you believe in the traditional faith of our fathers, and the traditional Latin liturgy of the ages, and attend at one of the several former Ecclesia Dei communities and reject the novelty of the novus ordo "mass," read the Catholic Family News, the Remnant, are a Slave of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (as I am), etc., then you fall into that august group of Christ's followers that are hated by the real domestic terrorists, the behemoth, multi-tentacled, out of control federal government...

Of course, the majority of these government bureaucrats know nothing of what it means to be truly Catholic, period.  But there is an irony that is similar to the fallen angels, who rejected God to be their own petty, little gods, as many of those in Biden's "cabinet" are apostate Catholics -- the worst enemies of Christ -- and do the work of the demon.  

Here are several links to articles and videos that should send chills up and down your spine!  

From lifesitenews.comFBI whistleblower releases docs showing agency is surveilling 'Radical' Latin Mass Catholics - LifeSite (

From Dr. Stine: BOMBSHELL REPORT: The FBI Is BLACKLISTING Traditional Catholics! - YouTube.

And this from FBI Warns Against 'Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology' in Leaked Memo (

Let's face it, we are in a battle for the very soul of our families -- and America!

Thank goodness for the Second Amendment!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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