Tuesday, March 5, 2024

France, Once Known As "The Eldest Daughter Of The Church," Is Now Satan's Bastion Of Death And Mayhem -- Of The Pre-Born!

 France Becomes First Country in the World to Make Killing Babies in Abortions a Constitutional Right!!!

First Ireland, and now France... Where will it end???

I will post the entire article... Read it and weep for the ongoing and future slaughter of pre-born French girls and boys...

The culture of death is "alive" and "well" in the former "eldest daughter of the Church"...

France made history by becoming the first country to embed a fictitious “right” to abortion in its constitution. Lawmakers from both chambers of parliament convened on Monday and easily passed this horrific amendment.

The bill in this liberal nation garnered an overwhelming 780-72 vote in favor, prompting nearly the entire joint session to rise for a prolonged standing ovation. Leading pro-life campaigners were saddened to see politicians clapping for killing babies.

French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to safeguard abortion against any potential future attempts to protect women and their babies. Following the vote, Macron announced that the amendment would be formally incorporated into the constitution on Friday, March 8 — International Women’s Day — during a public ceremony in central Paris.

He emphasized the vote’s significance as a source of “French pride” and a “universal message,” expressing his sentiments on social media.

Before the vote, the Vatican said there is no right to take away the right to life of human beings.

“The Pontifical Academy for Life recalls that in the era of universal human rights, there can be no ‘right’ to take a human life,” the Vatican’s pro-life office said in a statement.

The group appealed to “all governments and all religious traditions to do their best so that, in this phase of history, the protection of life becomes an absolute priority”.

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“The particular life situations and difficult and tragic contexts of our time must be addressed on the basis of a law which seeks above all to protect the weakest and most vulnerable,” it added.

In France, making abortion a right could allow abortions up to birth for any reason since any limits would likely be interpreted by a court as contravening that so-called right.

Earlier this year, during the annual March for Life in Paris, about 20,000 people urged lawmakers to reject the pro-abortion change.

Nicolas Bauer, associate researcher at the European Centre for Law and Justice, said the proposed amendment is a radical move by pro-abortion leftists.

“By inserting it into the constitution, the left wants to make abortion sacred as if it were a value at the heart of the national ‘social contract,’” Bauer told the Catholic News Agency last year. “From being a crime, abortion has become a banal medical act, and the left now is seeking to make it a fundamental right, superior to every other right.”

According to the French Ministry of Health, there were 222,000 abortions in 2020 that ended the lives of babies before birth.

End of article...

(My emphasis.)

My comment... "Before the vote, the Vatican said there is no right to take away the right to life of human beings."

Is that it from the Vatican??

Why didn't the Vatican tell those maniacs that all who vote for that diabolical legislation would be automatically ex-communicated and place their immortal souls in dire jeopardy???

With the state of the novus ordo church these days, that would be too much to expect, in other words, to do their jobs as shepherds of souls! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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