Sunday, August 11, 2024

Get Your Tin-Foil Hat, Flashlight Then Quickly Get Into Your Favorite Closet -- Again! "Government Awards Boeing MASSIVE Multi-Billion Dollar Contract With US Air Force"!!

On March 15, I wrote: 

Our Dear Christ Was Killed Because He Spoke The Truth. He Witnessed To The Truth. He Was -- IS -- The Truth! Others, Too, Have Suffered Death (Killed!) For Speaking The Truth!

I'm afraid that this story hasn't ended...

Please read that full article, it's relatively short...

I'll post the entire article, but before I do, as a former Air Force non-commissioned officer, I knew how important planes and jets were to mission success, here in the U.S. and overseas.

If arial support for he ground troops is not reliable, then many American lives could very well be lost on the battlefield.

In a minute I'm going to don my tin-foil hat and make a connection between what I posted earlier and this new information...

First, here's the article...

Guest Post by Miriam Judith.

"Boeing has announced that it has been awarded a $2.56 billion dollar contract from the U.S. Air Force to manufacture E-7A AEW&C Wedgetail aircraft. This is despite the company coming under fire in recent years due to the lack of quality production and oversight that has led to multiple tragedies with their aircrafts.

The head-scratching announcement comes against the backdrop of Boeing’s troubled recent history, which have embroiled the company in numerous controversies casting doubt on its ability to deliver reliable and safe aircraft.

One of the notable issues has been with Boeing’s 737 MAX aircraft, which faced two catastrophic crashes in 2018 and 2019. These crashes resulted in the tragic loss of over 300 lives and highlighted the significant lapses in both design and oversight.

In addition to the 737 MAX issues, Boeing’s troubles have extended to other areas. The company’s handling of NASA’s Starliner spacecraft, designed to transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station, has also been problematic, as the spacecraft has experienced significant malfunctions that have left astronauts stranded in space.

According to Boeing’s Vice president, the U.S. Air Force’s focus is on “stable, predictable execution”, which sounds nice, however the company seems to have the opposite reputation of ‘predictably bad execution’, leaving us to question why the U.S Air Force would even consider the company for this contract.

Military aircraft, given their critical roles in national defense and security, demand the highest standards of safety and operational readiness. The stakes involved in military aviation are exceptionally high, and the consequences of failure can be severe. The lives of military personnel should also take precedence over the consideration of a company that has developed a poor reputation in regards to the safety and efficacy of their products…

…and especially one that it’s whistleblowers end up like this:

But hey, that’s the M.O. of the deep state: rank incompetence, cover it up, silence dissent. It’s actually a perfect match."

End of article...

Now my comment on this contract...

Why is it that the current "administration" -- being run, by whom exactly??? -- has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter our country?  As an example, just in the month of July, nearly 2,000 Chinese, illegal aliens were caught at the southern border!  But those are the ones that were caught, what about those "got-a-ways," no one knows where they are or what they are doing, or intend to do?

Remember the movie "Red Dawn"?  

I contend that instead of paratroopers dropping out of planes, they will activate terror cells -- already here.  If that happens, then all hell is going to break loose!

Add to this horrible scenario, malfunctioning planes and jets because of shotty workmanship, unable to protect our troops.

(Tin-foil hat time!)  

Is all this planned?  

To weaken society and the military for a massive take over by the communists -- both here and abroad??


In the long run, we get what we deserve, knowing that we have let God down in so many respects!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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