Friday, February 28, 2025

Magnificent Mount Washington, New Hampshire!

Click on the link!!

Note: this link is "live," so it will show the current time and scene, that is, if the battery in the camera is sufficiently charged by the sunlight!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Is This Stalin's Soviet Russian Gulag -- In Scotland? ‘Vance Was Right’ — Praying At Home Could Be A Crime ‘Depending On Who Passes Window’, Says Scottish MP

 "The author of Scotland’s draconian protest restrictions around abortion clinics has admitted that people who live within the anti-free speech zone could be committing an offence if they pray in their own homes “depending on who passes by the window”'.

(My emphasis.)

Let that sink in...

Scotland is going the way of Ireland, it seems...

From and written by Kurt Zindulka comes this lunacy! 

Home Prayer Could Be Crime 'Depending on Who Passes Window': MP

"The author of Scotland’s draconian protest restrictions around abortion clinics has admitted that people who live within the anti-free speech zone could be committing an offence if they pray in their own homes “depending on who passes by the window”.

British legacy media and establishment politicians were quick to accuse U.S. Vice President JD Vance of spreading “misinformation” after he asserted at the Munich Security Conference earlier this month that people could be arrested for praying in their homes if they live within the 200-metre (656ft) protest prohibition zones surrounding abortion clinics in Scotland.

However, in an interview with BBC Scotland’s Scotcast podcast, the legislation’s author, Gillian Mackay, appeared to confirm Vance’s warnings.

Despite having initially branded the vice president’s comments as “nonsense” and “shocking and shameless misinformation”, the leftist lawmaker admitted that prayer within a home could fall afoul of the law.

Asked whether someone was seen visibly praying at their window within the exclusion zone was committing an offence, the Member of the Scottish Parliament said: “That then depends on who’s passing the window.”

Yet she still attempted to maintain that Vance was wrong, saying: “I don’t know anyone​ who can pray loudly or performatively enough to be seen outside their own house… What JD Vance did was take it to the extreme. He clearly has an anti-abortion agenda and wants to spread that level of misinformation.”

Just days after Vance’s speech in Munich, in which he warned of increasing authoritarianism and threats to free speech from within Europe and the UK, a 74-year-old woman was arrested after holding a silent vigil outside of an abortion clinic in Scotland while carrying a sign reading: “Coercion is a crime. I’m here to talk, only if you want.”

The woman became the first to be arrested under the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Act, which was passed into law in 2023 but only came into effect last year. Given its recent enactment, it remains to be seen how police would treat someone living in the no-protest zone who was reported for praying at their window.

Last September, the leftist government in Edinburg sent letters to Scottish residents warning them that “activities in a private place (such as a house) within the area between the protected premises and the boundary of a Zone could be an offence if they can be seen or heard within the Zone and done intentionally or recklessly.”

The government went on to call on people to report their fellow citizens to the police if they believed them to be in violation of the law.

Responding to the apparent admission from Mackay that prayer inside a house could be considered criminal, Lois McLatchie Miller, Scottish spokesperson for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) International, said: “JD Vance was right to raise concerns – this law is an illiberal travesty.”

“Gillian Mackay confirmed that ‘performative’ prayer could be a crime, ‘depending on who is passing by the window’. The accusation of prayer being ‘performative’ rather than genuine lies in the eye of the beholder. Who are the police to doubt the genuineness of somebody’s faith, based on where they are located, and the position of their hands?”

“Clearly, the ‘buffer zones’ law is fundamentally flawed when it comes to undermining basic freedoms of speech, thought, and religion.”

End of very disturbing article...

The "thought police" are on the prowl!  Watch out!

Pray for the defeat of these lunatic, modernist monsters -- and for their conversion!

Pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

The "Religioni Of Peace" Strikes Again!!! 70 Christians Were Beheaded In The Democratic Republic Of Congo

 Remember the traitor, George W. Bush proclaiming that Islam "is a religion of peace"?  

Well, that "religion of peace" has struck again, killing, in a most brutal fashion -- beheading! -- 70 Christians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo! 

These Jihadists are the soldiers in Satan's army committing heinous crimes year after year, yet the Marxist, mainstream media is silent -- because the victims are Christian. But!  If those victims were, let's say, Antifa or of the "Black Lives Matter" ilk, then the press would be screaming day and night, inciting violence against those law enforcement personnel attempting to maintain some measure of law and order in the streets...

Please listen to the following short -- one minute in length! -- and hear the horrendous, ongoing news that occurs in the "Democratic" Republic of the Congo almost on a daily basis!

From the (70 Christians were beheaded in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Gateway Hispanic)

"70 Christians were led in the Democratic Republic of Congo amidst the silence of the mass media who proclaim 'black lived matter' but give no importance to black lives when they are Christians."

Please pray for those murdered men, women and children at the hands of members of "the religion of peace"...

Pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Disgusting! Scottish "Catholic" Bishop Kicks Out Traditional Order Of Friars And Nuns From His Diocese! Why? To Seize Their Property And Sell It For Filthy Lucre?

 Here is one more example of the hate of the modernists for Tradition -- the true Catholic Faith and the Mass of the ages!

This very disturbing and revealing article from and written by Dorothy Cummings McLeanCatholics 'heartbroken' after Scottish bishop asks thriving traditional order to leave diocese - LifeSite, is a must read!  

Tue Feb 25, 2025 - 1:27 pm EST


"DUNDEE, Scotland (LifeSiteNews) — A thriving religious community has been asked to leave Dundee by the new Bishop of Dunkeld

A group of Marian Franciscans, both friars and nuns, were invited to live in the old Lawside Convent and Diocesan Centre in Dundee by Bishop Stephen Robson in 2022. Now his successor, Bishop Andrew McKenzie, wants them to go.

The Marian Franciscans themselves broke the news on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday evening:

Ave Maria! Dear Friends, not a happy news to share. We have been told to leave the Diocese of Dunkeld. Very soon 50 people (counting friars and sisters resident) will be homeless. To find another accommodation for both communities is not easy. Please pray for us and help us.

It is not known publicly why Bishop McKenzie wants the double order (known also as the Sisters of the Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Friars of the Immaculate and St. Francis) to vacate the large property and leave the Diocese of Dunkeld. It is also uncertain on what canonical grounds the bishop has the authority to order the community to leave Dundee.

In the official message the bishop asked the friars to send to the families who attend their Traditional Latin Masses, McKenzie stated:

After careful consideration with appropriate experts, along with the Council of Priests of the Diocese of Dunkeld, it has been mutually agreed that the Marian Franciscan Sisters and Friars will return to the Diocese of Portsmouth, in which they were constituted and to which they belong.

The Diocese of Dunkeld will endeavour to provide the celebration of Mass in the extraordinary form for those who wish to celebrate the Eucharist according to this rite.

However, a source close to the Marian Franciscans told LifeSiteNews that the communities had had no intention of leaving and had hoped to buy the buildings. Over the past year, the friars had built with the help of congregants a new shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes, and a life-sized statue had arrived the day before Bishop McKenzie made his announcement.

Meanwhile, the Marian Franciscans’ communities have grown since they came to Dundee. In 2022, when Bishop Robson warmly welcomed them to the east coast of Scotland, their group was comprised of 7 friars and 20 nuns; now there are 20 friars and 30 nuns.

The Trustees for the Marian Franciscan Sisters have sent LifeSite a statement regarding Bishop McKenzie’s decision, saying that they are “seeking clarification from the bishop on various points”:

Following the statement of Bishop McKenzie of Dunkeld, read out at Masses on Sunday 23 February 2025, to the effect that the Marian Franciscan Sisters and Friars will leave the Diocese of Dunkeld, we, the Sisters’ trustees, are seeking clarification from the bishop on various points. No doubt the trustees of the Friars will seek to do similar.

We will endeavour to ascertain the Bishop’s wishes and consider them fully, maintaining as good relations with the Bishop and Diocese, as best we can.

For the present the celebration of the traditional Latin mass in the Sisters’ convent chapel will continue as normal until further notice.

We will endeavour to keep the local Latin Mass community and the wider circle of supporters of the Sisters as fully informed as we reasonably can. Please continue to pray for both communities as well as for the Bishop and the Diocese.

The trustees of the Marian Franciscan Sisters

Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass in Dundee have two worries: where their Marian Franciscans will find another property with two separate residences, one for monks and one for nuns, and if their bishop will indeed provide them with a new chaplain. Their concerns are shared by other Catholics in Scotland and the wider United Kingdom.

READ: New memoir ‘Two Families’ presents Catholic social history of England in an engaging way

Sarah Ward, an English lay member of the Marian Franciscan family, told LifeSiteNews via social media that she was “shocked and saddened to hear the news.”

“I feel particularly sorry for all the families in Dundee who have become part of the thriving community and, of course, many of the families have a strong attachment to the Traditional Latin Mass, which the Friars were able to provide,” Ward added. “A large Catholic homeschooling community was growing there with the help of the Sisters, and I know that many are heartbroken.”

Ward contrasted the Franciscan communities’ spirituality of meek obedience with the difficult situation that faces them. She believes that they will “wish to imitate Mary in her docility, obedience and trust.”

She asked that LifeSiteNews readers support them with their prayers and donations.

The Marian Franciscans cannot hold money, so the Friends of the Marian Franciscans charity, whose fundraising page is here, takes care of their finances.

“One of the worst parts of this news is that any accommodation must have two totally separate buildings,” wrote AdamCC92 on X. “That’s why Lawside worked so well – you had the old convent of the Sisters of Mercy and then the old Diocesan offices [sic]. How many places like that exist?”

He added, “Something else to note, too: I know of no consultation with the large lay community whom the MFs serve, and whom around a proper community has been built. Where is the synodality which is meant to be important?”

In 2022, Bishop Stephen Robson, who is known to be sympathetic to Catholics who love the Traditional Latin Mass, told the story of the Franciscan Family of the Immaculate’s previous struggle to find a home.

Contributing part of a November 18, 2022, press statement for the Diocese of Dunkeld, Bishop Robson wrote that they were “technically attached” to the Diocese of Portsmouth but had outgrown their residence:

The Convent buildings they used to occupy were both too small and their lease had ended, and the building was placed up for sale. For the past year the Community has looked the length and breadth of the country looking for a suitable home. And then they discovered Lawside, St Joseph’s. It was just what they wanted, and they fell in love with it. It was a building designed and built precisely for the religious life. And it was a perfect size. They were able to have a full convent life in St Joseph’s and make the pastoral centre a Franciscan Friary.

Bishop Robson mentioned the benefits of having the young religious in the diocese, including the extra priests to help out in the parishes. For example, Marian Franciscan priests can celebrate both the Traditional Latin Mass and the Mass of Paul VI. He also asked that they be welcomed with “love and tolerance.”

The Franciscans will also be able to look after the Latin Mass community from now on, so keeping them all together for Mass at Lawside. And supply work by the friars, if they are asked, will be possible in our parishes. They will also concelebrate with us at the Chrism Mass with the rest of our priests.

Let us offer them a welcoming hand; love and tolerance; and a realisation that our wonderful Catholic Church is so much bigger, wider, and more inclusive than we sometimes even realise, allow for, or are even aware of. It will be good to have young religious about the place.

Bishop Robson retired in December 2022 on the grounds of ill health. He was succeeded by Fr. Martin Chambers, who was appointed to the post in February 2024 but died two weeks before his scheduled ordination. Bishop Andrew MacKenzie was a priest in the Diocese of Glasgow when he was appointed Bishop of Dunkeld in May 2024.

LifeSiteNews has reached out to Bishop McKenzie but has not yet received a response."

End of article...

These Friars and Nuns will soon be homeless!  Pray that they find suitable living arrangements and that they continue to thrive in their service to the faithful!!

Pray too for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion to the Catholic faith!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Absolute TREASON By The So-Called "Conservative," "Pro-Life," "Catholic" Majority Supreme Court!

 Once again, the so-called "conservative," "pro-life", "Catholic" majority that makes up the Supreme Court, has allowed the killers of the pre-born to win yet another victory over -- or should I say against --"free speech," killing the ability of sidewalk counselors to try to persuade -- peacefully! -- those females hell-bent on destroying their pre-born babies! 

And, once again, the lone voice crying in the wilderness against modernist, anti-life madness, Justice Clarence Thomas, rips his fellow jurists for their hypocrisy...

Here is an article from and written by Matt Lamb,

highlights the treason of the Natural (Moral) Law, and, most importantly, God Almighty!  The God they will have to face for their inactions in attempting to put an end, or at least lessen, -- via peaceful means -- the slaughter of the precious gift of pre-born life.

Remember, you can't have liberty and the pursuit of happiness without first allowing that life to be born!

Justice Thomas rips Supreme Court for allowing cities to censor pro-life speech - LifeSite

I guess Amy Coney Barrett, the mother of, what, eight children, seems to think that lots of children are good for me, but not for thee?  

This character has been a dismal failure since she has been on the Court...

Now the article...

Tue Feb 25, 2025 - 11:29 am EST

"WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — Justice Clarence Thomas criticized his peers for allowing “bubble zones” outside of abortion facilities to stand.

Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Justice Thomas ripped his fellow justices for an “abdication” of their “judicial duty” in allowing restrictions on pro-life speech to continue. The court once again declined to hear a challenge brought by Coalition Life against the city of Carbondale, Illinois, which had a law that appeared directed at pro-life sidewalk counselors and advocates.

The city “had enacted a 100-foot bubble zone ordinance in response to the decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization,” according to the Thomas More Society, which represented the pro-life advocates.

The city’s ordinance mirrored an upheld Colorado statute that “made it a crime for any person, within 100 feet of any ‘health-care facility’ entrance, to ‘knowingly approach’ within 8 feet of another person, without that person’s consent, ‘for the purpose of passing a leaflet or handbill to, displaying a sign to, or engaging in oral protest, education, or counseling with such other person,” as Justice Thomas wrote, citing the state law.

The Supreme Court’s decision on Monday to not hear the case allows a 2000 ruling, Hill v. Colorado, to stand. That case allowed Colorado’s law to stand. Curiously, as Thomas pointed out, the Supreme Court struck down a similar law in 2014, but it has yet to strike down Colorado’s law and the court precedent. In 2023, the Supreme Court also declined to hear a challenge to a buffer zone, this time in Westchester County, New York.

Much like Carbondale, the county repealed the ordinance as the challenge worked its way up to the nation’s highest court, potentially indicating a fear that SCOTUS would rule in favor of the free speech rights of pro-life citizens.

In 2014, as Thomas wrote, SCOTUS “unanimously held unconstitutional a Massachusetts law that prohibited anyone from entering a 35-foot buffer zone around an abortion facility.”

The court ruled the buffer zone was “content neutral” but was “not sufficiently narrowly tailored to serve a significant government interest because it places too great a burden on the petitioners’ First Amendment Rights,” according to the summary on legal website Oyez.

The 9-0 vote included five justices who are still on the Supreme Court today – Chief Justice John Roberts, and Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Samuel Alito, and Thomas.  Justice Alito also would have taken up the Carbondale case.

As he pointed out, lower courts are still looking to Hill when interpreting bubble zone laws. For example, then-Judge Amy Coney Barrett joined in a decision about Chicago’s 50-foot zone, saying that Hill “remains binding on us,” while highlighting the confusion of other Supreme Court rulings.

Sidewalk counselors, along with women, babies, and families, are harmed by the speech restrictions, according to the plaintiffs.

“As we expand our operations to serve more women across the United States, we will continue to go wherever we are called. Our appeal may have been denied but across this nation, at hundreds of abortion facilities, a different sort of tragic ‘denial’ continues,” Brian Westbrook, founder and executive director of Coalition Life stated in a news release.

“Cities and states across America are denying sidewalk counselors and law-abiding citizens their rights to inform women about their options,” Westbrook stated. “Women are being denied true choice as they are bullied into the only option that is offered by the abortion advocates.”

There is much evidence showing that protesting and sidewalk counseling outside of abortion facilities can save lives. For example, the pro-life organization 40 Days for Life has reported that its outreach has saved at least 25,000 babies as of October 2024.

Legal scholars have also concluded that Hill should no longer stand.

“Hill allowed a state to prohibit sharing of ideas on the topic of abortion with women traveling to and from an abortion clinic,” Claremont Institute attorneys John Eastman and Anthony Caso wrote in an amicus brief. “In the decades since that decision, government and private actors have become more brazen in their attempts to shut down disfavored speech,” they wrote, citing government censorship of disfavored speakers.

The legal experts reviewed American history to show how Carbondale’s restrictions clearly violate the First Amendment.

“The whole purpose of this ordinance is to suppress not only a particular viewpoint (promoting life for the unborn child), but also information about the effects of abortion procedures on the mother,” they wrote.

“The city has taken a side in this debate and actively censors all those that disagree.”

End of article...

What this bring to mind, is that we cannot pin all our hopes on any one politician, political party, or so-called pro-life court justices, but only on Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Anything else is pure fiction and self-deception!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

LUNACY! Another Democrat Seeks to Destroy The Nuclear Family Through Wokeism: WI Governor Wants To Change ‘Mother’ To ‘Inseminated Person’ In State Law

 So, who thinks that demonic possession was only for the likes of "Linda Blair" in the movies The Exorcist?

I can list numerous examples of such possession, including many politicians currently serving in the House, Senate, and state governments across the fruited plain.

And we all know some of those I'm referring to, right?

Most prominently was the apostate, Marxist, Biden et al...

This possession, I should point out, is the possession of the intellect, not physical possession, although there are some who are demons in human form walking among us.  (If you think I'm not wearing my tin foil hat, you're right, I'm not!)  

But now comes another possessed lunatic: the governor of Wisconsin, Tony (Anthony?) Evers.

These Demonrats never cease to amaze me. They have trashed the Natural (Moral) Law and have embraced those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance -- and the Lord will repay...

The following article from and written by  should give pause to think -- as far too many folks do -- that evil, Satan, doesn't exist.  In fact, that's exactly what the Evil One wants people to think, and sadly many have fallen for that soul-destroying trap!!

Another Democrat Seeks to Destroy the Nuclear Family Through Wokeism: WI Governor Wants to Change ‘Mother’ to ‘Inseminated Person’ in State Law | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

"The Governor of Wisconsin, Democrat Tony Evers, is facing blowback for introducing a budget that recommends a host of woke changes to destroy the nuclear family and diminish women.

One proposed change would swap the word “mother” in favor of “inseminated person.’

Evers has also proposed changing the term “paternity” to “parentage” in some parts of state law.

But Evers did not stop there his efforts to wokify language.

His administration’s budget recommendations for 2025-2027 includes additional pandering to the woke crowd by changing the terms “wife” and “husband” to “spouse.”

Additionally, “father” would be changed to “parent,” and “mother” would become  “parent who gave birth to the child.”

Image: Courtesy of @RepTiffany/X

The New York Post reports:

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) issued a statement in response to the language changes.

Evers’ “latest left-wing push” is “offensive to mothers,” RGA executive director Sara Craig said in a statement. “Being a mother is the greatest privilege I will have in my lifetime, and every mother I know feels the same. If Tony Evers can reduce motherhood to an ‘inseminated person’ then our society is lost.”

You can email Margaret Flavin here and read more of Margaret Flavin's articles here.

End of article...

Pray for the defeat of these lunatic, modernist monsters -- and for their conversion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Genocide Continues: Despite Killing 392,715 Babies In Abortions, Planned Parenthood’s Taxpayer Funding Is Up 43%

So far, so good, well, almost...

President Trump -- and now RFK, Jr. -- are on track to lessen the slaughter rate of the pre-born through executive action and defunding of the abortion mills.

Yet, there is still much work to do and a real change of mind and heart of President Trump (and RFK, Jr.) as he/they still have one foot supporting the goals of the pro-life movement, and one foot that can't seem to connect all the dots, vis-a-vis their support of IVF.

This is why we must all pray for their complete conversion and recognize the fact that embryos are not tools to be used by the infertile, but are the beginnings of life, cannot be tossed aside if "it" doesn't take, and the female doesn't become pregnant after receiving the embryo(s)...

It will take a small miracle to see the complete defunding of the baby-killing "industry," and after you read this article from and written by Chuck Donovan | Feb 21, 2025, you'll see just how important federal funding is, and adds to the bottom line of the blood money earned by these haters of life...

It should be mentioned, that under the apostate criminal, Biden, the financial support for "planned parenthood" and other baby slaughtering machines, increased dramatically, using our taxpayer money to enrich the top echelon of PP, such as Cecile Richards (who recently died of brain cancer!).   

Despite Killing 392,715 Babies in Abortions, Planned Parenthood’s Taxpayer Funding is Up 43% -

"The account of troubled conditions at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country reads like an investigative report from a pro-life action group. According to the 3,500+ word story, Planned Parenthood is a decidedly dispiriting and substandard place to work. A sample:“[A] former Planned Parenthood nurse in Minnesota who was fired while trying to unionize the staff, said that clinics were operating like ‘a conveyor belt’ for patients. She said that employees sometimes administered expired pain medication or the wrong medications as they scrambled to move people in and out.”

“Employees at various affiliates said it was common to run out of over-the-counter pain medication and I.V. flushes. Salaries are so low that it is not unusual for staff members to qualify for Medicaid and federal food assistance.”

“Turnover is hovering at around 50 percent a year in many parts of the country, and clinic workers complained that they were learning from inexperienced peers. More than a dozen said they did not receive adequate training for patient intake, blood draws and other tasks.”

“Many clinics are in dire need of upgrades and repairs. In Omaha last year, sewage from a backed-up toilet seeped into the abortion recovery room for two days, according to interviews with staff members and photographs and text messages. … Employees shoved exam table pads under the bathroom door to block the leak. Patients vomited from the stench.”

“A Nebraska clinician in 2022 did not realize that a woman was four months pregnant when she inserted an IUD. Several hours later, the patient was rushed to an emergency room and gave birth to a stillborn fetus.”

“Scores of former employees have sued Planned Parenthood, raising complaints that include refusing to pay overtime or provide breaks, pushing out employees who needed time off to deal with injuries or newborn babies, and firing people who complained about discrimination or clinic practices.”

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Appalling as these grim facts are, they are rendered all the more astonishing by where they appeared: The New York Times on February 15 in an article titled “Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis.” In this instance, at least, the self-styled nation’s paper of record deserves credit for drilling down on conditions at the nation’s number one abortion business at the very moment when its federal funding sources are being called into question by the cost-cutting Trump administration.

The Times does cite financial woes as a source of the clinics’ challenges with staffing and basic cleanliness, but its report is also frank about the reality that Planned Parenthood raises and spends vast sums at the national level on politics and abortion advocacy, as well as on extremely high salaries for executives at its various enterprises. But these putative reasons for Planned Parenthood’s dire straits are hard to square with what publicly available documents, including some cited by the Times, say about Planned Parenthood’s record revenue and sharply declining client base.

A fact sheet produced by Charlotte Lozier Institute based on Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report states that, since 2010, the organization’s federal revenue has increased by some 43%. During that same period, its total services have decreased by 17%, with even larger percentage declines for particular services. Contraceptive services are down 39%, cancer screenings (affected by changing practice guidelines but still reflecting lower patient tallies) are down by 72% for breast exams and 74% for pap tests, and prenatal services are down by a whopping 80% (one California affiliate described by the Times dropped its prenatal services entirely due to what it cited as financial concerns). One “service” at Planned Parenthood continues to increase, however: abortion. In the most recent service year, Planned Parenthood carried out 392,715 abortions, a record toll. Overall, its net income for the service year was $178.6 million, leaving it with net assets in excess of $2.5 billion.

(My emphasis.)

What, then, is going on in the house that Margaret Sanger built? One new factor in play seems to be the extent to which Planned Parenthood employees, and former employees, across the country are willing to speak about — and litigate over — their experiences. Another factor is the depth with which at least some reporters are willing to dig into these stories, including a raft of tort lawsuits by injured patients. Some of the problems are endemic to health care in 2025 America, especially the push by non-medical managers to speed up primary care and impose time limits on medical staff interaction with patients. These limits can be 10 or 15 minutes per patient, and the limits become especially burdensome when they are further truncated by the paperwork and data entry requirements imposed on physicians that interfere with their opportunity to talk, examine, and observe.

With Planned Parenthood, these problems exist, but they are secondary to the fact that the group is on a mission, as its data on abortion show. For decades it was spurred on by Sanger’s eugenic vision and elite bigotry against people she viewed as intellectually inferior or socially unproductive — she referred to them as “human weeds” in her famous catchphrase. In the 1960s, under the leadership of Dr.’s Mary Calderone and Alan Guttmacher, Planned Parenthood kept up its eugenic themes and married them to demands for population control and the new client opportunities afforded by the Sexual Revolution.

One can be sure that even for a practice as novel as distributing puberty blockers, which Planned Parenthood has now embraced, the attraction was at least in part due to the sterilizing effect of these manipulations. Enhancing or restoring fertility is not on Planned Parenthood’s agenda, a ready explanation for its enormous appeal to billionaires worldwide like the Gates Family and Warren Buffett. Ninety-seven percent of the group’s pregnancy-related services involve abortion, and that is a figure that never declines.

Occasionally in the past, the media have been compelled to cover the disruption and dissension among Planned Parenthood’s leaders about the nature of its goals. In July 1995, then-PPFA President Pamela Maraldo was forced to resign from the group over her attempt to broaden its scope, increase primary care, and deemphasize abortion. The Times reported:

“Sources both inside Planned Parenthood and outside said that Ms. Maraldo had aroused opposition with her emphasis on reshaping Planned Parenthood into a broad health organization that could compete in the era of managed care — a focus that some of the group’s affiliates felt would inevitably diminish their role as advocates for abortion rights and low-income women’s access to health care.”

Twenty-four years later, Dr. Leana Wen left the presidency of PPFA for virtually the same reason, its unwillingness to reset its work in the context of primary and preventive care for women in need of a range of services, and not just, as she put it, PPFA’s desire to “double down” on abortion. Wen told the press, “I am leaving because the new Board Chairs and I have philosophical differences over the direction and future of Planned Parenthood.” Commenting on Wen’s departure and broader perspective on public health, Maraldo empathized, telling NPR, “[I]t’s really rare that poor women have just one problem. It’s always accompanied by depression or hypertension or diabetes.”

The New York Times’s latest exposé could not come at a more sensitive time for Planned Parenthood. The Trump administration is subjecting federal spending of all kinds to withering scrutiny and has already taken steps to pull back from involvement in funding abortion advocacy overseas via grant practices. Domestically, Donald Trump promised in a 2016 letter to defunding Planned Parenthood “as long as they continue to perform abortions, and reallocating their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive health care for women.”

In a policy context of multi-trillion-dollar federal deficits, massive abortion activity at Planned Parenthood, and national and international birth rates dramatically below replacement level, funding an institution like Planned Parenthood is the antithesis of sound public policy. Thanks to The Times’s reporting, it would seem that more than the question of federal funds is at stake. The organization is receiving a powerful message from its own staff that something is gravely wrong at an agency that disserves its clients and bows instead to the material interests of its leaders.

Planned Parenthood’s crisis is, in the final analysis, not about money. Planned Parenthood is a font of crisis, founded in fear and rooted in disrespect for life and contempt for the beauty of sex, the vocation of medicine, and the meaning of marriage and family. Its swath of destruction has now ended the lives of more than 7,000,000 children directly and millions more here and overseas via the policy changes it has helped wreak across the globe.

The Trump administration’s pledge in 2016 is among the most important it has made — something so clear even The New York Times can see the group’s reign is over. The Gray Lady has sung."

End of very revealing -- and disturbing -- article...

Pray for the defeat of these baby-killing monsters -- and for their conversion!

Pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...