Let me start off by saying that any Catholic politician, whether in Delaware, or anywhere else for that matter, who votes for such a diabolical "assisted suicide" bill, is automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church, and is no longer a Catholic in any way, shape or form, and cannot receive the Holy Eucharist without first confessing such a heinous mortal sin!
This is also true of those "Catholic" pols who support the killing of the pre-born and the other sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, the sin of Sodom...
However, we also know that the overwhelming majority of the bishops refuse to censure, or publicly ex-communicate, such politicians' egregious sacrilege by continuing to arrogantly and pridefully receive the Eucharist, while supporting the soul-killing culture of death.
The continued silence of those bishops speaks loud and clear of their diabolical support for the Demonrat party, leading many of their flock to eternal perdition, instead of fulfilling the charism of their office to guide the flock to Christ, Our Lord...
What a heavy price they will have to pay at their Particular Judgment!
But why do they align themselves with these workers of iniquity?
Money, and lots of it...
This is not hyperbole, as the new administration has already uncovered billions of taxpayer dollars being used to support un-godly programs that contradict authentic church teaching and the Natural, Moral Law.
Sorry, I have digressed a bit here...
So here is an article from lifesitenews.com and written by Bridget Sielicki that gives a prime example of why the Democrat party is, without a doubt, the party of the damned...
Democrats push another assisted suicide bill in Delaware despite governor's veto - LifeSite
Wed Feb 5, 2025 - 8:00 am EST
"(Live Action) — Months after Delaware Governor John Carney vetoed a bill that would legalize assisted suicide, lawmakers are once again considering legislation that would allow a terminally ill person to end their own life.
House Bill 140 would allow assisted suicide for a terminally ill person if that person first makes two verbal requests and one written request. The terminal diagnosis and the requests must be approved by two physicians or advanced practice registered nurses. Such “safeguards” are almost always in place when assisted suicide laws are first enacted, but, as has happened elsewhere, they are often repealed or loosened within a number of years.
Rep. Valerie Jones-Giltner raised concerns about the idea that a doctor can predict a person’s life expectancy, arguing that she has personally heard stories of many people who were given a terminal diagnosis, only to live much longer than expected.
“I have received a plethora of emails against this, so I’m not just taking my personal clinician opinion and my faith-based opinion, but I’m taking that of all of my constituents in this,” Jones-Giltner said.
Dr. Neil Kaye, a former forensic psychiatrist, testified that many medical professionals are uncomfortable with the idea of helping a patient end his or her life.
READ: New documentary shines light on ‘stealth euthanasia’ happening in Catholic hospitals
“Even most physicians who support the idea refuse to engage in this process,” Kaye said. “Helping people to kill themselves should never be a part of a treatment plan. I don’t want you to think I’m just against people doing this – I’m against the medical profession doing it.”
Last year, legalized assisted suicide was all but considered a done deal after legislation passed both the Delaware House and Senate. However, Carney, a Democrat, surprised many when he decided to veto the bill, calling it a “deeply personal issue” to which he was “fundamentally opposed.” According to Delaware Public Media, the state’s new governor, Matt Meyer, has said he would sign a bill if it makes it to his desk.
The bill survived the House Health and Human Development Committee last week and now heads to the full House floor for debate."
(Reprinted with permission from Live Action.)
End of article...
The Hippocratic oath: First do no harm, has been, for all pratical purposes, consigned to the dust bin of history...
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
St. Joseph pray for us!!
Gene DeLalla
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