Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Pure Evil, Pure Lunacy Emanating From Apostate Germany And Apostate Rome...

 This is bad, really bad...

Frankly, I'm a little sick and tired of reporting on the filth and apostacy that has infiltrated the novus ordo church.

I find it hard to imagine being a young Catholic these days, especially those handicapped with lukewarm and watered-down catechesis following the second Vatican council and popes who attempted to make the church more adaptable to the Zeitgeist, rather than the other way around!

But it's even a lot more than that...

Fortunately, however, there are many young Catholic families that have found the traditional Latin Mass communities and the immemorial Mass that created uncountable Saints and Martyrs since our Lord established the Church on the Rock of St. Peter -- who, himself, was martyred, crucified upside down on a cross... 

Consider the admonishment of our Lord to the many sinners He forgave in the New Testament to "go and sin no more"... 

What He didn't say, is that I accept you as you are; you will be welcomed into My arms when you leave this earth -- and, somehow, get passed your Particular Judgment -- regardless of your evil works!

To use some vulgar tongue here: Ain't gonna happen...

I have two pieces of pertinent information that points out that virulent apostacy that has led, and continues to lead, many souls to the infernal abyss...

The first, is from lifesitenews.com and written by Michael Haynes: 

Pope Francis appears to reject the idea that homosexuals are called to chastity - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Please watch the short video embedded in the article, and two, a video from churchmilitant.com(3508) Pope Francis Dismisses 'Sins Below the Waist' | Rome Dispatch - YouTube.

You will see and hear an astonishing development -- which, has, in reality, been going on for years now in the apostate German "Catholic" church, concerning the "blessing" of homosexual unions (also known as "marriage")...

Couple these data with an article I wrote yesterday (The Bishop Of Rome: "... Backwardness Is Useless...There’s A Correct Evolution In The Understanding Of Questions Of Faith And Morals.”)   And you have a perfect witches brew of evil and sin...

As always, judge for yourself...

And be sure to pray for conversion of these deviants and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Monday, August 28, 2023

The Bishop Of Rome: "... Backwardness Is Useless...There’s A Correct Evolution In The Understanding Of Questions Of Faith And Morals.”

 Evolution or revolution????

Is this, or is this not, outright heresy????

Please read the following article from the washingtonexaminer.com, written by Jeremiah Poff: Pope Francis blasts US Catholics for 'reactionary' views | Washington Examiner.

I am at a loss for words!

Just who is this man occupying the Chair of St. Peter????

"Questions" of faith and morals do NOT "evolve"!!!! 

The true Catholic Church can pronounce a better understanding over time, but since when can faith and morals -- always and everywhere believed and taught for 2,000 years! -- "evolve"????

The answer: only in the mind of someone who wants the magisterial teachings on faith and morals to evolve -- change! -- to fit the spirit of the world, the Zeitgeist...

Preach the truths of the Catholic faith like Bishop Strickland and  Archbishop Vigano, and you're dead meat!!!!

How much more proof do practicing Catholics need to come to the conclusion that Bergoglio is leading whatever is left of the novus ordo "church" over the cliff like a Judas goat????

The Bishop of Rome is in lockstep with the globalist elites attempting to establish a one-world "religion" devoid of the Holy Ghost and, consequently, of sanctifying grace!!!!

Amazingly, Bergoglio is signaling out the U.S. Catholic Church in his tirade!!!!

That's a howl, considering the likes of "cardinals" McElroy, Cupich, Tobin and other heresiarchs conspiring with Bergoglio to tear down and destroy the U.S. church -- and the universal church!!!!

One last thing... don't take my word for it, just do the tiniest bit of research and see for yourself then get ready to do battle with the demonic forces that have been unleashed against the faithful...

Truly sick and un-Catholic!!!!

Pray for strength and honor, we'll need it now more than ever!!!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

More Lockdowns, Face Masks (Diapers), "Vaccines," And Massive Control Of The Dumbed Down American Sheeple By The Hard Core, Leftist Anti-Christs.

 Did anyone think that the "covid pandemic" was over and done with?

If you did, you were dead wrong.

The illegitimate puppet occupying the Oval Office is ramping up the push for another "covid pandemic" to stifle -- and destroy -- the American middle class, or what's left of it.

From an article posted on thegatewaypundit.com website and written by 

Biden Administration Announces Massive $5 Billion COVID-19 Funding Called “Project NextGen”

This week, InfoWars published insider information that alleges the TSA and US Border Patrol will be moving back to 2020-era COVID-19 mandates and restrictions starting in mid-September through mid-October, to include mask mandates on all flights.  This is in addition to the confirmed mask-mandate reinstatement at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, GA and Lionsgate Studios in Santa Monica, CA.

That same week, WarRoom’s Natalie Winters uncovered millions of dollars in funding, awarded primarily for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, to ramp up testing and other COVID-19 related.  This was just a week after the NIH appointed Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, a staunch advocate for masks, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates, as the replacement for Dr. Fauci.

To further the suggestion that another lockdown scare is in the forecast, yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Services announced funding of $1.4 billion to “support the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come” according to a press release:

The awards announced today follow extensive coordination with industry partners and include support for clinical trials that will enable the rapid development of even more effective and longer-lasting coronavirus vaccines, a new monoclonal antibody, and transformative technologies to streamline manufacturing processes.

 “Project NextGen is a key part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to keeping people safe from COVID-19 variants,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “These awards are a catalyst for the program – kickstarting efforts to more quickly develop vaccines and continue to ensure availability of effective treatments.”

Project NextGen, a $5 billion initiative led by ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in partnership with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), coordinates across the federal government and the private sector to advance innovative vaccines and therapeutics into clinical trials, regulatory review, and potential commercial availability for the American people. The project builds on a better understanding of COVID-19 – with HHS developing, using, and constantly re-evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of current vaccines and therapeutics for over three years.

Recipients of the awards include: 

  • $1 billion to four BARDA Clinical Trial partners to support vaccine Phase IIb clinical trial studies: ICON Government and Public Health Solutions, Inc of Hinckley, Ohio; Pharm-Olam, LLC, of Houston, Texas; Technical Resources Intl (TRI), Inc, of Bethesda, Maryland; and Rho Federal Systems, Inc., Durham, North Carolina.
  • $326 million to Regeneron to support the development of a next-generation monoclonal antibody for COVID-19 prevention.
  • $100 million to Global Health Investment Corp. (GHIC), the non-profit organization managing the BARDA Ventures investment portfolio to expand investments in new technologies that will accelerate responses in the future.
  • $10 million to Johnson & Johnson Innovation (JLABS) for a competition through Blue Knight, a BARDA-JLABS partnership.

The press release claims that their partnership with Regeneron will help develop a “novel monoclonal antibody that will protect people who do not respond to or cannot take existing vaccines,” despite their attempts to limit the distribution in Florida in 2021.

While Hawaiians are struggling to recover from a devastating fire with an utterly botched governmental response from top to bottom, and our border is wide-open with fentanyl deaths surging, our federal government has allocated $5 billion to fight against COVID-19, which practically no one knew was still a “thing”'.

End of article, but only the beginning of a new wave of anti-American lunacy on the part of these globalist elites hell-bent on destroying our nation and further weakening whatever is left of masculinity and patriarchy so necessary to preserve the family unit, not to mention the economy and the near-worthless fiat dollar...

Pray that these maniacs are finally defeated at the ballot box, that is, if the upcoming presidential election is not once again stolen and a Biden Two is installed in the White House...

Pray, too, for strength and honor -- we will surely need it in the coming months...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


To The Demonic Left, The Slaughter Of The Pre-Born Equals "Health Care"...(Remember: Christ Or Chaos!)

 Please read the following article from lifenews.com, written by Kate Anderson: New CDC Director Mandy Cohen: My Priority is Killing More Babies in Abortions - LifeNews.com.

Here is the very first sentence of the article: "The new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen touted her experience as a mother while defending access to abortion, according to an interview with Time published on Monday." (My emphasis.)

Does this make sense?  

Notice how the radical murderers of the pre-born use certain words and phrases to sound "moderate" when it comes to the killing of pre-born babies, equating abortion with "health care"?

How many "devout Catholic" politicians tout (mock!) their "faith" by claiming that, in some weird way, the Bible and even church teaching supports their diabolical position on the killing of pre-born babies??

This sick and demented thinking is out in the open; they have no fear of retribution or even admonishment from anyone.   This arrogance stems from two major sources... One, they don't believe they have to answer to God for their actions, and two, the weak and confusing words and actions from the novus ordo hierarchy when it comes to matters of life and death. 

But of course, the current regime in Rome condemns the authentic teaching of the Church that society does, in fact, have a right to forfeit the life of a criminal in certain circumstances.  But at the same time the Bishop of Rome invites de-population and pro-abortion lunatics to sit on powerful and influential "advisory boards"?  Not only that, but he has appointed high-ranking "cardinals" to head influential dicastery's of the Roman Curia that can twist what has always and everywhere been taught and believed into some modernist, monstrous distortion of church teachings to be more in line with the agenda of the Zeitgeist! 

Even non-Catholics and non-believers are confused and disgusted to the point of not even thinking or changing their mind of converting to the Catholic faith.  Why should they, when they read statistics and surveys of "Catholic" women using contraception and even killing their pre-born babies just as the heathen pagans do?

So why should anyone, Catholic or not, fear any pushback from the clergy when such folks are appointed to governmental organizations such as the CDC, when the current "administration" is headed by an apostate, "Catholic" who is doing everything in his power to push hard for females to have continued access to the killing of their pre-born babies?   

Remember: Christ or chaos!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Friday, August 18, 2023

This "Judge" Will One Day Be Judged By The Eternal Just Judge... Remember: Christ Or Chaos!

 It truly is Christ or chaos...

Here is another example of a society gone mad with bias and hate for those seeking protection and justice for the most defenseless of our species: the pre-born baby...

Remember the riots, looting, burning and destruction by the communist mobs known as BLM (black lives matter) and Antifa thugs just a few short years ago, especially in the liberal, Marxist ruled cities of Portland, Seattle, et al?

The overwhelming majority of those insurrectionists got away scot-free, with little or no jail time even though they caused over a $1,000,000,000 in damage, not to mention innocent lives and livelihoods destroyed and law-abiding citizens afraid to walk the streets of their own neighborhoods.

Well, as we know, there is a so-called two-tiered "justice" system in our beloved country, whether it be unfounded and blatantly false indictments against our real president, Trump, or pro-lifers trying to persuade women from killing their pre-born babies at the notorious abortion mills scattered across the fruited plain.

Here is a prime example of the lunacy of the leftist "judges" that sit on the bench, in most cases, for lifetime appointments, with impeachment the only recourse to remove them! 

From lifesitenews.com, written by Louis Knuffke, comes this ongoing story -- the trial, that is -- of several pro-life, God-fearing folks who could face up to 11years in prison for exercising their God-given, constitutional rights of the freedom to assemble -- and even to speak!

DC FACE trial: Pro-life defense not allowed to say 'infanticide,' 'abortion,' or 'innocent lives' - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

The "judge" in this kangaroo court, is not allowing the defense attorneys to use the words "infanticide," "abortion," or "innocent lives"!   

Did you get that????

If anyone thinks I'm making this stuff up, here is an excerpt from the article: "The defense is no longer allowed to speak the words “infanticide,” “abortion,” and “innocent lives,” for they have been dubbed “inflammatory language.” What the judge is refusing to recognize is that both the defense and the prosecution understand that this case is important precisely because it has to do with abortion, and both sides care about it for exactly that reason."  (My emphasis.)

Dear readers, I repeat the title of my article: This "Judge" Will One Day Be Judged By The Eternal Just Judge... Remember: Christ Or Chaos!

Yes, Christ or chaos!

Pray for the defeat of these miscreant "judges" -- and for their conversion!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Beast System Will Be Hovering Over Us 24/7...

 Please read this entire article from the gatewaypundit.com, written by Jim Hoft and Leo Hohmann...

Nearly a Fourth of States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs — and More than Half are Republican ‘Red’ States | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft.

Think!  And do something about this impending, diabolical scheme before it's too late! 

Here are two scary excerpts from the article... 

"If there is one indisputable fact when it comes to the epic changes now enveloping the world as everything, even money and humans themselves, become digitized, it’s this: The march to install a global totalitarian control grid is taking place outside of the normal left-right paradigm." (My emphasis.) 

"The beast system is advancing in rapid order and there will be no human savior. But don’t worry: It will all be voluntary. Until it’s not. At that point, it’s between us and God and we will have to make a decision."  (My emphasis.)

Dear readers, these are not "conspiracy theories," but rather cold, hard actions that -- at this very moment -- are being implemented even by so-called "conservative," red-state governors who have swallowed the lies of the deep-state, population control maniacs that want to enslave us and deprive us of our God-given rights and freedoms.

And by the way, where is the novus ordo "church" on this???   Could it be that the hierarchy are part of this lunacy, saying that it is our moral responsibility to get the filthy, deadly jab?  To submit to the "authority" of the U.N.?  That we have to stop "sinning" against the earth and stop "climate change," etc., etc., etc...

What I have just written above is not a screed against the Vatican or the pope, but actual initiatives and directives from Rome from males wearing the Roman collar in positions of influence and power! 

They are, in fact, in lockstep with the anti-Christ, globalist elites who want to decimate the human population of the earth in direct contradiction to the command of God almighty to multiply and subdue the earth! 

I have one question: do these hierarchs care about the salvation of souls, or are they following the dictates of their master, Satan???

You be the judge...

Remember, it was Benjamin Franklin who once quipped: those who give up their freedoms for "security," deserve neither... 

Pray for strength and honor, we will need it more now than ever!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

No Holds Barred Fiery Homily On Divine Judgment By Fr. Mark Beard -- Then The Good Priest Dies In A Car Crash Days Later!

 From lifesitenews.com comes this tragic article: Louisiana priest preaches fiery homily on divine judgment just days before fatal car accident.

See -- and hear -- Fr. Beard's homily here: Louisiana priest preaches fiery homily on divine judgment just days before fatal car accident - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

The Church has lost one of her few zealous, faithful, uncompromising priests willing to tell it like it is...

Here is an excerpt: “Do you not understand, there is no exception when you’re in front of Him. There’s no arbitration, there’s no mediation … Please, for the love of God, remember this, the nano-second you and I die, the nano-second, before people walk away from your bed, before they leave to get in their cars, you have already been judged, and you’re either in heaven, hell, or purgatory. That’s it; it’s done. And there’s nothing else … And it’s for all eternity.”

End of excerpt...

I wonder how many, if any, walked out when Fr. Beard began his heavy-hitting homily on the "non-negotiables"?

If only the church had one-hundred Fr. Beards, they (we) could convert the world!

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Beard...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Hiroshima And Nagasaki Nuclear Bombings Were Unnecessary! (If The War Between Ukraine And Russia Explodes Out Of Control, Will The U.S. Suffer Nuclear Annihilation Too?)

 Please read the following article from BRIAN MCGLINCHEYHiroshima, Nagasaki Bombings Were Needless, Said World War II's Top US Military Leaders (substack.com)

President Truman once quipped: The buck stops here, at my desk!  If that is true, and it is, then he had one hell of a price to pay at his Particular Judgment for the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians when he ordered the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki "to end the war" in the Pacific..

Here is an excerpt from his article citing the statements from top American military and civilian leaders of the day and their dismay and horror of using the atomic bomb on those two Japanese cities.  I think most readers will recognize many of the names...

"Let’s first hear what they had to say, and then examine key facts that led them to their little-publicized convictions:

  • General Dwight Eisenhower on learning of the planned bombings: “I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and voiced to [Secretary of War Stimson] my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of ‘face’.”

  • Admiral William Leahy, Truman's Chief of Staff: “The use of this barbarous weapon…was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.”

  • Major General Curtis LeMay21st Bomber Command: “The war would have been over in two weeks without the Russians entering and without the atomic bomb…The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.”

  • General Hap Arnold, US Army Air Forces: “The Japanese position was hopeless even before the first atomic bomb fell, because the Japanese had lost control of their own air.” “It always appeared to us that, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the Japanese were already on the verge of collapse.”

  • Ralph Bard, Under Secretary of the Navy: “The Japanese were ready for peace, and they already had approached the Russians and the Swiss…In my opinion, the Japanese war was really won before we ever used the atom bomb.”

  • Brigadier General Carter Clarke, military intelligence officer who prepared summaries of intercepted cables for Truman: “When we didn’t need to do it, and we knew we didn’t need to do it…we used [Hiroshima and Nagasaki] as an experiment for two atomic bombs. Many other high-level military officers concurred.”

  • Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, Pacific Fleet commander: “The use of atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender.”

  • End of excerpt. 


We are living in a world gone mad!  

The novus ordo church is in the toilet, combine this with the current flock of deranged and demonically controlled civilian "leadership," and you have a recipe for moral and spiritual disaster that is leading uncountable souls to hell...

Remember: it is Christ or chaos!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Minnesota -- And New York, And California, And Illinois, And New Jersey, Et Al... -- Are States Of The Damned!

  I could easily add other states to this list that slaughter the pre-born -- AND! -- those poor, tiny babies that survive the attempt to massacre them for the religion of "choice," on the altar of abortion "rights"...

The states I have listed above are all run by Marxist, tyrannical, Democrat governors -- some are also apostate "Catholics" -- hell bent on securing "reproductive rights" at any cost.  

It seems, that securing the "right" to kill the pre-born, is not enough.  Now, a new Minnesota "law" has discontinued the reporting of those poor infants who have survived the demonic procedure of abortion.

In other words, the tiny survivors can be left to die without any attempt by "doctors" to provide life-saving care once a baby leaves the "safety" of her "mother's" womb -- and the attempt to initially kill the baby fails! 

This is infanticide!

I might add that some of these babies have been thrown into trash bins and left to die a cold, lonely death!  Truly demonic! 

This is just another aspect of the intellectual possession by the demon of these monsters who call themselves "doctors" and "nurses," who have completely revolted against the Hippocratic Oath -- and the Natural Law -- to first do no harm to the most vulnerable of clients/patients... 

See this article from breitbart.comMinnesota No Longer Reports Number of Infants Born Alive in Abortions (breitbart.com)

If they no longer have to report such, then you know they are letting them die! 

Here is an excerpt from the article: “Minnesota lawmakers have revoked basic protection for newborn babies, and now the fate of newborns who survive abortion will be hidden from the public,” Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) co-executive director Cathy Blaeser said in a statement. “Why do lawmakers want to keep us in the dark? This appalling extremism is not what Minnesotans asked for. Our elected officials must restore protection for newborns who are at risk.”

(My emphasis.) 

MCCL, Minnesota’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, added that in recent years, five born-alive infants were reported in 2015, five in 2016, three in 2017, three in 2018, three in 2019, and five in 2021, citing the State Department of Health. These types of figures will no longer be publicly available under the rule changes."

End of excerpt...

Remember, "planned parenthood" alone kills over 300,000 babies each and every year, and a total of about 1,000,000 destroyed lives from all the mass murderers combined! 

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by Heaven's vengeance; is the United States next??

Pray for the defeat of these anti-life, anti-Christ lunatics and for strength and honor! 

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...