Friday, March 3, 2023

There Is No Justice: The American Experiment Is Dead!

  Have I given up on my country?  

If you took the title of my article literally, what other conclusion could you come to??

But titles can be deceiving, just as the old adage makes clear: you can't judge a book by its cover. 

Yet there are grave reasons for me to point to the fact that there is no real justice, at least not in this life...  Rest assured that those who deny justice to the most vulnerable, will face the justice -- the wrath -- of a God Who punishes evil and rewards good.  And when the evil is made manifest at their Particular Judgment, there will be no one to stand beside them to argue for leniency or mercy.  The same leniency and mercy that they themselves denied to those who suffered in this life... 

I'm not just referring to the secular "authorities" that punish the God-fearing for no other reason than the fact they are God-fearing or acknowledge -- through the Natural Law and divine revelation -- the dignity and sanctity of every human life, especially those most defenseless of our species: the pre-born baby.  But also, those clergy, whether Catholic or otherwise, whose task it is to support and protect -- with their own lives if necessary -- the flock of Christ.  (Don't misunderstand me on this point: those who are outside the Church of Christ must complete their journey and come in to the one Ark of salvation in order to achieve the Beatific Vision lest they lose their immortal souls for all eternity.)

One of the reasons I chose the title I did, were the recent questions and non-testimony (and lies) given under oath (that's perjury!) at the various Senate and Congressional hearings, indicate a continued, wicked bias against parents who are attempting to keep their children safe from a public-school agenda that threatens their faith and morals.  Also revealed are the other supposed enemy: Latin rite Catholics, equating us with the despicable miscreants of the insurrectionist, domestic terrorist Left, including the ANTIFA and BLM anarchists.

The irony of it all!

That's one of the key avenues that the anti-American Left uses against those who oppose their wicked systemic race-baiting -- it always comes down to non-existent racism, doesn't it -- accusing the good guys of what they do?

There is a "catch-22" here, at least for those who have eyes to see but do not see and have ears to hear but do not hear.  Far too many of these individuals are going through life simply spinning their wheels, existing from one day to the next without an eternal goal in place.  Hence, they will use their free will to inflict pain, suffering and death in order to carry out their destructive, chosen lifestyle and satanic agenda ignoring the God-given rights (under the Natural Law) of their fellow humans...

Do I have to post a thousand articles or a hundred videos to corroborate what I have written here?

I will say this, if all the news and information that one gets to see and hear comes exclusively from the 6 o'clock "news," then I'm afraid there is little hope for anyone to recognize the dire straits that our country is presently in...  Quite frankly, the apostates and Marxists at the helm of our government are leading our country to destruction, if not by outright war -- which is a real possibility -- then certainly through an ongoing economic disaster initiated by a false "pandemic" (restricting or eliminating our natural, God-given rights) and an uncontrolled and ever-increasing debt bomb... 

Remember, without justice there can be no mercy and without charity (love of neighbor) there can be neither justice nor mercy... 

Pray for the conversion of our adversaries and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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