Saturday, July 8, 2023

Do You Need More Proof Of The Demonic Possession Of The Biden "Administration"? Well, Here It Is...

 How many know that the majority of the cabinet members of the Biden "administration" claim the august handle of Catholic? 

The answer is that there are those who claim to be Catholic, but in reality, are working for the Ape of the Church, Satan. They have apostatized from the true Catholic faith and have, for all practical purposes, sold their immortal souls for power, position and filthy lucre -- or worse...

They are serving the so-called "devout Catholic," Biden, as did the former Speaker of the House, Pelosi, who never passed up the chance to spew that massive lie to the gullible media lapdogs shilling for the Marxist regime currently holding the Oval Office hostage...

The current crop of "Catholics" is determined to push the radical, filthy and demonic agenda of the sins of the flesh -- including the mutilation of the bodies of minors -- with or without parental notification or consent!

An obvious case in point is the secretary of health and human services (HHS), Xavier Becerra, and his bizarre threat to withhold federal monies from Medicare and Medicaid providers who refuse to offer “transgender” mutilating surgeries and cross-sex hormones.

(Remember, Becerra is the miscreant, who, when testifying at his confirmation hearings, relayed to senators that his mother (a supposed devout Catholic!) was praying the Rosary for him to be confirmed!  What a blasphemy!) 

I find it hard to believe that his own mother did not know her son's true ideology and perverse agenda long before his confirmation.   

I am at a loss to figure out how the senators, knowing his radical views on homosexuality, abortion, contraception and "transgenderism," could have approved his nomination as HHS director???

Who has been bought and paid for here???

Please read the following article from written by Emily Mangiaracina: Biden health secretary vows to strip Medicaid funding from providers who refuse transgender surgeries - LifeSite (

How are practicing Catholics to deal with such obvious demonic possession of these traitors to Christ -- and their country?

Always pray for their conversion, but, at the same time, resist to the face the evil and wicked agenda being pushed on the youth of America by these workers of iniquity...

Remember, this is a fight for individual souls and for the soul of our beloved country...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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