Monday, July 3, 2023

Blocking The Sun To Cool The Earth??? These Anti-Christ Commies Are Fooling With Mother Nature!

 The fraud in the White House recently read from the teleprompter that there will never be another coal-fired energy plant built in the U.S.!


Because this apostate "Catholic" traitor -- to his country and his Master, Christ -- spews the leftist mantra of "climate change" and "global warming" trying to make dumbed-down Americans think that by preventing new coal-fired energy plants from being built and providing much needed, new sources of electricity to households and industry, that somehow that will reduce earth's temperature... 

The idea here is to make America the scapegoat suggesting that it is the U.S. that is the mass polluter of the entire world!  Further, it is, and always has been, the false notion of egalitarianism, one of the tenets of communism...

Interestingly, when the elites push their mindless population control policies, they conveniently overlook (or do they know?) the real polluter on the world scene: Red Communist China and India!

You never hear the incoherent Biden, and his handlers, mention that Red China has some of the dirtiest air on earth, where millions of its captive citizens breathe filthy air in many of the most populace cities under Xi's tyrannical dictatorship.

As an aside, how many realize that Red China continues to build coal-fired power plants at breakneck speed?  They care little and pay no attention to the "climate change" fanatics flying around in their private jets for meetings on how to reduce the "carbon footprint" of -- Western nations but leave Red China and India untouched!

By the way, that's one of the reasons the so-called "pandemic" affected millions of Red China's slaves... It was not some novel "virus" discovered in a lab... 

Even before the "pandemic," one could see face masks being worn by those walking the streets to work or school -- at the same time, you could actually see the air they were breathing!  (As I saw the air I was breathing when I attended my buddy's wedding in the Los Angeles area back in 1971.  I distinctly remember talking a short walk in the hazy, dirty air -- leaving a terrible taste in my mouth.  Imagine what that did to the lungs of the folks who lived in that smog for years on end weakening their immune systems subjecting them to all sorts of inflammation and diseases!?)

One can only figure that the intention of the Biden regime and their bought and paid for policies of power, influence and extortion is to make certain people rich at the expense of John Q. Public knowing that Red China will never be held accountable for polluting much of East Asia.  Translation: Biden is in the hip pocket of the Red Chinese -- we can add the Ukraine to that list of welfare states sucking up the monies of American taxpayers...

This brings me to an article in written by Simon Kent: White House Examining Plans that Deflect Sun's Rays to Cool Earth (

These folks have completely lost their collective minds!

Here is the opening paragraph: "The White House is open to studying research that details methods of deflecting sunlight away from the earth’s surface to cool the atmosphere and halt “climate change.”'

What effect will this lunacy -- if carried out -- have on the growing of crops here in the U.S.?   What about the raising of cows, poultry and the like???

Can anyone see the ultimate goal here?   

Population control, or, better stated: population reduction to less than a billion people from the current number of over 7,000,000,000! 

They started with the "covid" "vaccine" to force people into getting the jab and keep folks isolated from family and friends.  In addition, many people, especially young athletes, are still dropping dead from the filthy, untested jab created by big pharma, making multi-millionaires at the expense of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, destroying uncountable families and livelihoods across the country and the world with the propaganda of killing the so-called "covid" bug (in reality, a nasty form of the flu that attacked, in many cases, an already weakened immune system!).

These monsters -- these workers of iniquity -- must be defeated!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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