Friday, March 1, 2024

Apostate Biden Laughs While Mother Weeps At Teen Deaths From Illegal Fentanyl From Mexico! Are You Surprised At His Heartless Attitude??

  I'm going to post a video from  It is gut-wrenching to see and hear this heartbroken mother describe the death of her two sons from fentanyl poisoning!

 President Biden laughs while mother weeps at teen deaths from illegal fentanyl from Mexico (

I would like to make a comment about this apostate monster holding the Oval Office -- and the country! -- hostage for over three years now...

This heartless maniac is a radical supporter of the culture of death in many ways, including being the commander-in-chief -- of the slaughter of pre-born American girls and boys, as well as promoting the sin of Sodom.

This is what happens when a Catholic apostatizes from the teachings of Holy Mother Church and sells his immortal soul to the father of lies and death, Satan. 

Not only is he a traitor to Christ, but also to his country by letting in millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are military age men!  

In my opinion, this is a plan that encourages terrorist "sleeper cells" to form, and eventually, our Republic will be attacked from within.  Let's call it a new "red dawn"...

This may sound far-fetched to some readers.  It isn't to me...

At my age, it might be difficult for me to take up arms once again to defend my country, but if it is necessary, then I will do it...

We must all fight the moral and spiritual rot that has engulfed our nation, coming from the top down!  And make no mistake, there is a connection between the secular rot and the ecclesiastical rot of the hierarchy of the novus ordo church -- that rot trickles down from the occupant of the Chair of St. Peter all the way down to the local novus ordo pulpit.

As the novus ordo church goes, so goes society!  We are seeing that in spades.

Remember, the law of praying is the law of believing...

We must pray for our enemies, including the sick and incoherent Biden...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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