Sunday, March 10, 2024

Angry, Vicious, Demonic Biden Lashes Out At American Firsters, President Trump -- And The Pre-Born -- At The So-Called State Of The Union Address...

 This character is truly sick and evil!

His wild actions and hate can no longer be hidden nor explained away...

And who does he pick on?  American firsters, of course.  I guess you could say that would be expected, but then what does he do?  This thug attacks the most defenseless of our species: the pre-born American girl and boy, and practically takes an oath to codify -- in federal law! -- the "right" to slaughter a pre-born baby all the way up to birth -- for any reason! 

It was plain to see that the address to the nation was filled with anger, rage, hate and disdain for President Trump as well and anyone who wants to "Make America Great Again"!  

I am not going to kid myself into believing that Mr. Trump is the answer to all our problems as a society and as a nation but dare to compare someone who has lost all sense of morality, reason -- and cognitive coherence -- to someone that just might be on the road to conversion, and I'll take the latter any day of the week! 

I think that even some of Biden's brain-dead supporters are beginning to accept the fact that he has lost control of his senses, not to mention the fact that this barbarian has his finger on the nuclear button.  

We know that his bosses in Communist Red China are jumping for joy as our southern border has let in hundreds -- or thousands? -- of Chinese military aged men, allowing them to scatter throughout the country -- to eventually set up armed terror cells(?) to strike at our infrastructure and dismantle our ability to quickly respond to any threat to our freedoms.

What if those commies came to the border dressed in full military uniforms with AKs slung over their shoulders?  

Does anyone in their right mind think they would be welcome with open arms, entering our country illegally, with the obvious intention of doing us harm?  

I don't think so... On the contrary, there would be open warfare and firefights to fend them off and destroy the invaders...

How many millions of invaders has the corrupt Biden and his cronies let into our country?  No one knows for sure, or where they end up, and that's the scary part; no one knows...

All this on top of the fact that many innocent American women have suffered mayhem and heinous murder at the hands of illegal aliens!

Biden has no intention whatsoever to fix a problem that he caused in the first place, he can't, because that would be admitting some iota of truth, and we know that truth is anathema to the radical left.

I am absolutely convinced that if the upcoming presidential election is stolen, again, by the Demonrats, there will be massive civil protests all across the country -- or a real war between the states and the monstrosity known as the federal government! 

We must pray for the conversion of Biden and for the defeat of his diabolical agenda -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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