Monday, May 20, 2024

It Is "Madness" To Believe That The Sovereignty Of Your Nation Must Be Maintained With A Secure Border!

  To be precise, here is the definition of "madness": extremely foolish, irrational, or reckless behavior: state of frenzied or chaotic activity...

Is it madness to maintain a secure border to preserve the state's sovereignty?

According to the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, it is madness!

It seems that if you are a conservative -- whatever that means these days -- you are also "mad"!

I will also make some comments (in red)...

See if you can detect the lunacy in the following story from IBTimesPope Calls Anti-migrant Attitudes At US Border 'Madness' (

"Pope Francis made a foray into the US election season with a rare television interview Sunday, calling harsh anti-migrant attitudes "madness" and criticizing right-wing US Catholic figures for overly conservative stances against his social teachings.

Frist, Bergoglio has no business inserting his errant opinions into our upcoming elections!  Second, he has now opened a pandora's box that he must now deal with... Third, if Bergoglio is the true leader of the (novus ordo) Catholic Church, then why doesn't he publicly ex-communicate those "Catholics" who want to kill pre-born babies even up to the time they are ready to come out of the womb?  E.g., the baby killer in-charge, Biden, for one... There are many!

It is also apparent that Bergoglio hates America, especially "right wing conservatives" most vehemently! 

As for his "social teachings," many supposed teachings of Bergoglio directly violate true Catholic Church teachings!

Speaking in his native Spanish through a translator for more than an hour, Francis told CBS News program "60 Minutes" that the closing by the state of Texas of a Catholic charity offering humanitarian assistance was absurd.

It is a fact that "Catholic Charities" are assisting illegal aliens sneak into our nation and are using the "charities" moniker to push their anti-American agenda by flooding the country with illegals... 

Texas has every right to try to secure their massive border since the traitors in D.C. won't...

"That is madness. Sheer madness. To close the border and leave them there, that is madness. The migrant has to be received," the pope said.

We have every right to secure our border from the likes of monsters such as MS13, druggies and sex-slavers!

"Thereafter you see how you are going to deal with him. Maybe you have to send him back, I don't know, but each case ought to be considered humanely," Francis said.

Tell me, Bergoglio, what is "humane" about the hundreds of American citizens raped, killed, kidnapped and maimed by those madmen coming through the sieve that is our southern border?   "Funny," how you never address that!  Tunnel vision I suppose...

Record numbers of migrants have been seeking to enter the United States, largely from Central America and Venezuela, as they flee poverty, violence and disasters exacerbated by climate change.

That still does not give anyone the right to enter the country illegally, which, by the way, is a violation of the federal laws still on the books...

Of course, Bergoglio has to throw in the faux "climate change" nonsense... 

The matter has emerged as a top political issue in the November US election, with ["]President["] Joe Biden's Republican challenger, former president Donald Trump, pushing the topic front and center.

(My brackets around the word president, as Biden was installed, not elected.)

"The globalization of indifference" on migrants, Francis said, "is a very ugly disease."

Globalization, indifference??  Funny words to use... I know what globalization is, and what indifference is, but what the heck is the globalization of indifference??

We all know that Bergoglio is, perhaps, one of the biggest pushers for a one-world-order, one-world-religion, one-world-governance intent on reducing the population of the earth by the billions -- in order to "save the planet"!!  This is pure lunacy coming from the supposed pope of the church!

Francis, 87, also addressed criticisms by conservative US bishops who oppose his efforts to revisit certain teachings and traditions.

It is always a good thing to "revisit" and better understand doctrine and dogma, but it is an evil thing to change or cancel the perennial teachings of the true Catholic Church.  This has been the hallmark -- the goal -- of the papacy of Bergoglio since his installation by the St. Gallen Mafia... 

A "conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that," he said when asked about the bishops, adding "it is a suicidal attitude."

Dare!  Dare any decent, God-fearing bishop that stands up to the madness of the apostate sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, and they will get fired, cancelled and thrown to the wolves, post-haste!

Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has insisted on the importance of a church open to all, including member of the LGBT community, but he has faced strong resistance from conservative Catholics.

Let's keep in mind that the true Catholic Church, is, in fact, open to all, and inclusive, but not the way Bergoglio wants the church to be... He has consistently encouraged those sodomites and apostates to continue in their sinful ways refusing to charitably admonish them and warn them of their impending doom if they don't confess, do penance and amend their lives.    

Why is that??

There was a particularly strong reaction when Francis opened the door to the blessing of gay couples last year, especially in African countries.

This is beyond sick!  Evil cannot be "blessed," period!!  

And what good is it, if a cleric doesn't admonish the sinner to change their ways???  

Calling gay people "a human fact," Francis said in the interview: "To bless each person, why not? The blessing is for all."

Truly nonsensical! 

The pontiff also touched on the controversial topic of sex abuse within the Catholic Church.

He has made combatting sexual assault in the Church one of the main missions of his papacy, and insisted on a "zero tolerance" policy following multiple wide-reaching scandals.

"Unfortunately, the tragedy of the abuses is enormous," he told CBS, adding that abuse "cannot be tolerated."

Look up a "priest" by the name of Rupnik and discover for yourself the filth and sacrilege attributed to this apostate -- who had his ex-communication lifted by none other than Bergoglio!  

"When there is a case of a religious man or woman who abuses, the full force of the law falls upon them," Francis said.

But, he added, "there has been a great deal of progress."


End of this "mad" article...

Pray always for the defeat of these wolves in sheep's clothing!

And, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 

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