Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Continuing Corroboration Of The Evil Secular Forces With Apostate Rome Regarding "Climate Change" And The De-Populaton Of The Earth!

 On May 14th, I wrote: 

This Evil Is For Real: Climate Scientist Suggests “Culling” The Human Population With A Deadly Pandemic To Solve The “Climate Crisis”!!!!!

Now, the parties involved in that conference are the who's who of the culture of death advocates, read: abortion, contraception and the de-population-of-the-earth maniacs.

See this short video from by Dr. Stine: Francis Openly Allies Himself With The Biggest Villainous Clowns In Politics (

In this video, you'll see some of the biggest and worst enemies of the precious gift of life!  But also notice that some of these politicians are also apostate "Catholics" -- the worst enemies of Christ our Lord!

All those "Catholics" have automatically ex-communicated themselves, yet they continually receive encouragement from Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome -- the supposed pope of the (novus ordo) Catholic Church! 

Of course, the main problem with this scenario is that instead of admonishing these anti-life lunatics to repent and amend their lives, they receive the opposite advice, or none at all, leading these poor souls to the infernal abyss of eternal hell! 

Dear readers, please know just who we are dealing with here, an errant pope and his allies of death and mayhem...

This is pure evil!

These modernist monsters are not Catholic, and work for the father of lies and death, Satan.

Pray for the defeat of their diabolical agenda -- and for their conversion before it is too late -- for them!

Pray too, for strength and honor!  We will need it more than ever, especially when the next pope is "elected," as I fear we will get a "Francis II"!  

Heaven help us!  But then again, we get what we deserve...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 

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