Monday, February 17, 2025

Who Will Rule? An Elected President Or An Unaccountable Judiciary?

 If anyone has been paying attention, ever since the first executive order of President Trump was issued, the radical, leftist judges, mostly appointed by previous Democrat presidents, have attempted to thwart the agenda, not only of the President, but also, in fact, of the American people.  We knew, or should have known, that any attempt to clean up the waste, scandal and abuse of taxpayer monies would be met with fierce resistance by the treasonous deep state.

In addition, one of the goals of the new administration is to help alleviate the moral rot that infects the corrupt agencies and politicians of D.C. and elsewhere.  And surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) President Trump is actually on the side of the pro-life movement and demonstrating that fact in a pretty aggressive way, thank God Almighty!!

So, right on cue, the unaccountable, un-elected leftist "judges" are trying to stop President Trump's juggernaut of trying to get the nation back on somewhat of an even keel by countermanding his executive orders and other movements, especially by trying to stifle the out-of-control so-called NGOs... 

The following article from Paul Craig Roberts: Who Will Rule?  An Elected President or an Unaccountable Judiciary? is worth the read!

"Who Will Rule?  An Elected President or an Unaccountable Judiciary?

Paul Craig Roberts

The Democrats are using the judiciary to cover up their corrupt operations and theft of taxpayers’ money.

If you will notice, the slew of judges countermanding Trump’s executive orders are themselves issuing executive orders, and they are doing so with no reference to law.  Instead, they are ruling that Trump’s executive orders are harming someone, including illegal immigrant-invaders who are not US citizens.  This is outrageous.  Harm is a subjective standard.  Moreover, the judges are overlooking the harm that their rulings do.

What can Trump do?  Like Andrew Jackson, he could ignore the judges.  He could order the federal marshals, who report to the president and not to the judiciary, to cease delivering the judges’ edicts and to stop providing any service to the judges other than life protection. 

The rulings by these judges are so egregious that they demonstrate both that some judges are in on the grift and the danger to Democrats from having their corruption revealed is so great that it has to be prevented by having the judiciary dictate to the executive.

We have judges blocking Trump’s order against birthright citizenship which prevents illegals from gaining US citizenship by illegally entering the US in order to give birth.  Such births are known as “anchor babies” as they result in citizenship for the entire family. Hows corrupt does a judge have to be to claim that the Constitution provides nefarious ways for foreigners to acquire US citizenship?

We have judges ordering Trump to reinstate federal funding for private NGOs working to undermine foreign governments and to spread sexual perversion and anti-white woke propaganda. Judges ordering the continuation of these harmful activities are arguing that it is harmful to prevent harm.   Moreover, many and probably most of these NGOs are grift money-laundering operations dumping taxpayers’ money into the hands of Democrats and their children via NGO salaries and grants.  Judges are even ordering  Trump to continue financing private DEI and gender operation websites.

Judges do not have executive powers.  They can interpret existing law and the Constitution, but not on the basis of some subjective factor as their personal notion of harm or their determination to cover up corruption.

I predicted that Trump’s attempt to restore America would be tied down in lawsuits aided and abetted by a corrupt judiciary.  Something must be done about judicial overreach or the renewal of America is a lost cause."

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End of article...

Food for thought!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla


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