Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Rogue, Mad "Catholics"!

 I have written this many times: it is either Christ or chaos!

We see an America -- the world, in fact -- in a state of chaos.  

The reason is "simple": Christ has been rejected, kicked out of the public sphere and without Him, mankind sinks into the depths of denial and madness.

I entitled my article: Rogue, Mad "Catholics"...

(Now I know that some non-Catholics may use this short missive to attack Holy Mother Church -- founded by our Lord and built on the Rock of St. Peter -- as sharks are drawn to the chum and quickly go into a feeding frenzy.  So be it, but the truth shall set you free!)

As far as rogue, mad "Catholics" are concerned, we have plenty of examples of such apostates who promote the killing of the pre-born, and/or, support the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance: the sin of Sodom, and they do so with enthusiasm, and, in many cases, with filthy lucre stolen from the American taxpayer...

I can name some of the main culprits here, such as Biden, Peloso, et al, but there are other "Catholics" that fall into the category of rogue and mad...

Are you aware that, in fact, the majority of Biden's cabinet are "Catholic"?

They all support the killing of the pre-born and more, and that is why I couch the august handle of Catholic in quotation marks; they are phonies and murderers and are automatically ex-communicated from the Church, placing their immortal souls in dire jeopardy!

There are many in state government as well who claim to be professed Catholics, but just under that veneer, the truth of their words -- and actions -- speaks volumes of their wicked agenda to slaughter the tiny lives of the pre-born in the womb.  These actions also include the over-the-counter availability of contraceptives and a real DIY abortion pill so now a female can kill her developing baby in her home, away from inquiring eyes.  


Unfortunately, far too many priests and bishops in the novus ordo church, are quiet when it comes to admonishing those evil politicians and others -- who claim to be practicing Catholics -- that their support for the culture of death can condemn them to hell for all eternity, that is, if they don't repent and amend their lives.

But every once in a while, a priest will do the tough job of excoriating and admonishing the rogue, mad "Catholic" regardless of the possible consequences to himself or his ministry.  

As an example, here is an article from, written by Louis Knuffke:  Catholic priest calls on Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs to 'immediately repent' of promoting abortion - LifeSite (

The good Fr. Craig Friedley, pulls no punches and calls on Gov. Hobbs (of Arizona) to repent or face potential, eternal damnation...

Here is the third paragraph of that article: "Friedley took the Democrat to task for her long-standing promotion of abortion up until birth under the guise of advocating for “women’s health,” saying her latest move “is not only immoral, but it means that you are placing your eternal soul in danger of damnation by your public, proud, and scandalous actions in supporting the murder of children in the womb.”

My emphasis...

I seriously doubt the Hobbs will repent of her diabolical agenda, but then again, the admonishing by Fr. Friedley might, in the long run, tweak her conscience and convince her to embrace the culture of life and go and sin no more...

If she does, however, she will be the subject of attack from the leftist lunatic's hell bent on keeping the murder of the pre-born "legal" and lose any political or monetary support and squash any hopes of higher office. 

What we must all do is to pray for such miscreants for their conversion to Christ our Lord and regain a state of sanctifying grace, without which one cannot enter the heavenly beatitude...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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