Friday, March 15, 2024

Our Dear Christ Was Killed Because He Spoke The Truth. He Witnessed To The Truth. He Was -- IS -- The Truth! Others, Too, Have Suffered Death (Killed!) For Speaking The Truth!

  Lent is the leadup to the Passion and Death of Our Dear Lord... But we believers know that Satan was conquered and defeated by the death -- and Resurrection of Christ!  

As the title of my article suggests, others who have spoken the truth have also been killed.  

However, some of those killed are reported to have committed suicide.

Keep in mind, there are "professionals" that know how to make a murder look and feel as though someone took their own life.

This brings me to a story that is still breaking as I write this missive: the case of John Barnett...

(I have been following this developing story for the last few days...)

Who is, or, should I say, who was John Barnett?

I will post the entire article from and written by Boeing Whistleblower Who Died Suspiciously Said This to His Friend Before His Death: 'If Anything Happens to Me, It's Not Suicide' (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft.

Please read this article and decide for yourself if this was a murder -- as I believe it was, in fact, a "hit" by professionals hired to shut up Mr. Barnett -- for good.  Dead men tell no tales...

"A former Boeing manager and whistleblower, John Barnett, had told a close friend days before his untimely death that if anything happened to him, it would not be suicide.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Barnett was found dead from what appeared to be a self-inflicted wound inside his car in a hotel parking lot shortly after testifying against the aerospace company.

Barnett had accused Boeing of neglecting safety concerns and retaliating against him for his disclosures.

The 62-year-old, who had a 32-year tenure with the company until his retirement in 2017, died on March 9 during a break from depositions in a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit.

“Barnett’s death came during a break in depositions in a whistleblower retaliation suit, where he alleged under-pressure workers were deliberately fitting sub-standard parts to aircraft on the assembly line.” the Daily Mail reported.

Charleston police are investigating after Barnett was found in his truck “suffering from a gunshot wound to the head.”

According to the Daily Mail, Barnett was reportedly found with a ‘silver handgun’ in his hand and his finger on the trigger.

In the wake of his death, a suicide note was reportedly found near Barnett, raising questions and skepticism among his legal team.

His attorneys, Robert Turkewitz and Brian Knowles, have publicly questioned the conclusion that Barnett took his own life, urging the Charleston police for a thorough investigation.

They emphasized Barnett’s upbeat spirits before his scheduled deposition and expressed disbelief that he would commit suicide.

Adding to the mystery, police have conducted an extensive examination of Barnett’s vehicle, a process not typically associated with clear-cut suicides. According to reports, police have dusted his car for fingerprints.

Hotel staff members also recounted Barnett appearing completely normal on the evening preceding his death.

Now this…

In a shocking revelation to ABC News, a close family friend of John Barnett disclosed his haunting premonition before his untimely death.

Jennifer, whose mother has been lifelong friends with Barnett’s mother, shared that Barnett had expressed concerns about potentially ending up dead in a scenario falsely framed as suicide.

Jennifer recounted her conversations with Barnett, emphasizing his love for life and dismissing any possibility that he could have taken his own life.

“He wasn’t concerned about safety because I asked him, I said, aren’t you scared? And his voice and the way he would talk, ‘no, I ain’t scared,’ he said, but if anything happens to me, it’s not suicide. I know that he did not commit suicide. There’s no way. He loved life too much. He loved his family too much. He loved his brothers too much to put them through what they’re going through right now,” she said.

Barnett’s premonition has now become a chilling focal point for those demanding a thorough investigation into his death. His claim, perceived as a warning, has ignited speculation and concern over potential foul play."

(My emphasis.) 

Video address:

Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft's articles here.

Boeing is a huge, powerful, wealthy company that produces jet airliners as well as being a major defense contractor.  Would they go to the extreme to have someone killed to keep the truth from the public?  

I contend that this very same scenario has been played out over and over again for anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, right here in our beloved nation by those who hate the truth and fear the consequences to their reputation -- and their wallet! 

Pray for justice for Mr. John Barnett, for his family and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

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