Monday, September 30, 2024

Could Helene Have Been A DARPA Creation?

 On Friday, May 24, 2024, I wrote this: 

I'm Going To Put On My "Tin Foil Hat" And Sit In A Closet With My Flashlight!

Now, there may be some corroboration; there may be another "tin-foil-hat" wearer, only this time it is a well-respected and knowledgeable gent, much more so than myself...

I ask you to read the entire article (posted below) and see if there may be an element of truth, a pattern, or proof for this "theory"...

Could Helene have been a DARPA Creation?

Paul Craig Roberts

"I went to sleep early the evening of September 26 expecting a 130 mph hurricane Helene to pass directly over my home at about midnight. I woke up at 12:30 AM. Did not hear hurricane winds. I woke again at 3:30 AM. Too quiet. I fought off the thought that Helene had stalled just offshore and was working itself up into a 150-160 mph Category 5+, but managed to go back to sleep. My cats roused me at 6AM. A tiny bit of light from a morning that was trying to get underway, and no destruction. And no power. In my pre-coffee morning I tried to put them together: no destruction, no sign of any wind or rain, but no power.

With a gas burner I made coffee and ventured out looking for downed trees and shingles off the roof. A couple of large tree limbs but little else. I started to think I was still asleep having a good dream.

I located an old battery powered radio that miraculously worked and learned that at the last few minutes the eye which had experienced trouble maintaining itself had wobbled to the east about 55 miles east of me and south as it came ashore at Perry, Florida. Tallahassee, the state capital, was expecting devastation, but it was Perry to the southeast that took the hit.

The weather channel and the national TV networks are selling advertising. They play the hurricanes as if it is gladiators in the Roman colosseum fighting to the death against human opponents or lions. That Americans eat this up shows their enjoyment of violence. Increasingly, violence is America’s entertainment. Consider the extreme violence of American movies, the extreme violence of video games, the extreme violence of politics with law used as a weapon even against Donald Trump while he was in office, the extreme violence of the US and Israel against the Palestinians, the provocation of Russia into war.

Americans are entertained by violence. That is why there are no peace movements as the world awaits the West’s response to Putin’s statement that missiles fired into Russia means world war.

Back to the hurricane. Many people left the expected hurricane landing area because of the likely destruction. But not one word in the presstitute media of the destruction that would result from the White House’s decision to strike Russia with missiles.

As I am experiencing it, I can attest that it is an inconvenience not having access to water, power, and communication, but this inconvenience is nothing compared to the inconveniences that go with nuclear war. Nuclear war is the ultimate hell. It is identical to going to Hell. Everything should be done to avoid it. Instead the Satanists in Washington and Europe are encouraging it. The majority of the American people are more worried about their golf score, their college football team’s performance in the game against the main rival, and whether their teenage daughters are taking their birth control pills.

The first of the deep state’s assassination attempts on Trump was in Pennsylvania. The Democrat Pennsylvania government left the investigation in the hands of the FBI, which many believe was responsible for the attempt. The Secret Service is being blamed because of incompetence resulting from the Biden regime’s DEI policies. The Republicans are unwilling to go any further. They are satisfied with the conclusion that replacing merit with inclusiveness destroyed the capability of the US Secret Service.

Unlike Democrat Pennsylvania, Florida’s state government has asserted the right to investigate the second assassination attempt on Trump as it occurred in Florida. This concerns the FBI, which tried to block Florida’s investigation. Why? If the official FBI narrative is correct, an incompetent Secret Service is to blame. The incompetent element is meant to exonerate the deep state from suspicion.

Let’s look at a conspiracy theory as described by those who are paid to control the permissible narratives.

For many years the US Government has financed the HAARP investigations funded by the US Air Force, Navy, and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects).

HAARP’s purpose is to investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology that could be used to excite weather conditions in an area of the ionosphere. In other words, it is possibly a program to weaponize weather disguised as experiments to enhancement radio communications and surveillance, just as law and news “reporting” have been weaponized. Or the program could be what it is said to be.

As we have neither an honest media nor an honest government, we cannot know.

Suspicious people ask how official spokespersons knew in advance that Helene was heading for Tallahassee. No one knows where a hurricane is going or with what strength until 15 minutes before it hits. Helene is an example. In the last few minutes it hit far to the east.

Helene had trouble forming, and it had trouble holding together. Washington would have an interest in sending a storm DeSantis’ way. The Florida governor has gotten in Washington’s way before, and he is in the way again with a state investigation of the second attempt on Trump. Florida in chaos dependent on federal aid would be more compliant.

Meteorologists avoid these questions. Government scientists say we cannot influence local weather, but the same scientists say we are causing global warming, from which Bill Gates wants to save us by spraying particles into the atmosphere. Meanwhile “conspiracy theorists” continue to claim that the US government is filling the atmosphere with aluminum particles. People have been mucking around with weather for decades. I remember watching rockets being fired to seed the clouds to make it rain. The best way to dispose of conspiracy theories is to objectively examine them, not shout them down. Shouting them down implies that the evidence is on their side and must be suppressed.

Fact checkers, who know nothing about the topics that they “fact check” but who rely on CNN, NPR, NY Times, and the rest of the narrative protectors for their “facts,” describe unwelcome information and questions as “disinformation,” “fake news,” “Russian propaganda,” “racist,” “anti-semitic.” This is a way of disposing of questions, not addressing them.

Democracy fails when the choice of a president turns on which candidate elicits voters’ emotional response. A recent Rasmussen Poll found that emotions such as hatred will play a significant part in the choice of president with 28% of Democrats wishing for Trump’s assassination. Is a Rasmussen Poll disinformation? What does it mean when more that a quarter of Democrats are going to vote hatred?

Not everything labeled conspiracy theory is. The American people who the Founders relied upon to pay attention and to defend their rights have failed the Founders. A majority of Americans do not even know what the US Constitution says. They do not comprehend that the United States is the Constitution, and that the destruction by the liberal woke Democrats and university law schools of the US Constitution is the destruction of our country. We are living in a time of treason.

The US Congress has lost its authority to regulatory agencies. Congress no longer even has the power to make law. The regulatory agencies make law according to how they wish the law to be by how they write the regulations that define the law.

The executive branch ignores Congress and refuses to be held accountable.

The judiciary is collapsing as Democrats and George Soros put on the courts ideologues who intend to use law as a weapon against enemies.

Americans are an easy mark, because they are too insouciant and too gullible to believe that “their government” would behave in such ways. The First Amendment is being hacked down. Once Americans cannot speak, they are done for. They will wave the flag as they are marched to their doom."

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End of article, but not the end of the story!
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!!
St. Joseph pray for us!!
Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

President Trump Honors St. Michael The Archangel On Feast Day By Sharing Powerful Prayer For Protection!!

 I have to write that something "unusual" is happening to President Trump!

Something that could indicate that he is getting closer to conversion to the Catholic faith.

This is not wishful thinking or hyperbole, but a real possibility as recent events of good folks -- including two priests! -- passing on statues of Saints and a Scapular, and, if I'm not mistaken, a Rosary to the President!

Melania, his dear, suffering wife, I understand has now returned to the faith and is practicing once again!

If you add 2 + 2, you can surely get 4...

Where there is smoke, there is usually fire...

Say it anyway you want, but I say that something, or should I say, the Holy Ghost? -- is availing many graces to the President.  Let us see if he, indeed, makes the move, a move that would shake up the entire world, I'm convinced!!

Here is an article from and written by  

"On this sacred day of Michaelmas, former President Donald Trump invoked the heavenly power of St. Michael the Archangel, sharing a powerful prayer for protection across America.

Michaelmas, celebrated on September 29th, marks the Feast of Michael and All Angels, an ancient Christian tradition honoring St. Michael, the Archangel who led heaven’s armies in the defeat of Lucifer, the fallen angel.

Trump took to social media to remind the nation of the spiritual battle being waged in today’s society. In his message, he highlighted the importance of turning to divine strength in a time when many feel that the forces of darkness are encroaching on the freedoms and morality of America.

What is Michaelmas?

Michaelmas, or The Feast of Michael and All Angels, signifies the end of the harvest, the start of autumn and the beginning of the shorter days. An annual feast day, and ‘quarter day’ in the calendar, of the Western Christian Church, Michaelmas is celebrated on September 29th. It takes its name from the Archangel Michael, the leader of heaven’s armies and the angel who defeated Lucifer.

How is Michaelmas celebrated?

St Michael is known as one of the principal angelic heroes and a protector against the dark of the winter nights. Traditionally Lucifer’s forces were believed to be stronger in the days of winter darkness, hence all the customs and rites associated with this time of year.

On this sacred feast day, Trump shared a powerful prayer, calling upon St. Michael to defend the United States against the growing influence of evil forces within the nation.

In a message to Americans, Trump wrote:

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Screenshot: Donald Trump/Truth Social
End of  the article, but not the end of the story!!

Pray for the conversion of President Trump -- and for his safety, as there are now more demonic lunatics plotting to take his life!

Pray too for our country and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!!!

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Russia Announces Changes To Nuclear Doctrine: Western Missile Strikes Deep Inside Russia Will Trigger An Atomic Response!!

 Russia Announces Changes to Nuclear Doctrine: Western Missile Strikes Deep Inside Russia Will Trigger an Atomic Response

The "West" is playing with fire!   

A nuclear fire!

A fire that would, for all practical purposes, end mankind as we know it.  

The living would envy the dead.

Let's back up a bit...

Just who comprises the West?

The maniac warmongers in the U.S. and NATO, not to mention the anti-Christ Zionist regime in Israel.

In reality, though, the "West" is full of anti-Christ nations-states dominated by globalist elites chomping at the bit for a war with Mother Russia.  

But don't they realize that this next war will be a nuclear war???

And for what purpose?

To save a corrupt entity know as Ukraine, and an equally corrupt former dancer/comedian thug who goes by the name of Zelensky.

Zelensky is the darling of the West, just as the other darling of the West, Israel -- that holds an iron-fisted control and influence over our own "elected" representatives in the congress and the senate.

Between these two diabolical states, one or both, will get us into a nuclear conflagration.  

Again, I ask for what purpose?

The only "reasonable" explanation is to destroy the Russian federation of states (not the old Soviet Union) and establish, what exactly?


Which, as we know, is mob rule by majority.

The equally corrupt and treasonous rats, Biden/Harris, love Satan and hate Christ (Catholics specifically), with Biden being an apostate and Harris, his understudy, is adapt at persecuting Christians -- in that respect, she has a well-known track record in fulfilling the work of the demon.

Please read the following article from and written by 

Also, listen to the short video of president Putin...

"WORLD WAR III UPDATE: The globalist left moved the world closer to nuclear war on Wednesday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin met with officials on Wednesday and announced changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine.

Putin lowered the threshold regarding Russian strategic forces’ use of nukes.

In a televised address to Russia’s Security Council, Putin said nuclear doctrine has been effectively revised in light of recent developments.

Putin warned NATO in his message to top Russian leaders after meetings on Wednesday.

Vladimir Putin: “The updated version of the document proposes that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear weapons state but with the participation or support of a nuclear weapon state should be regarded as a joint attack on the Russian federation.

The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined. We will consider such a possibility as soon as we receive reliable information about a massive launch of aerospace attack NEDS and their crossing of our state border. Meaning strategic or tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic missiles and other aircraft…

 …We reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against Russia and Belarus as a member of the union state. All of these agreements have been agreed upon with the Belarussian side and with the president of Belarus.

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that Vladimir Putin warned that the NATO approval would change the essence of the conflict. Putin also warned that Kiev would be destroyed.

Vladimir Putin: The key is that only NATO servicemen can enter flight assignments into these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.

 And so this is not about allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It’s about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not.

If this decision is made it will mean nothing other than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries, in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct participation, and this already significantly changes the very essence and the very nature of the conflict…

This would mean that NATO countries, the United States are at war with Russia.

Read more:

End of article, but not the end of this potentially tragic end of mankind as we know it...

Pray, pray, pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

HORROR! Another Blatant HERESY From Bergoglio!!!!

 He never stops!

Please pray for the conversion of Bergoglio back to orthodoxy and the Catholic faith -- before he leaves this earth.

Here is the latest scandal from the Bishop of Rome...

From and written by David McLoone 

0:00 / 4:17

"(LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has told an interreligious meeting in Paris that the multi-faith group must be open to guidance “by the divine inspiration present in every faith” in order to establish peace in the world.

In an address to the 38th “International Prayer Meeting for Peace” organized by the ecumenism-driven Sant’Egidio Community, Pope Francis urged the more than 150 gathered representatives of “Christian Communities and of the world’s great religions, as well as civil authorities” to “nurture fraternity between peoples in our time.”

The gathering, which took place from September 22-24, included speakers such as Justin Welby, the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury, Chems-Eddine Hafiz, the rector of Paris’ grand mosque, Haïm Korsia, the chief rabbi of France, and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Noting that the meeting finds its origin in Pope John Paul II’s 1986 Meeting for Peace in Assisi and thanking the Sant’Egidio Community “for the passion and creativity with which it continues to keep the spirit of Assisi alive,” Pope Francis expressed his hope that, while holding differing “religious beliefs,” including Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Judaism, the group had “experienced the power and beauty of universal fraternity.”

“This is the vision our world needs today,” the Pope added, stressing that “the goal” of interreligious dialogue, like that of the Sant’Egidio Community meeting, is “to establish friendship, peace and harmony, and to share spiritual and moral values and experiences in a spirit of truth and love.”

Quoting his predecessor John Paul II, Francis argued, “More perhaps than ever before in history the intrinsic link between an authentic religious attitude and the great good of peace has become evident to all.”

“The spirit of Assisi is a blessing for this world of ours, still torn by numerous wars and acts of violence. The ‘spirit’ of Assisi must blow even stronger in the sails of dialogue and friendship between peoples,” the Pope stated, adding his hope that the Sant’Egidio meeting might “encourage all believers to rediscover their vocation to nurture fraternity between peoples in our time.”

Neglecting to mention Jesus or the Catholic Church in his speech, Francis urged the group to “weave bonds of fraternity and to allow ourselves to be guided by the divine inspiration present in every faith,” building upon comments made during an interreligious gathering in Singapore just weeks ago in which he stated that “every religion is a way to arrive at God.”

Following criticism that he was undermining key teachings of the faith in his Singapore address, Pope Francis doubled down on his comments, telling an ecumenical group that their diverse religious beliefs are “a gift from God.”

While addressing the Sant’Egidio gathering, which historically has Francis’ backing, the Pope hearkened back to his joint declaration with Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb in Abu Dhabi, arguing that religions must reject the supposed “temptation” to “become a means of fueling forms of nationalism, ethnocentrism and populism.”

The Pontiff argued that “[a]ll too often in the past, religions were used to fuel conflicts and wars,” adding that this “danger” continues “even in our own day.”

The Pope also took the opportunity to reiterate a familiar call for climate change action and stressed that this, along with “pandemic” challenges, form part of “epochal changes” leading the world in an unknown direction.

Concluding his address, Francis insisted to the representatives of “the world’s great religions” that “God has placed also in our hands His dream for the world: fraternity between all peoples.”

Pope Francis has encouraged previous gatherings of the Sant’Egidio Community’s “prayer meeting for peace” to call for “more vaccines” as well as drawing on his encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti to promote “interreligious dialogue” for the purpose of “fraternity,” preferring to condemn the act of “proselytizing” non-Catholics."

End of article...

Tell me that Masonic principles are not part of the agenda of Bergoglio!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

The Potential Result Of Serving Satan: Washington’s Ukraine Obsession Is Going To Get Us All Killed! By Ron Paul.

 Does anyone need any more proof that the majority of the human population is under the direct intellectual control of Satan? 

I contend that that majority will be damned, that is, if they don't amend their pitiful lives and serve their real Master, Our Lord.

With all the wars and rumors of wars splashed across the news on a daily basis, how can anyone think that mankind will escape a full-blown nuclear holocaust in the very near future?

The corrupt U.S. and its NATO cronies are hell-bent on sending missiles deep into Mother Russia in an attempt to help another corrupt nation-state, Ukraine, and it's even more corrupt "president" Zelensky.

Recently, the "permission" to use our missiles to do just that was denied by -- whoever is running our government -- but for how long?

The lunatic nation-states of the European Union are providing the knife to slit their own throats by threatening Russia with, again, our missiles in order prop up Zelensky's failing war. 

It is difficult to figure out why the warmongers want to engage in a potential world-ending conflagration with radiation contamination for decades to come, not to mention the destruction of non-combatant men, women and children.

All I can say is that this is an in-your-face example of the out-of-control culture of death that has dominated our earth since Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden for their disobedience leading to the first murder of Cain killing his brother Abel...


Dr. Ron Paul posted a short article: Washington’s Ukraine Obsession is Going to Get Us All Killed! - The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity

I will now post that article...

"Last week the world narrowly escaped likely nuclear destruction, as the Biden Administration considered Ukraine’s request to allow US missiles to strike deeply into Russian territory. Russian president Vladimir Putin warned, as the request was being considered, that because these missiles could not be launched without the active participation of the US military and NATO, Russia would consider itself in a state of war with both NATO and the US should they be launched. It was a Cuban Missile Crisis on a massive scale.

Thankfully, permission was reportedly not granted by Washington to hit deep inside Russia, but as we have seen throughout this war, a weapons system is often first denied and then eventually granted to Washington’s proxies in Kiev. We should not rest easy even if nuclear war has been temporarily averted.

Would missile strikes deep inside Russia win the war for Ukraine? Not even the Pentagon thinks so. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin himself said earlier this month that granting Ukraine permission to launch missiles into Russia would not be a “game-changer” in the two and a half year war.

Risking nuclear destruction for no tangible purpose? Have these people gone insane?

Even the “game-changers” have changed little in this war. How many times has the pro-war mainstream media told us a weapons system would be a “game-changer” for Ukraine? Remember Javelin missiles? Leopard tanks? HIMARS? And as each one of them fails to turn the tide in Ukraine’s favor, the neocons and their friends in the media only demand more.

The fact is that Russia is winning the war despite hundreds of billions of dollars and the best weapons systems from the US and NATO countries. Each new shipment of increasingly sophisticated weapons does not produce battlefield victories for Ukraine. It only produces more dead Ukrainian soldiers and more profits for the weapons manufacturers.

Even the mainstream media – which has solidly supported the Ukraine war – has begun to report on Ukraine’s huge losses and hopeless situation. Yet as more and more start to wake up about the disastrous proxy war, Washington only knows one direction when it comes to war: forward. Just over a week ago the Pentagon announced another $250 million arms package for Ukraine. Nobody believes that is going to reverse the steady gains made by Russia on the battlefield, but it will generate more profits for the US arms manufacturers who are the real force behind our hyper-interventionist foreign policy.

The unlikely duo of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Donald Trump, Jr., said it best in a recent editorial in The Hill: “We cannot get any closer to the brink than this. And for what? To ‘weaken Russia’? To control Ukraine’s minerals? No vital American interest is at stake. To risk nuclear conflict for the sake of the neoconservative fantasy of global ‘full-spectrum dominance’ is madness.”

They are right, it is madness to risk the future of our country and our children and grandchildren for wars that have nothing to do with us and serve no national interest of the United States. This is certainly true for the Ukraine war, and it is also true for the wars the US is supporting in the Middle East. When will the madness end? When the people speak up and demand a change."


Copyright © 2024 The Ron Paul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

End of article...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for the conversion of these warmongers...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla  

Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...