Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Diabolical Sell-Out Of Faithful (Underground) Chinese Catholics Continues Under The Demonic 2018 Agreement Between Apostate Rome And The Murderous Communists!

 A lot of sinister and demonic programs have been initiated under the heavy-handed reign of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio -- known as Pope Francis -- especially the near complete sell-out of faithful Chinese Catholics who have been driven underground, or, should I say, back to the catacombs, in order to escape the wrath and hate of the commies.

That 2018 "agreement" between the Vatican and the Red Chinese devils is set to be renewed -- again!!

This, regardless of the proven facts of its initial effects, such as punishing faithful bishops and the lay faithful, and the destruction of many churches, chapels and the replacement of religious icons with "icons" of the mass murderer, Mao -- now burning in hell, no doubt!

And who do we "thank" for this ongoing apostacy foisted on the faithful Catholics in Red China?  Why none other than the pervert, former "cardinal" McCarrick and Bergoglio, that's who.

Does anyone need any more proof of the false "church" created by the new-world-order -- the novus ordo -- and its Communist comrades hell-bent on destroying what is left of the Catholic Church in order to create a man-centered "religion" devoid of the Holy Ghost and sanctifying grace?  

Can anyone ignore or close their eyes to the eradication of literally hundreds of millions of souls murdered or starved to death under Stalin and Mao under their "cultural revolutions"? 

These maniacs worked directly for Satan and his minions and now have allies inside the parallel "catholic" church with wicked and evil clerics wearing the Roman collar, but, in reality, are nothing more ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing, and Judas goats, leading the gullible over the cliff to certain spiritual death.

The following article from and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent highlights the continued treason of these modernist, red monsters...

Beijing recognizes Vatican-appointed bishop ahead of expected renewal of China-Vatican deal - LifeSite (

"TIANJIN, China (LifeSiteNews) — The Holy See announced that the Chinese government has officially recognized a Vatican-appointed bishop of the underground Church, in what appears as a significant moment in Sino-Vatican relations.

On August 27, the Holy See press office issued a statement detailing that Bishop Melchior Shin Hongzhen had been recognized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government as ordinary of the Diocese of Tianjin:

The Holy See learns with satisfaction that today, August 27, 2024, H.E. Msgr. Melchior Shi Hongzhen is officially recognized for the purposes of the civil order as Bishop of Tianjin (Municipality of Tianjin, People’s Republic of China).

 The Holy See commented that the development “is a positive fruit of the dialogue established over the years between the Holy See and the Chinese government.”

Bishop Shi, 94, had been appointed by the Vatican as coadjutor bishop of Tianjin in 1982, and succeeded Vatican-approved and fellow “underground” Church Bishop Stephen Li Side, who died in 2019 aged 92. The diocese, however, had been without a bishop since 2005.

Like his predecessor, Bishop Melchior Shi has consistently refused to join the state-approved church in China – the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA) – and has subsequently been under house arrest for a number of years.

Diocese of Tianjin: pivotal see in Sino-Vatican relations

The Diocese of Tianjin has long been a contended one, with the CCP authorities refusing to recognize the Vatican-appointed bishops. While still a priest, Bishop Stephen Li was arrested in 1958 upon the launch of the CPCA. He spent four years in jail before being released. Arrested once again in 1963, he was sent to work camps until 1980.

Bishop Li was then secretly consecrated bishop of the Diocese of Tianjin in 1982, but the CCP refused to recognize him. Imprisoned again in the late 1980s, he was released on house arrest until his death.

In his place, the CCP positioned Bishop Giuseppe Shi Hongchen as leader of Tianjin – a former member of the underground Church who had been consecrated an auxiliary of Tianjin by Bishop Li. Bishop Giuseppe Shi died in 2006.

According to the Holy See, the diocese has “56,000 faithful, distributed in 21 parishes, served by 62 priests and a good number of women religious.” A 2019 report by AsiaNews attested to “100 thousand faithful, cared for by 40 official and 20 underground priests” with a further 60 CPCA priests and sisters.

AsiaNews – a reliable documenter of news pertaining to the Church in the region – previously described the Diocese of Tianjin as “a significant test for the agreement on episcopal appointment.” Such a comment came in light of the much-discussed and highly controversial 2018 deal the Vatican has with Beijing.

The officially secret Sino-Vatican deal is believed to recognize the state-approved church in China and allows the CCP to appoint bishops. The Pope apparently maintains veto power, although in practice it is the CCP that has control, as demonstrated by a series of recent episcopal appointments by the CCP. It also allegedly allows for the removal of legitimate bishops to be replaced by CCP-approved bishops.

In a 2018 letter to Chinese Catholics, Francis described the deal as forming a “new chapter of the Catholic Church in China.”

But outside the walls of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, criticism has come from Catholic clergy, freedom advocates, and China experts. The highly secretive deal has been styled by Hong Kong emeritus Cardinal Joseph Zen as an “incredible betrayal,” with the much-loved cardinal further accusing the Vatican of “selling out” Chinese Catholics.

“All bishops who refuse to join the Catholic Patriotic Association are being placed under house arrest, or disappeared, by the CCP,” China expert Steven Moser told LifeSiteNews. “Although the Vatican said several years ago that the Sino-Vatican agreement does not require anyone to join this schismatic organization, refusal to do so results in persecution and punishment. And the Vatican stands by and does nothing.”

Tianjin a sign of the deal’s renewal?

In April this year, Vatican Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin confirmed to this correspondent that the Holy See hoped to renew the deal this fall, for the third such renewal.

READ: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Parolin confirms Vatican aims to renew secretive deal with China this year

Prior to the 2022 renewal, the Holy See and CCP authorities held joint discussions in Tianjin in early autumn, and the Vatican delegation also visited Bishop Melchior Shi in his house arrest. The Holy See team was led by Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, an official who was heavily instrumental in orchestrating the original Sino-Vatican deal, alongside Cardinal Parolin.

Various Vatican sources have confided to certain members of the Vatican press corps that relations between Beijing and the Vatican have apparently “made progress.” This, the officials said, was largely due to the current bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Stephen Chow, SJ, who has highlighted a spirit of “dialogue” between the two parties.

READ: EXCLUSIVE: Incoming Hong Kong cardinal highlights ‘dialogue’ between Vatican and Communist China

Notwithstanding such power games, the deal has led to a heightened increase in religious persecution, which the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China described as a direct consequence of the deal. In its 2020 report, the Commission wrote that the persecution witnessed is “of an intensity not seen since the Cultural Revolution.”

End of article but not the end of this tragic story!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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