Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Insane! "Cardinal" Dolan Wrongly Claims Muslims Are A ‘Good Example’ For Catholics ‘On Our Lenten Journey’...

 Is this an example of "invincible ignorance" what the Quran teaches, or is this just plain ignorance -- most importantly, of what the true Catholic Church teaches?

Let's keep in mind that over the years, this supposed shepherd of one of the largest archdioceses in the U.S. has worn the "rainbow sash" at the now-depraved St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York!  But that's not all... Does anyone remember an interview he gave some years back regarding an NFL player "coming out," in other words, admitting he was a homosexual?  What was his response?


That was his response!

Then there was the recent, scandalous desecration of St. Patrick's cathedral hosting a funeral "service" for a homosexual sex worker known far and wide for un-mentionable, bizarre sexual escapades in that damned "community"...

Keep in mind that Dolan is a "cardinal" of the novus ordo church!

Oh, by the way, the archdiocese of N.Y. has closed or plans to close over 300 parishes in order to "consolidate" their churches due to dwindling Mass attendance, which, of course, will further erode their already paltry revenues.

Now, the question begs: why are there fewer and fewer practicing Catholics in the rotten apple?

Could it be that the Catholic faith is rarely if ever taught from the pulpit?  And could it be that many of those "Catholics" use contraception and commit the heinous, ex-communicable crime of abortion?  Could that be why the Catholic population of the novus ordo church is slowing dying on the vine?

Need I say more?

Now comes another massive scandal from this traitor to the Catholic faith... From lifesitenews.com and written by Andreas Wailzer

Cardinal Dolan wrongly claims Muslims are a 'good example' for Catholics 'on our Lenten journey' - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Here are the first several paragraphs of the article...

NEW YORK (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Timothy Dolan has wrongly claimed that Muslims are “a good example” to Catholics “on our Lenten journey.”

In a video message dedicated to the beginning of the month-long season of Ramadan on March 11, Dolan expressed his appreciation for the Islamic feast.

“Blessing and graces to our Islamic brothers and sisters because their holy season of Ramadan begins today,” the archbishop of New York said.

“It’s a lot like their version of lent, which we are going through now as Catholics, as Christians.”

“Our Islamic brothers and sisters take very seriously fasting, acts of sacrifice and self-denial and penance, deeper prayer,” he continued. “Boy, they take that very, very seriously during this month of Ramadan. They’re a good example to us as we are on our Lenten journey to kind of be in solidarity with our Islamic brothers and sisters.”

Please read the whole article -- if you can stomach it...

Remember too, that the Muslims do not recognize our dear Lord as the Son of God!  

Does Dolan?

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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