Friday, March 8, 2024

The Saint Benedict Center: An Oasis Of Spiritual Sanity In A World Of Indifferentism And Atheism...

  Let's cut to the chase... Satan, right now, has the upper hand because the world continues to embrace indifferentism and atheism, and rejecting the Commandments -- and the Natural Law!

Now, if this was true only in the secular realm, that would be bad enough, but when the same indifference and non-belief has infected and is, in fact, preached from the housetops by the supposed shepherds of the church, then we're in big, big trouble!

Over the last eleven years -- since Bergoglio was installed as the Bishop of Rome -- chaos and downright depravity has continued to rear its ugly face, nearly destroying what is left of the novus ordo establishment.

But why is he allowing this to happen?

We are told in the Bible not to judge others.  Of course, the true meaning of that -- it is not within our human ability, nor responsibility, to judge one's heart or soul.

But objectively, we are to judge a person by their words and actions...

In fact, we have to! 

If we didn't use our God-given common sense and not make judgments about those whom we interact with on a daily basis, then we fall into the trap of wresting the Scriptures to our own destruction by misinterpreting the Word of God!  Beyond that, we simply would not be able to function as humans and carry out our duties according to our state in life.  

I will say this, that my family and I attended the Saint Benedict Center for over 22 years before we sold our home and moved to Missouri to be closer to our son and his growing family...

Fortunately, we have the privilege of attending the Old St. Patrick Oratory and the traditional Latin Mass in Kansas City, MO...

We are concerned, however, that there may be further attacks on assisting at the TLM as hints are emanating from apostate Rome with the continued smashing of traditional orders as well as the TLM in particular.  

Again, the question is why??

Aside from the more obvious intentions -- with anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear -- of Francis toward the TLM and the faithful, young, burgeoning families we see every Sunday at the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, one can only guess... But we can judge his words and actions toward Tradition and what we see is not good!  It seems to me that it has become a "we against them," or, better stated, good against evil!  

Please note that I take no joy in writing that...

Eventually, faithful Catholics in the U.S. and around the world, may be driven into the catacombs as the early Christians (Catholics) were forced to practice their precious faith under the heavy-handed, cruel Roman Emperors.  (Similar to the present-day Catholics in communist Red China have been driven even further underground after the demonic "agreement" between the faithless Vatican and the brutal Reds.)

I titled this article: The Saint Benedict Center: An Oasis Of Spiritual Sanity In A World Of Indifferentism And Atheism...

The Center is truly an oasis of faith and morals as the true Catholic Church teaches... 

You can read many articles regarding the absolute necessity of becoming and remaining Catholic in order to attain salvation!  

Here is the website for the St. Benedict Center... Home -

I know that truth can be a difficult thing to bear, but His graces are sufficient for thee!!

I urge all non-Catholics and fallen-away Catholics of good will to open your minds and hearts to the unchanging truth as taught to the Apostles by our Lord Himself and handed down to us over the last 2,000 years to the present day.

Satan, the father of lies and death, doesn't want you to believe the truth -- and that he, in fact, exists and wants to drag you down into hell for all eternity!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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