Tuesday, March 5, 2024

America Has Simply Become Suicidal! The Total Collapse Of The Southern Border Allowed And FINANCED By The Traitor In The White House -- Biden, Et Al.

  Please read the following article from chroniclesmagazine.org and written by ROGER D. MCGRATHThe Funders of the U.S. Invasion - Chronicles (chroniclesmagazine.org)

I guarantee, reading this article will be a real eye-opener! 

I'm going to post a couple of excerpts, but first a comment or two...

We know that those on the left, and that includes 99.9 percent of the Democrats, their bought-and-paid-for installed -- not elected! -- Biden and his cronies, as well as our enemies from without, want to transform our Republic into another third-world hellhole, dominated by Marxist elites.  

To name just a few, how about Communist Red China, how about North Korea, and how about those murderous rascals in the war-torn Middle East.

A caveat: this is my opinion -- based on years of witnessing the horrific antics of the neo-con and neo-liberal war mongers hell-bent on regime change and empire building in so many Mid-East nations, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, other parts of Africa -- why America is labeled the "great satan" by the lunatic Jihadist, Hamas, Isis and the numerous warlords that filled the void we created by destabilizing most of the Middle East and beyond...  

Please understand, I love my country, but not "my country right or wrong"!

Anyone who adheres to that lunacy, can easily fall into the trap that the Nazis who testified at Nuremburg, used as an excuse for their crimes against humanity, repeating the mantra over and over again, I was just following orders...

What we're seeing in our beloved country is extraordinary treason by those occupying the highest offices in the land, allowing -- and, yes, funding! -- the invasion at the southern border (and don't forget the norther border as well!).

Here are a couple of excerpts from this informative and scary missive: "America has simply become suicidal. In addition to the UN and the NGOs, there will now be “Safe Mobility Offices” operated by the United States in some of the migrants’ origin countries to facilitate the northward march to our borders. The report says their purpose is to “have a positive and stabilizing impact on refugees and migrants who qualify by providing them with options for a regular pathway to the USA.” These mobility offices have already been established in Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Guatemala."

And this: "While the UN and the Biden administration are doing everything they can to move migrants from Latin America into the United States, their efforts are rivaled by church groups. It’s an ecumenical effort with Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish groups well represented. Among the many dozens of groups are Lutheran World ReliefUnited Methodist Committee on ReliefAdventist Development and Relief AgencyBaptist River MinistryCatholic CharitiesKino Border InitiativeHumanitarian Respite CenterBorder Angels, American Jewish World Service, and Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)."

End of excerpts...

Note: it is a known fact that the so-called "Catholic Charities" have their dirty hands right in the middle of this ongoing invasion by millions of illegal aliens, many of whom hate the America their coming to!  

It is apparent that the federal behemoth -- and, sadly, the churches! -- do not have America's best interests at heart...

Pray for the defeat of these monsters at the ballot box this November, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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