Thursday, August 1, 2024

More Sickness, Heresy, Scandal And Confusion From The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Encouraging Sodomite "Father" J. Martin And His Alphabet Soup Lunatics...

 Never a day goes by without more evidence continuing to pile up exposing the filth and scandal emanating from the highest offices in the Vatican -- and stopping at the desk of the man known as pope Francis.

How much longer will the novus ordo religion survive before it completely implodes?

Your guess is as good as mine, but suffice to say, with news contained in the following article from and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent, it simply cannot last much longer!

And thank goodness!!

"VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has once again sent a handwritten letter of support to Father James Martin SJ, expressing his closeness with the priest’s pro-LGBT Outreach conference being held this weekend.

Shortly before the commencement of its 2024 conference held in Georgetown University this weekend, Outreach published a photo of a hand-written letter sent from Pope Francis to Fr. Martin – the group’s founder.

Sent by Francis on July 11, the message reads:

Dear brother,
Thank you very much for your email.
I am glad that Cardinal Gregory will celebrate the Mass; I will be spiritually with him and with all of you, united in prayer.
Thank you for praying for me. I do the same for you.
May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin care for you.



The Pope’s letter came in response to a July 10 message sent to him by Martin, asking if the Pontiff had any message he wished to share with participants of the conference as has become custom in recent years. 

Welcoming Francis’ letter, Martin told Outreach that “[w]e are honored by the Holy Father’s greetings and his promises of prayers and are grateful for his own outreach to LGBTQ Catholics over the years. We will be praying for his intentions this weekend as we gather together at Georgetown.”

Welcoming Francis’ letter, Martin told Outreach that “[w]e are honored by the Holy Father’s greetings and his promises of prayers and are grateful for his own outreach to LGBTQ Catholics over the years. We will be praying for his intentions this weekend as we gather together at Georgetown.”

This year’s Outreach conference is billed as drawing together “LGBTQ lay people, clergy, scholars, artists, educators, students and family members to build community, share best practices and worship together.”

Cardinal Wilton Gregory of D.C. and Fr. Martin will be the chief celebrants and the weekend’s two Masses. The advertised panel discussions for the 300-plus participants include:

  • LGBTQ Ministry in Parishes
  • Telling LGBTQ Catholic Stories
  • The Bible and Homosexuality
  • LGBTQ Ministry in Higher Education
  • Transgender Catholics and the Church
  • Race, Intersectionality and LGBTQ People
  • Parenting LGTBQ Children
  • Catholic LGBTQ Women and the Church
  • Gifts of a Life of Chastity
  • Outreach Outlook from Rome
  • “Preach” Roundtable Discussion

Outreach itself operates “under the auspices of America Media,” which oversees the left-wing, Jesuit-run America Magazine. The group is the brainchild of Martin and his past pro-LGBT activities, as it aims to become a global resource center “where church leaders, both clergy and lay, can encounter the LGBTQ faithful, in their ‘joys and hopes’ and ‘griefs and anxieties’ as well as engage in respectful dialogue.”

Since its inception, Outreach has enjoyed a close relationship with Pope Francis, chiefly due to the personal friendship between Francis and Martin. 

Indeed, the Pope has now sent at least five publicly-known letters to Martin and the Outreach group in relation to the LGBT conferences they stage, although the first in 2021 was before Outreach was officially launched.

In 2021, just prior to Martin’s online LGBT conference, Francis wrote to the Jesuit thanking him for his “pastoral zeal” and “ability to be close to people, with that closeness that Jesus had and that reflects the closeness of God.” The Pope described Martin’s LGBT advocacy as being an imitation of the “style of God.”

Outreach was then launched on May 1, 2022, and only days later Francis replied to a letter Martin sent him in which he argued that a “selective” Church is “a sect,” and decrying what he styled as the Church’s “rejection” of “LGBT Catholic[s].”

READ: Fr. James Martin appears alongside blasphemous images of Our Lady while attending ‘LGBT Catholic’ event

Francis decried “rejection from the Church,” saying that for so-called LGBT individuals “I would have them recognize it not as ‘the rejection of the Church,’ but instead of ‘people in the Church.’ The Church is a mother and calls together all her children.”

Following the June 2022 Outreach conference, Francis again wrote to Martin in August 2022 after the Jesuit priest had sent the Pontiff details about the 2022 event. Francis praised Martin for “working in the culture of encounter,” which, he said, “shortens distances and enriches us with our differences, just as Jesus did.”

Then for the 2023 event, Francis continued the established practice by sending another hand-written letter. He thanked Martin “for all the good you are doing,” and also expressed his closeness to all at the conference.

Martin has met with Francis privately on a number of occasions, and was personally selected by the Pope to participate in the current Synod on Synodality. He is also a papally appointed member of the Dicastery for Communications.  

READ: Pope Francis meets with Fr. James Martin, reportedly affirms his LGBT activism

Martin’s favor with Pope Francis comes alongside his longstanding record of promoting LGBT ideology in dissent from Catholic teaching. The Jesuit priest is described as “arguably the most prominent activist” in the Church for LGBT issues.

His record also includes promoting images drawn from a series of blasphemous works by homosexual artist Douglas Blanchard and describing viewing God as male as “damaging.” Martin has additionally promoted homosexual unions and called for openly homosexual individuals to kiss during the sign of peace at the Novus Ordo Mass.

In contrast, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s (CDF) 1986 document “On the pastoral care of homosexual persons” stipulates that a “truly pastoral approach will appreciate the need for homosexual persons to avoid the near occasions of sin.”

“We wish to make it clear that departure from the Church’s teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral,” wrote the Vatican’s doctrinal office. “Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral. The neglect of the Church’s position prevents homosexual men and women from receiving the care they need and deserve.”

READ: Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’

The CDF added how “special concern and pastoral attention should be directed toward those who have this condition, lest they be led to believe that the living out of this orientation in homosexual activity is a morally acceptable option. It is not.”

End of article...

It is apparent that we are dealing with demons -- males wearing the Roman collar -- and the forces of pure evil that have infiltrated what is left of the novus ordo "church," but to the detriment of all Catholics.

More Sickness, Heresy, Scandal And Confusion From The Bishop Of Rome...

Heaven help us!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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