Wednesday, February 12, 2025

More Heterodox Lunacy From The Vatican! "Bishop" Edward Weisenburger ..."Catholics ‘Involved’ In Trump’s Border Policies... Could Be "Ex-Communicated!!!!!!!!!!

 In another bizarre appointment by Bergoglio, of "Bishop" Edward Weisenburger, to become "archbishop" of Detroit, Michigan (one of those damned states I have mentioned previously!) was placed there specifically to be another thorn in the side of President Trump and the MAGA movement...

But this bad actor is, in fact, very bad! 

How so?

The following article from and written by David McLoone should provide a clue...

Pope Francis appoints outspoken critic of Trump immigration policy as archbishop of Detroit - LifeSite

Tue Feb 11, 2025 - 10:32 am EST

"DETROIT (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Detroit’s long-serving Archbishop Allen Vigneron and nominated Arizona Bishop Edward Weisenburger as his replacement.

A Tuesday morning announcement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) confirmed that, after 16 years at the helm, 76-year-old Archbishop Vigneron’s resignation had been accepted by Francis, who promoted Weisenburger from his previous see in Tucson, Arizona, to become the sixth Archbishop of Detroit – a position which includes the role of “Superior of the Mission sui juris of the Cayman Islands,” according to the release.

Weisenburger has been an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, taking aim at his immigration policies during the first Trump administration. In 2018, at the USCCB’s Spring Assembly in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the prelate suggested that Catholics who “are involved” in the detention of immigrants and separation of families at the U.S. border might receive “canonical penalties” usually used in “life issues” cases, which could include excommunication.

(My emphasis.)

“For the salvation of these people’s souls, maybe it’s time for us to look at canonical penalties,” Weisenburger claimed at the time.

(Comment: Another in-y0ur-face hypocrite!

See here: "...Weisenburger signed a letter alongside eight other U.S. prelates aligning themselves with LGBT activist group Tyler Clementi Foundation which seeks to “reduce the shame and stigma” of homosexual lifestyles."

So, is Weisenburger "just" sympathetic to these poor souls, or is he one of "them"??  And is he really concerned about the salvation of the souls of those confused LGBT folks, or is it all talk and no action, you decide?)

Following Trump’s re-election to office in 2024, Weisenburger joined his voice in “grave concern” with a group of Christian leaders in Arizona over an apparent “threat of mistreatment of undocumented persons who are our neighbors and contribute to our communities.”

Anticipating deportations of illegal immigrants from the U.S., the group commented, “grounded by the demands of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and love of our neighbors – our deeply held religious beliefs – we urge our elected officials and community leaders to stand with us to protect family unity and human dignity by refusing to participate in any deportation efforts that violate these most basic human rights.”

The 64-year-old Weisenburger, a canon lawyer, was among the most stringent in America in applying restrictions on the faithful during the COVID crisis, closing churches and implementing mask mandates in the spring of 2020 while encouraging Catholics to take the abortion-tainted COVID-19 jabs. Weisenburger released a statement in September 2021 instructing all priests within his Arizona diocese “not to cooperate with any individuals seeking our endorsement of an exemption from vaccine or facemask mandates based specifically upon our Catholic faith.” He added that “[a]ll current anti-COVID-19 vaccines may be received by the faithful without moral compromise.”

Upon reopening churches to public Masses in October 2020, the bishop stressed that the dispensation from attendance “remains in place and I have consistently encouraged those identified by the Centers for Disease Control as ‘at-risk’ to not attend Mass in person, but rather to view a televised or internet Mass from home.” He also issued a directive to priests not to distribute Holy Communion in the mouth and to only hear the Sacrament of Confession outdoors.

Later, in 2021, Weisenburger signed a letter alongside eight other U.S. prelates aligning themselves with LGBT activist group Tyler Clementi Foundation, which seeks to “reduce the shame and stigma” of homosexual lifestyles.

In line with Pope Francis, the archbishop-elect has also made “climate change” a central issue, calling it a matter of “life and death” and thanking the Pope for focusing on the topic in his encyclical Laudato Si’ and subsequent apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum.

Weisenburger will be installed as archbishop of Detroit, Michigan, in a Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit on March 18."

End of article...

Where do we get such people??

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion to the Catholic Faith!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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