Monday, March 25, 2024

Slithering, Heretical Snakes At The White House!

 Before I post this revealing article, I want to stress that I will put the words father and president in brackets.  Why?  Because it is painfully obvious that neither are legitimate or valid.  

The traitor, hair-sniffing pervert, Biden, because he was installed -- not elected! -- into the Oval Office, and the absolute heretic, pervert, James Martin cannot be a validly ordained priest of the Holy Catholic Church, that's why...

For an obvious example, if two baptized Catholics get married in the Church, one can presume -- that is, when the bans of marriage are announced and nothing negative is revealed -- that they validly received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.  But that presumption rests on the belief that there were no impediments to the reception of the sacrament.  However, if one of the spouses at the time of the "marriage" is, say for example, a serial killer or a heretic, and that is not revealed or confessed beforehand, then that "marriage" is automatically null and void.  Plainly speaking, there was no marriage to begin with!  

So, neither can a communist, or a heretic be validly ordained to the priesthood!  That is a spiritual impossibility!  Remember too, that the former communist recruiter, Bella Dodd (and she revealed that there were others!), got commies and perverts to enter the seminaries and become "priests" to infiltrate and bring down the church from within.  What we are seeing today, are the rotten fruits of those communists and perverts that have done -- and continue to do -- their dirty work of destroying dogma and the faith of millions of Catholics, leading them over the cliff by the Judas goats -- the wolves in sheep's clothing -- to certain spiritual death! 

How many "priests," "bishops," "cardinals" and "popes," have deviated from the authentic teachings of the Church on faith and morals -- and the dogmas that must be believed if one is to be saved!


Remember Archbishop Sheen's comment on a parallel church that calls itself Catholic??

The following article is from and written by Joe Hosts a Heretic - Crisis Magazine

I will post the entire article here, but not the photograph of these two despicable, smiling, heretics and perverts...

The very first line below, is taken from St. Paul's condemnation of those who eat and drink unworthily, in 1 Corinthians: 11:27,29...  

"Joe Biden is a heretic who eats and drinks his own spiritual death every time he unworthily takes Communion, which is all the time.

So, it is unsurprising Old Joe hosted another well-known heretic, ["Fr."] James Martin, S.J., at the White House last Sunday for St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland, and here was Old Joe allowing them to slither into the White House.

Let’s review the heresies of ["]Fr.["] James Martin, S.J.

Martin looks forward to the day when married gays can kiss at the sign of peace. He tells same-sex attracted people that God made them that way and that “He does not make junk.” He believes there is more than one “sexual orientation.” He says Catholic teaching on homosexuality has not been “received” and, therefore, can change. He says the same thing about contraception. 

He says the Church’s teaching on homosexuality must change from “disordered” to “differently ordered.” He says the Church’s teaching on homosexuality is “subhuman.” Martin says we must “reverence” committed, that is to say active, homosexual relationships. He says Catholic adoption agencies must place children with homosexuals or be guilty of “homophobia.” He believes the homosexual desire is among the deepest parts of a human being. One could go on and on.

And all the while, ["]Fr.["] Martin insists that he does not oppose any teachings of the Church. He spreads his heresies wherever he goes, including the White House. 

But, you say, he has been welcomed into the Vatican to sit down with the pope. True enough. And he has been appointed to various Vatican committees, including one on communication. It should be pointed out that the Holy Father is not infallible in the guests he invites into his presence.

I think Francis has no real idea of what Martin does and says and is generally up to with regard to normalizing sodomitical relationships. The pope does not read Crisis Magazine. So, who’s to tell him? The various heretics around him? Not likely. They are telling him, “Holy Father, those evil conservatives hate him because he wants to meet gays where they are!” And, “Holy Father, you know, those Trads want them to burn in Hell.” Without a doubt, we hear, to say the least, uncertain trumpets coming from Vatican City these days. Such trumpets sound an awful lot like the wah-wah-wah coming from the mouth of James Martin. No doubt, they know him well in certain Vatican offices. 

He wasn’t the only heretic hosted by the Heretic-in-Chief. Jesuit Thomas Reese was there. I don’t know all of his heresies, but I know one of them is his support for contraception, the font of most of the sexual evils for almost a century. He has called for the Church to surrender on the question of homosexuality. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between ["]Fathers["] Reese and Martin.

A passel of Kennedys was there. How far from the tree! John Kennedy was a sinner, as are we all, but he was not a dissenter. Did you know that on that plane ride back to Washington, D.C., after Kennedy had his head blown off, LBJ was not sworn in on a Bible? According to historian Paul Kengor, they swore him in on a big fat Missal, the kind TLM Catholics use to this day. They found it in the plane. It belonged to Jack or Jackie. But you can figure that among the 30 or so Kennedys pictured with Joe, every single one of them dissents from Catholic teaching, and not a one dissents from the sexual revolution.

And so, it makes perfect sense that Old Joe would invite such a ["]priest["] as James Martin to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Joe Biden is in lockstep with a number of Church heresies. Joe believes in abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. He says kids have a human right to have their privates chopped off. Of course, he favors homosexual marriage, adoption, etc. These are old news. 

But the new thing is that he wants to institute hate crime laws against Catholics and others who oppose this new sexual dogma. He has initiated a global jihad out of USAID to punish Catholics anywhere in the world who vocally oppose this agenda.

Do not despair. This is marvelous. Why? Because He knows what He is about, and what did He do? He sent us to defend His Church and His creation at a time of maximum danger. This is as good as anything that happened in the second century. Do not miss this remarkable moment where the heretics bask in the sun and we are called upon to defend Holy Mother Church."

End of article...

Austin Ruse

Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. He is president of the Center for Family and Human Rights in New York and Washington DC. He is the author of several books including, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic (Crisis Publications). He can be reached at

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...


Gene DeLalla 



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