Friday, May 24, 2024

I'm Going To Put On My "Tin Foil Hat" And Sit In A Closet With My Flashlight!

  Go ahead and call me a conspiracy nut job... That's okay with me, but I have a theory about the nasty, destructive weather that has hit the central part of the country over the last several days -- and weeks!

Day after day, almost non-stop!

There have been almost unbelievable stories of massively destructive, severe thunderstorms, and worse -- tornados that have hit the following states.  

Note the states I name and where they are located, further, see if I'm wrong by classifying the following states as mostly "red" -- or very "red"!  Here we go: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, parts of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama...

I'm sure you have seen some of the news reports from boots-on-the- ground reporters, first responders, relief agencies as well as drone and aircraft showing the destruction of homes, businesses and, in some cases, entire towns.  Sadly, there was loss of life, but that loss could have been much worse if it were not for weather alerts and warnings that are usually broadcast in the breadbasket of the U.S. during this time of year.

Of course I'm talking about "tornado alley"!

As you know, we now live in Missouri -- right smack in the middle of "the alley," sometimes I wonder why we packed-up lock, stock and barrel and left New Hampshire for the "show me state"...

But that's another story for another time...

Now, let's talk about weather manipulation...

Is it real?

Yes, it is, and this is not a conspiracy theory as weather manipulation has been going on for decades, e.g., the seeding of clouds to increase the chance of rainfall, or more rainfall in certain areas of the country.

Also, there are certain days when you can plainly see chemtrails crisscrossing the sky; not contrails, but chemtrails!  

I realize that the "theory" of the chemtrail phenomenon can be quite controversial, but they are real; I have seen them and I'm sure you have seen them over time, concentrated more so in certain parts of the country than other locations...

Before I put on my "tin foil hat," I have to mention the massive and destructive wildfires that scorched the some of the western states a year or so ago.  

Some of the states affected were also pretty "red": Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and parts of California, Oregon, Utah, Nevada and Colorado, etc...

Okay, it's time for me to don the "hat," get my flashlight and head into my favorite closet...

What if -- what if! -- the states mentioned were targeted with weather manipulation to punish or demoralize, if you will, the more conservative, Bible-believing, America-first populations?

Who would be causing this to happen?     

Traitors?  Marxist communists?  Anti-Christs?

All three?

At least all three, perhaps many more categories of America-haters...

How about a connection between corrupt political entities and the military-industrial-complex?

Add to this "tin-foil-hat" "conspiracy theory," the millions -- that's millions! -- of illegal aliens that have been allowed to flood into the country -- for what purpose, exactly???  (As many are military-aged men!)

What will all this lead to in the not-too-distant future?  

An internal "Red Dawn," perhaps?

An end to the Republic?

A permanent, openly totalitarian regime ushering in an end to our God-given rights and responsibilities, total slavery and control by the elites?

Your guess is as good as mine...

I'm exiting the closet now and taking off my tin-foil-hat and getting back to reality, so pray for our country -- and vote out the current crop of traitors and Christ-haters and send them packing...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 


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