Monday, July 31, 2023

Nothing Else Matters...

 From, written by .

If this happens, nothing else matters!

"We should never forget that the Ukraine War, masterminded by brain-dead Biden’s necon controllers, threatens the world with imminent destruction. If we continue to threaten and provoke Putin, the future is frightening indeed.

As Caitlin Johnstone points out, “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its symbolic Doomsday Clock to ninety seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been set since its founding after the second world war. Chief among their reasons for doing so is the increasingly dangerous war in Ukraine.

statement authored by the Bulletin’s editor John Mecklin is as biased against Russia as any mainstream western punditry today and makes no mention of the US empire’s role in provokingprolonging and benefiting from this conflict, yet it still provides a fairly reasonable appraisal of the magnitude of the threat we’re staring down the barrel of at this point in history:

This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.

The war in Ukraine may enter a second horrifying year, with both sides convinced they can win. Ukraine’s sovereignty and broader European security arrangements that have largely held since the end of World War II are at stake. Also, Russia’s war on Ukraine has raised profound questions about how states interact, eroding norms of international conduct that underpin successful responses to a variety of global risks.

And worst of all, Russia’s thinly veiled threats to use nuclear weapons remind the world that escalation of the conflict—by accident, intention, or miscalculation—is a terrible risk. The possibility that the conflict could spin out of anyone’s control remains high.

Mecklin encourages dialogue between Russia, Ukraine and NATO powers in order to de-escalate tensions in ‘this time of unprecedented global danger.’ He quotes UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who warned last August that the world has entered ‘a time of nuclear danger not seen since the height of the Cold War.’

We came a hair’s breadth from nuclear annihilation during the chaotic and unpredictable brinkmanship at the height of the last cold war, and in fact had numerous close calls that could have easily wound up going another way. As former Secretary of State Dean Acheson put it, humanity survived the Cuban Missile Crisis by ‘plain dumb luck’.

There’s no logical basis for the belief that we’ll get lucky again. Believing nuclear war won’t happen because it didn’t happen last time is a type of fallacious reasoning known as normalcy bias; it’s as rational as believing Russian roulette is safe because the man handing you the pistol didn’t blow his head off when he pulled the trigger.

But that’s the kind of sloppy thinking you’ll run into when you try to discuss this subject in public; I’m always encountering arguments that there’s no risk of nuclear war because we’ve gone all this time without disaster. One of the reasons I engage so much on social media is that I find it’s a good way of keeping tabs on the dominant propaganda narratives in our civilization and understanding what people are thinking and believing about things, and nowhere have I encountered more fuzzbrained comments than the times I’ve written about the need to prevent an entirely preventable nuclear holocaust.

The most common response I get is something along the lines of ‘Well if there is a nuclear war it will be Putin’s fault,’ as though whose ‘fault’ it is will matter to us while we’re watching the world end, along with the related ‘Well Russia shouldn’t have invaded then’ and ‘Well Russia should stop threatening to use nukes then.’ People genuinely don’t seem to understand that in the event of a full-scale nuclear war, it will really be the end of everyone. They still kind of imagine everyone still being there and shaking their fists at Russia afterward, and themselves sitting there feeling self-righteous and vindicated for correctly saying what a bad, bad man Vladimir Putin is.

They don’t understand that there will be no pundits discussing the nuclear armageddon on Fox and MSNBC, arguing about whose fault it was and which political party is to blame. They don’t get that there won’t be any war crimes tribunals in the radioactive ashes as the biosphere starves to death in nuclear winter. They don’t understand that once the nukes start flying, nobody’s shoulds or shouldn’ts about it will matter at all, and neither will your political opinions about Putin. All that will matter is that it happened, and that it can’t be taken back.

Another common response when I talk about the looming threat of nuclear war is, ‘Oh so you just don’t care about Ukrainians and you want them all to die.’ The other day some lady responded to a Twitter thread I made about the need to avoid nuclear armageddon by saying that I must love rape and war crimes. People sincerely believe that’s a valid response to a discussion about the need to prevent the single worst thing that could possibly happen from happening. It really doesn’t seem to occur to them that they’re not actually engaging the subject at hand in any real way.

Slightly more perceptive interlocutors will argue that if we back down to tyrants just because they have nuclear weapons then everyone will try to get nukes and those who have them will become more belligerent, which will end up making nuclear war more likely in the long run. This response is a straw man fallacy because it misrepresents the argument as ‘just back down’ rather than a call to engage in diplomacy and dialogue to de-escalate and begin sincerely negotiating toward detente, none of which is happening to any meaningful extent in this conflict. More importantly, it pretends that Russia is just invading its neighbor out of the blue instead of the well-documented reality that it is in fact responding to provocations by the US empire. The US has a moral obligation to de-escalate a conflict it knowingly provoked to advance its own interests, especially when that conflict could kill everyone in the world.

The whole ‘We can’t just back down to bullies like Putin’ line of argumentation is further invalidated by the fact that it’s one thing to draw a line in the sand that must never be crossed — even if in the face of armageddon — but it’s quite another to say that line should be over something as small as who governs Crimea. This planet is populated with eight billion humans and countless other sentient creatures, very few of whom care one way or another who governs Crimea and almost none of whom would be willing to watch their loved ones die over it. Wanting to draw the line there is obnoxious, arrogant, and absurd.

And that’s just the shoddy brainwork of the rank-and-file public; the thinking of those who actually got us into this situation is surely just as dogshit. From what I can tell standing on this side of the thick veils of government secrecy which separate us from the truth, it appears to arise predominantly from a combination of immense hubris and zealous groupthink; hubris to think they can control all possible outcomes in a game of brinkmanship with so many small, unpredictable moving parts, and zealous groupthink in mindlessly adhering to the imperial doctrine that US unipolar planetary hegemony must be secured at all cost. They’re playing games with the life of every creature on this planet, and anyone who thinks that’s smart or wise should be as far from such decisions as possible.

The logical faceplants I’m describing here seem to arise partly from the fact that our civilization is completely inundated with empire propaganda about this conflict, and partly from the fact that people just haven’t thought terribly hard about nuclear war and what it would mean. The latter is probably because the prospect of everyone dying horrifically is such a huge, heavy, uncomfortable subject to sit down and deeply grapple with to the extent that it demands. For most people it’s just this vague, blurry mass in the periphery of their awareness, because they’ve been doing all these weird mental gymnastics to squirm and compartmentalize away from this thing rather than facing it.

But if ever there was a time to start doing some rigorous independent thinking and stop trusting the authorities to sort things out, it would be now. They’re showing us every sign that they’re just going to keep ramping up these games of nuclear chicken until they either fill their bottomless need for more complete global control or get us all killed trying. People need to start waking up to what’s going on and start making things uncomfortable for the people who are driving our world toward total destruction.

It does not need to be this way. Peace talks are possible. Diplomacy, de-escalation and detente are possible. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. We need to start building some public pressure to end this madness, because if the mushroom clouds ever show up, there is not one person alive who in that moment will believe that it was worth it.”

If the US does become involved in Russia, the result might be nuclear annihilation. Eric Margolis says, “Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at the US and its allies. No one in their right mind should contemplate a nuclear confrontation. Russia has repeatedly made clear that if backed into a corner, it may well use tactical nuclear weapons.”

The saddest part of this whole manufactured crisis is that it should make absolutely no difference to us whether Russia controls Ukraine. How is that a threat to the United States? Whatever Biden and his neocon advisers say, America should stay out of conflicts that are none of our business. As usual, Murray Rothbard put it best. “In the context of the 1980 Afghan war, he quoted Canon Sydney Smith—a great classical liberal in early 19th century England who wrote to his warmongering Prime Minister, thus: “For God’s sake, do not drag me into another war!

I am worn down, and worn out, with crusading and defending Europe, and protecting mankind; I must think a little of myself.

I am sorry for the Spaniards—I am sorry for the Greeks—I deplore the fate of the Jews; the people of the Sandwich Islands are groaning under the most detestable tyranny; Baghdad is oppressed, I do not like the present state of the Delta; Tibet is not comfortable. Am I to fight for all these people?

The world is bursting with sin and sorrow. Am I to be champion of the Decalogue, and to be eternally raising fleets and armies to make all men good and happy?

We have just done saving Europe, and I am afraid the consequence will be, that we shall cut each other’s throats. No war, dear Lady Grey!—No eloquence; but apathy, selfishness, common sense, arithmetic!"

Let’s do everything can to avoid a disaster for humanity. The US must cease all aid to Ukraine at once!

Sunday, July 30, 2023

New CDC Director Is A Tyrannical Lunatic Who Wants To Vaccinate Your Children With The C-19 Bioweapon Booster Shot Every Year!!!!!!

 Let's face it: these anti-human miscreants have way too much power!!!

How on earth do these maniacs get to be the heads of some of the most powerful, humanity-hating government and NGO organizations in the first place???

It was bad enough that the former head of the CDC, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, was a bought and paid for anti-Christ, a la, the corrupt "Dr." Fauci, who was allowed to inflict pain and suffering on the U.S. and the world, all at the behest of a globalist cabal hell-bent on reducing the human population to under one billion using the bioweapon known as the "covid-19" "vaccine".  Sadly, keeping the extremist Fauci as the Covid Czar was one of the most egregious mistakes made by an otherwise decent President Trump...

I have two articles that are a must read, the first is from, written by Jim Hoft: Annual COVID Shots Expected, Much Like Flu Shots, Says New CDC Director | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft.

Here is an excerpt from the article: “I’m very worried [!] about parents not vaccinating kids,” [Dr. Mandy] Cohen said. “I got my kids vaccinated from the circulating viruses [!]. There’s plenty of other things that are hard as parents that we can’t do. This is one we can do to protect our kids.”

(My emphasis.) 

Does she really believe this twisted logic? 

(Notice the ridiculous Fauci face diaper!)

The next article is from Dr. Joseph Sansone: Don’t Let Them Normalize the Abnormal (

His commentary on the "covid" "vaccine" is backed up by facts in the public domain... 

Here is an excerpt: 

"Forcing people to wear face diapers, stand six feet apart, and follow lines on the floor, is twisted. Experimenting on human beings without informed consent is a crime against humanity. Denying healthcare for those that did not receive C19 injections is a Nuremberg crime. Coercing and forcing C19 injections is the act of a totalitarian system of government."

(My emphasis.)

Stay alert and be ready for the next "pandemic" being planned by the monstrous elites!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Do You Need Any More Evidence That "Vice President" Harris Is Possessed By The Demon? Remember, She Is Next In Line To The Current (Illegitimate) Presidency...

 Kamala Harris is, without a doubt, possessed by the demon!

Is she physically possessed?  No, but what is even more important is that her intellect -- if she has one -- is absolutely possessed by evil forces doing the work of her master, apostate "Catholic," Biden -- and ultimately, Satan...

So, what happens when she uses her free will to make decisions -- based on an intellect that is possessed by the demon?

Those decisions, by nature, will be corrupt and evil as is evidenced by the following article from and written by Micaiah Bilger: Kamala Harris: Killing Babies in Abortions is How You Measure "Progress" -

I think it is important to repeat and emphasize her sick and wicked mindset: Kamala Harris: Killing Babies in Abortions is How You Measure “Progress”...

The push by these murderers is to wipe out any and all pro-life laws that protect the pre-born, even though the Supreme Court struck down the deadly and monstrous Roe v Wade decision of 1973 that has, up to that overturning, allowed the "legal" killing of approximately 62,000,000 American children in the womb of her "mother."   

From the article: “I do believe that we are witnessing a national agenda that is about a full-on attack against hard-won, hard-fought freedoms and rights,” she said."

But not the God-given freedoms and rights of the pre-born! 

Such anti-Christ individuals must be defeated by prayer, fasting and sacrifice, as much as possible, according to our state in life, without ignoring our duties to our families...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Get Ready For The Next "Pandemic": Hot Weather! It is Summer, After All... If You Think This July Has Been Exceptionally Hot, Check Out The July Of 1936!!!

  The "climate change" alarmists are at it again!  

This time, it's not that the earth is getting warmer: the world is boiling

Where might these "facts" be coming from?  

Well, one of the main culprits of the diabolical de-population movement has always been the U.N., and so it is today that United Nations chief Antonio Guterres, Portuguese socialist -- doesn't that say it all? -- is fear mongering about July's hot summer...

Here is the first of two articles on the stupidity of these haters of humanity: Climate of Fear: U.N. Chief Guterres Warns 'Era of Global Boiling' Is Here (, written by Simon Kent...

Here is a tidbit from this lunatic: “Climate change is here. It is terrifying, and it is just the beginning,” Guterres outlined. “The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived."

(Supposedly, Guterres is -- here we go again! -- a devout Catholic, yet a socialist????  Where have we seen or read that before, e.g., Biden, Pelosi, et al.)

Yep, you read that right: boiling!  But, according to these maniacs, it's not like slowly turning up the heat on the frog sitting comfortably in the pot, it's more like a blow torch cooking that little frog to death...

By the way, this character has his own private jet -- and helicopter -- adding to the "carbon footprint" and increased "global warming"...

The second article is from, written by Jim Hoft: More Lies: Global Warming Conspiracists Insist the "World Is Boiling" - It's as if 1936 Never Happened | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft.

Here's a line to whet your appetite: "It’s well documented that 1936 was the real scorcher."

Read the article and uncover the lies and propaganda of these Christ-haters...

Pray for the defeat of these globalist elites and pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Rogue, Mad "Catholics"!

 I have written this many times: it is either Christ or chaos!

We see an America -- the world, in fact -- in a state of chaos.  

The reason is "simple": Christ has been rejected, kicked out of the public sphere and without Him, mankind sinks into the depths of denial and madness.

I entitled my article: Rogue, Mad "Catholics"...

(Now I know that some non-Catholics may use this short missive to attack Holy Mother Church -- founded by our Lord and built on the Rock of St. Peter -- as sharks are drawn to the chum and quickly go into a feeding frenzy.  So be it, but the truth shall set you free!)

As far as rogue, mad "Catholics" are concerned, we have plenty of examples of such apostates who promote the killing of the pre-born, and/or, support the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance: the sin of Sodom, and they do so with enthusiasm, and, in many cases, with filthy lucre stolen from the American taxpayer...

I can name some of the main culprits here, such as Biden, Peloso, et al, but there are other "Catholics" that fall into the category of rogue and mad...

Are you aware that, in fact, the majority of Biden's cabinet are "Catholic"?

They all support the killing of the pre-born and more, and that is why I couch the august handle of Catholic in quotation marks; they are phonies and murderers and are automatically ex-communicated from the Church, placing their immortal souls in dire jeopardy!

There are many in state government as well who claim to be professed Catholics, but just under that veneer, the truth of their words -- and actions -- speaks volumes of their wicked agenda to slaughter the tiny lives of the pre-born in the womb.  These actions also include the over-the-counter availability of contraceptives and a real DIY abortion pill so now a female can kill her developing baby in her home, away from inquiring eyes.  


Unfortunately, far too many priests and bishops in the novus ordo church, are quiet when it comes to admonishing those evil politicians and others -- who claim to be practicing Catholics -- that their support for the culture of death can condemn them to hell for all eternity, that is, if they don't repent and amend their lives.

But every once in a while, a priest will do the tough job of excoriating and admonishing the rogue, mad "Catholic" regardless of the possible consequences to himself or his ministry.  

As an example, here is an article from, written by Louis Knuffke:  Catholic priest calls on Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs to 'immediately repent' of promoting abortion - LifeSite (

The good Fr. Craig Friedley, pulls no punches and calls on Gov. Hobbs (of Arizona) to repent or face potential, eternal damnation...

Here is the third paragraph of that article: "Friedley took the Democrat to task for her long-standing promotion of abortion up until birth under the guise of advocating for “women’s health,” saying her latest move “is not only immoral, but it means that you are placing your eternal soul in danger of damnation by your public, proud, and scandalous actions in supporting the murder of children in the womb.”

My emphasis...

I seriously doubt the Hobbs will repent of her diabolical agenda, but then again, the admonishing by Fr. Friedley might, in the long run, tweak her conscience and convince her to embrace the culture of life and go and sin no more...

If she does, however, she will be the subject of attack from the leftist lunatic's hell bent on keeping the murder of the pre-born "legal" and lose any political or monetary support and squash any hopes of higher office. 

What we must all do is to pray for such miscreants for their conversion to Christ our Lord and regain a state of sanctifying grace, without which one cannot enter the heavenly beatitude...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Friday, July 21, 2023

Arrogant Monster Globalists: "CEO Of Company That Wants To Scan Your Irises: ‘World ID’ Is Coming ‘Whether You Like It or Not’"

  You had better wake up America -- and the world!  

The plan of the demon to control the human race via diabolical tracking and control just took a major turn in that direction...

I have two articles that should shake you to the core, that is, if you haven't already figured it out when the "covid" "virus" was unleased by the de-population control lunatics, to make you and I subservient to their radical agenda to stifle our God-given freedoms.  The next step is to enslave what is left of true patriots who would rather fight and die for their fellow man rather than offer incense to the elitist's false gods and Christ haters...

The idea of a white martyrdom is no longer a possibility but is quickly becoming a reality.  And this will happen with the help of those supposed shepherds of the (novus ordo) church, who themselves are part of the new religion of the Zeitgeist, and to hell with authentic Catholic Church teaching of the last 2,000 years.  This has become painfully clear as the attack by the corrupt (novus ordo) hierarchy on Tradition and traditional orders of monks, priests, brothers and sisters, continues unabated.  

(In fact, if anyone thinks that it is only a white martyrdom that we have to worry about, think again, as a red martyrdom has already become a reality in some parts of the world, especially in Africa!)

Here, then, is the first of two articles, the first is from written by Allum Bokhari: CEO of Company that Wants to Scan Your Irises: 'World ID' Is Coming 'Whether You Like It or Not' (

Here is the first paragraph of that article: "Alex Blania, CEO of Worldcoin, company that wants billions of people to scan their irises to create a global system of authentication, says that a global form of ID is coming “whether you like it or not.”

And the second article is from the written by Jim Hoft: Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required 'Whether You Like It Or Not' | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft.

The first para: "I’ve been saying for nearly three years now that the beast system is based on the world’s people accepting two technological components offered up by the Luciferian globalist elites: A globally recognized digital ID to replace the cards in your wallet and a globally recognized digital money to replace the cash in your wallet. The two together will comprise the foundation of the punitive global beast system."

These monsters mean business... There's no getting around the fact that, right now, Satan is running wild with great success, destroying souls and casting them into the hellish abyss... We loyal Catholics are getting little or no help from those supposed successors of the Apostles having abandoned the command of Christ to preach and Baptize all nations... 

These traitors care nothing for the flocks that have been entrusted to them, rather they are more concerned with their cushy jobs, health benefits, pensions, "climate change," illegal immigration -- and sexual perversion of the lowest order: the sin of Sodom...

Stay alert and pray -- and be ready to fight, morally, spiritually -- and physically, if necessary!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Why Would Any Sane Parent Send Their Child To A Public School? "Virginia School District Says ‘Discomfort Is Not A Reason’ To Keep Boys Out Of Girls’ Bathrooms."

 Please read the following article from, written by Calvin Freiburger:  Virginia school district says 'discomfort is not a reason' to keep boys out of girls' bathrooms - LifeSite (

As I have written many times: I am convinced that the demon has taken possession of the intellects of many liberals who falsely subscribe to the "woke" Zeitgeist of modernism and the ideology of anti-Christ at the peril of their own souls... 

To prove my hypothesis, again, here is the nonsensical second paragraph from the above article:  "Albemarle County Public Schools’ “Policy on the Treatment of Transgender and Gender-Expansive Students” document, available online, declares that it is the district’s objective to “maintain a safe and supportive school environment for all students free from harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying and free from discrimination because of actual or perceived race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, or any other protected class.”  (My emphasis.) 

A couple of things here... First, I guess the great Creator was not "inclusive" enough when He designed the two sexes: male and female!  He either left out or forgot that there were many other sexes, categories or genders!  

How dare He!

Second, it is very apparent that those lunatics in charge of the Albemarle County Public School District have lost their collective minds.  They have bowed down to the Marxist left Democrat ideology of the un-natural and lurid sexual perversion so prevalent in the corrupt and dangerous teachers unions and their complicit minions in the classroom destroying the souls -- and bodies -- of their impressionable charges...

We know that if Satan can get the souls of the children, he wins the battle and can destroy the human race, drag them down to hell and claim victory over Christ! 

We, who still fear God, can never let that happen!

I repeat the title of my article: Question: Why Would Any Sane Parent Send Their Child To A Public School?  "Virginia School District Says ‘Discomfort Is Not A Reason’ To Keep Boys Out Of Girls’ Bathrooms."

Pray for the defeat of these monsters -- and for their conversion!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Do You Need More Proof Of The Demonic Possession Of The Biden "Administration"? Well, Here It Is...

 How many know that the majority of the cabinet members of the Biden "administration" claim the august handle of Catholic? 

The answer is that there are those who claim to be Catholic, but in reality, are working for the Ape of the Church, Satan. They have apostatized from the true Catholic faith and have, for all practical purposes, sold their immortal souls for power, position and filthy lucre -- or worse...

They are serving the so-called "devout Catholic," Biden, as did the former Speaker of the House, Pelosi, who never passed up the chance to spew that massive lie to the gullible media lapdogs shilling for the Marxist regime currently holding the Oval Office hostage...

The current crop of "Catholics" is determined to push the radical, filthy and demonic agenda of the sins of the flesh -- including the mutilation of the bodies of minors -- with or without parental notification or consent!

An obvious case in point is the secretary of health and human services (HHS), Xavier Becerra, and his bizarre threat to withhold federal monies from Medicare and Medicaid providers who refuse to offer “transgender” mutilating surgeries and cross-sex hormones.

(Remember, Becerra is the miscreant, who, when testifying at his confirmation hearings, relayed to senators that his mother (a supposed devout Catholic!) was praying the Rosary for him to be confirmed!  What a blasphemy!) 

I find it hard to believe that his own mother did not know her son's true ideology and perverse agenda long before his confirmation.   

I am at a loss to figure out how the senators, knowing his radical views on homosexuality, abortion, contraception and "transgenderism," could have approved his nomination as HHS director???

Who has been bought and paid for here???

Please read the following article from written by Emily Mangiaracina: Biden health secretary vows to strip Medicaid funding from providers who refuse transgender surgeries - LifeSite (

How are practicing Catholics to deal with such obvious demonic possession of these traitors to Christ -- and their country?

Always pray for their conversion, but, at the same time, resist to the face the evil and wicked agenda being pushed on the youth of America by these workers of iniquity...

Remember, this is a fight for individual souls and for the soul of our beloved country...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Monday, July 3, 2023

Blocking The Sun To Cool The Earth??? These Anti-Christ Commies Are Fooling With Mother Nature!

 The fraud in the White House recently read from the teleprompter that there will never be another coal-fired energy plant built in the U.S.!


Because this apostate "Catholic" traitor -- to his country and his Master, Christ -- spews the leftist mantra of "climate change" and "global warming" trying to make dumbed-down Americans think that by preventing new coal-fired energy plants from being built and providing much needed, new sources of electricity to households and industry, that somehow that will reduce earth's temperature... 

The idea here is to make America the scapegoat suggesting that it is the U.S. that is the mass polluter of the entire world!  Further, it is, and always has been, the false notion of egalitarianism, one of the tenets of communism...

Interestingly, when the elites push their mindless population control policies, they conveniently overlook (or do they know?) the real polluter on the world scene: Red Communist China and India!

You never hear the incoherent Biden, and his handlers, mention that Red China has some of the dirtiest air on earth, where millions of its captive citizens breathe filthy air in many of the most populace cities under Xi's tyrannical dictatorship.

As an aside, how many realize that Red China continues to build coal-fired power plants at breakneck speed?  They care little and pay no attention to the "climate change" fanatics flying around in their private jets for meetings on how to reduce the "carbon footprint" of -- Western nations but leave Red China and India untouched!

By the way, that's one of the reasons the so-called "pandemic" affected millions of Red China's slaves... It was not some novel "virus" discovered in a lab... 

Even before the "pandemic," one could see face masks being worn by those walking the streets to work or school -- at the same time, you could actually see the air they were breathing!  (As I saw the air I was breathing when I attended my buddy's wedding in the Los Angeles area back in 1971.  I distinctly remember talking a short walk in the hazy, dirty air -- leaving a terrible taste in my mouth.  Imagine what that did to the lungs of the folks who lived in that smog for years on end weakening their immune systems subjecting them to all sorts of inflammation and diseases!?)

One can only figure that the intention of the Biden regime and their bought and paid for policies of power, influence and extortion is to make certain people rich at the expense of John Q. Public knowing that Red China will never be held accountable for polluting much of East Asia.  Translation: Biden is in the hip pocket of the Red Chinese -- we can add the Ukraine to that list of welfare states sucking up the monies of American taxpayers...

This brings me to an article in written by Simon Kent: White House Examining Plans that Deflect Sun's Rays to Cool Earth (

These folks have completely lost their collective minds!

Here is the opening paragraph: "The White House is open to studying research that details methods of deflecting sunlight away from the earth’s surface to cool the atmosphere and halt “climate change.”'

What effect will this lunacy -- if carried out -- have on the growing of crops here in the U.S.?   What about the raising of cows, poultry and the like???

Can anyone see the ultimate goal here?   

Population control, or, better stated: population reduction to less than a billion people from the current number of over 7,000,000,000! 

They started with the "covid" "vaccine" to force people into getting the jab and keep folks isolated from family and friends.  In addition, many people, especially young athletes, are still dropping dead from the filthy, untested jab created by big pharma, making multi-millionaires at the expense of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, destroying uncountable families and livelihoods across the country and the world with the propaganda of killing the so-called "covid" bug (in reality, a nasty form of the flu that attacked, in many cases, an already weakened immune system!).

These monsters -- these workers of iniquity -- must be defeated!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...