Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Brutal! "It Is A Fearful Thing To Send A Man's Soul To Perdition"...

  "It is a fearful thing to send a man's soul to perdition"! 

That line is from one of my favorite movies from 1935: "Captain Blood," staring a young (26-year-old) Errol Flynn and (19-year-old!) Olivia deHavilland.  

As a bit of trivia, Olivia deHavilland lived to the ripe old age of, get this -- 104!!

Errol Flynn on the other hand, died at the relatively young age of 50 years...

That line: "It is a fearful thing to send a man's soul to perdition," was said by one of the king's judges passing sentence on the "rebel" "traitors" who opposed the tyrant king and fought for their human rights...

The very idea of sending someone to perdition is such a brutal thing to even contemplate.  But we also know that only our Lord passes final judgement on a soul at their Particular Judgement, but those in authority on this earth -- who have the grave responsibility to guide souls to the heavenly beatitude, but fail in that responsibility, will be judged more harshly than the Prodigal Son who separates himself from sanctifying grace, whether out of vincible ignorance, weakness or malice.

This brings me to a diabolical and sad story that indicates the length and breadth that the modernist, apostates will go to, to implement a heinous, un-natural agenda regardless of the cost to an immortal soul.

Please watch this short video from by Dr. Anthony Stine: A "Monk" Embraces Demonic Disorder And Is Celebrated By Complicit Catholic Media (

Also, read the following article from and written by LifeSiteNews staff...

Diocese of Lexington doubles down on referring to female 'hermit' as 'he,' 'Brother' - LifeSite (

I'll post the entire article here: "(LifeSiteNews) — In a statement released Tuesday, the Diocese of Lexington, headed by heterodox Bishop John Stowe, doubled down on referring to the woman who calls herself a man and lives as a “diocesan hermit” as a man named “Brother Christian Matson.”

“On Pentecost Sunday, Brother Christian Matson, a professed hermit in the Diocese of Lexington, has made it public that he (sic) is a transgender person. Brother Christian has long sought to consecrate his life to Christ in the Church by living the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience,” the diocese wrote.

“He has consistently been accompanied by a competent spiritual director and has undergone formation in the Benedictine tradition. He does not seek ordination but has professed a rule of life that allows him to support himself financially by continuing his work in the arts and to live a life of contemplation in a private hermitage,” the diocese continued.

“Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv., accepted his profession and is grateful to Brother Christian for his witness of discipleship, integrity and contemplative prayer for the Church,” it added.

The doubling down comes after “Brother” Christian Cole Matson, born Nicole Matson, told Religion News Service (RNS) on Friday, “This Sunday, Pentecost 2024, I’m planning to come out publicly as transgender,” adding that she has the permission of Bishop Stowe to publicly share this information.

The news that Matson is in fact a woman came as a surprise to many of her acquaintances, since her voice and appearance are that of a man, and she has not often disclosed the fact that she is a biological female. In 2015, EWTN interviewed Matson, who has developed strong ties to Catholic actors and artists, about her conversion to Catholicism, apparently without knowing the truth behind “Cole’s” masculine appearance.

Matson, 39, who was raised Presbyterian, explained to RNS that she “converted” to Catholicism four years after her “sex change” in college, which she referred to as part of her “medical history” rather than a “central part” of her “personal identity.” After her “conversion,” she “felt called to minister to those involved in the arts,” according to RNS, but anticipated obstacles to this aspiration because of the 2000 Vatican document that declared that anyone who has had a “sex change” is ineligible “to marry, be ordained to the priesthood or enter religious life.”

It should be noted that Matson continues to embrace her “trans” identity even after her “conversion.” She argues that the Catholic Church “can embrace transgender people while maintaining orthodoxy,” and that “Vatican-level documents that have come out on the subject have not engaged with the science at all,” according to RNS.

As reported by LifeSiteNews, Mother Therese Ivers, a canon lawyer, confirmed that it is canonically impossible for a “transsexual” person to live as a religious or in any ecclesial state.


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